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I want to work for you after clearing my exam. As I want too want to be a part of your wonderful team. Hatts off to your all hard work.

यहां एक अच्छी टीम है मुझे लगता है जैसे मै कोई प्रसिद्ध विश्व विद्यालय में प्रवेश कर रहा हूं।

Videos are awesome...i saw many videos of others coaching institutions but..yours are the best ...hope you will continue in future also in this wishes..

You can fulfill my all dreams

Nice initiative beneficial for students from multiple spheres, hats off!

I am here after watching your lectures on You tube. That was amazing experience

I was looking such a platform .

I like the way in which sandeep sir teaches, the first video which I saw was on topic hinduism and I became fan after that. The fluency which you have of speaking english as well hindi simultaneously is too good.

PT education channel current affair viedos are amazing .lot of knowledge and grammar can learn from here.

A good work towards by teaching the students.

This is so good idea to help students ..

You People are doing good work for students

sir your's contribution to all student who is trying to crack government exams. I appreciate your's efforts.

you all are doing your best for us,thank you.

I saw lecture of sandip sir and I impressed the way he teach..I want to go for prepration for upsc and state psc under the guidance of sandip sir....and thank u for giving such platform for us from where we can explore our self ..thank you

i m following it for a by yr guidance i can start preparation

Free Education is the need of the hour for poor students and Tapasya is of great help.

You are doing marvellous job ,proving light in the path of students who are preparing for cse.

Sir, it is a good work in the favour of humanity. Thanks to all p t education team.

Awesome Content and Teacher. Sandeep Sr Rocks.

This will enhance my knowledge.....thanks to the PT education for this valuable service...

Sandeep sir is doing a great work by showing us the light of knowledge. Whenever I attend his video lectures, I forget about every thing else and my only aim becomes to grasp more and more new things, more knowledge . Sir I thank you for this from the bottom of my heart

Thanks to pt education team free material cost . and self study or poor family belong .

Pt education is the best learning resource for civil services exam. It's my favorite online site...

its a great initiative

Thankyou sir for provide us this oppurtunity

It's good initiative for your side hats off

thank you for this opportunity.

need help too qualify the upsc hope TAP will help me in preperation . and in my studies

This platform is very crucial for all the civil service seeker and I want to clear that exam a lot of hope from you all sir and I am very thank to all TAP TEAM
Thank you for starting TAP.

Thank you for your guidance , keep spreading knowledge.

Always ur videos give new energy nd really attractive

you are really doing an excellent job. thank you sir and your team.

This problem is so beneficial for us especially those students who are working as well as prearipre for Civil services.Thank you so much "Kar ke dikhayenge"

This is a great initiative.

Being a huge huge fan of Sandeep Manudhane, I appreciate his work.All the wishes to PT education team. Thank You

Dear sir, u nd your team do very very excellent and fabulous job.. Specially I m a big fan of ur knowledge as well as ur teaching keep it up I m always with u... Thank you sir

This is the best support you are providing to those u can't afford coaching fee and who is in rural india. Thank u so much for your hardwork

You ppl r doing a commendable job

सर प्रणाम सर मैं भगवान से आपके सदैव स्वस्थ रहने की कामना करता हूं सर मैं आशा करता हूं कि आप सदैव ऐसे ही हमें पढ़ाते रहेंगे और एक दिन हमें सफलता के शिखर तक पहुंचाएंगे

Thanks a lot for your support and help..
I can Tackle All Pleasantly that is TAP

sir, I want to become and ias officer to serve my country. so i want your blessing.

Excellent free services for poor and marginal section of society who is not able to bear the tuition fees of reputed IAS institute though this platform immense helpful toward the seeking the goal.

PT team is doing a great job. all the best

Pt ias Director is very Intellectual man,He is doing fantastic work.

Sir your work is Outstanding.

Team is very good.

Respected sir,you are doing such a fantastic work which can't describe in the world. For poor people, like us, it's a imagination to read from a teacher like you. This course gives understanding on such miscellaneous topics which generally doesn't find as simple like you.

A great teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart.

Hello Sir, I Have Just Started Watching Your Educational And Current Affair Videos And I Appreciate Your Work. I Hope To Learn A Lot From The Contents You Are Providing , Just Suitable For Enriching The Knowledge Of Students As Well As Working Professional. Thanks A Lot Sir. Happy New Year And I Hope To See You Continue The Good Work In 2019 As Well. Heartly Congratulation On Your Success For Providing Quality Study Content With Such A Beautiful Smile.

Big fan of Sandeep sir. Excellent work done by pt education team. Thank you for supporting us.

You and your team are the mine of precious resources of UPSC and Life as well.

Indian judiciary Llb Llm net other examination

This is very good step to help the students.I am very thankful to your team.

I am very impressed by watching your channel.and change my life

Very nice step for poor student

Sir your teaching way is fabulous and I decided that I will only studied with you. Great teaching way.
Team pt education is doing great work.

I've recently come across to some of videos of Sandeep sir on YouTube and mesmerized by the quality of content and delivery. Your knowledge and thoughts will not only helps in me in widening my understanding but also in critical and independent thinking.

It's a nice initiative which will help students build a strong foundation for their IAS preparation, Thanks PT!

Sandeep Manudhane Sir is a true definition of Literal knowledge and the way they explain every topic is fabulous. Being taught from him is a treasure for strugglers like us. He always keeps the spark of learners glowing and that is above everything.

U guys are doing great job thanku so much

u r doing so good job to educate people

I saw 4hr lecture of Hinduism , and sir has beautifully explained and I just saw this course of PT after searching what is PT education all about. I hope this course will help me.

PT education team is very well plateform for student

First I thank sandeep sir and PT team for this series. There are some people like me who need your guidence. Hope you continue this... Thank You

A must watch for all UPSC aspirants.

sandeep sir is life Thanks PT EDUCATION

The complete pt education team is doing a commendable job. Hats off to Sandeep sirs way of teaching and making complex topics seem so very easy.

Sir ,you are doing mind blowing job .One need proper guidance if he is preparing for upsc ,and you are doing absolutely stupendous job sir.

Excellent job! A lot of appreciation and greetings

Great Job PT Education. A Great Job Indeed. Kar K dikhayenge

Thank you pt education for the free civil service preparation . i am greatly indebted to you for your help.

Sir, you are doing a great job indeed. Distributing money help people for sometime but disseminating knowledge helps generations.

Sir you are world's best Teacher.

I have got a new guidance with TAP Sessions.

Sandeep Sir's in depth-knowledge of diversified topics and the way in which he shares it with us is very interesting helpful in strengthening my knowledge. Pt education resources are also very usedul for exams prep. Thanks to the team. Keep spreading learning.
Very educated and intelligent faculty with great teaching skills and also motivate students for doing the best with it providing study material is one of the best support for students by PT EDUCATION
Thank you it is wonderfull step for people who are weak in english

Innovative idea ! I think that it will help us to inhance our knowledge

Spreading knowledge is best way to serve humanity. Hat off for Your team to establishing bridge to our dreams. Thank you

Thank you for the great effort

Best institute for upsc

Dear Sir, i seen you all lecture very sincerely. its very useful for us. thank you sir give us a right direction for preparation. Thanks & Regards, Sunita

pt educaion is one of the best institution for government exam prep.

Sir I Have Seen Your Knowledge Sharing Sessions And I Am Huge Fan Of The Way You Teach The Most Complicated Things In The Easiest Manner Possible..Thnkuu So Much For Giving Every Student The Oppournity To Learn From You.

Best quality content available for free on YouTube. Thank you & Keep blessing us sandeep sir.

Respected Sir and Team, I have been following your you tube channel and got some amazing concepts which made me feel enlightened and better in and out, so here I am in search of some really amazing and valuable guidance from your end . I really appreciate the amount of hard work that you put in for students. Looking forward to learn from you . Thanking you Kanchan Negi

thanks a ton , its a great initiative

sir, i want to join your civils tapasya team.

Sir you are invaluable.

I want to prepare for civil services.

The team is doing an amazing job I have never watched such videos but PT's videos tutorials are so much understood able that I have not to study on any other site

Very well thought for poor students

I am following sandeep sir in youtube with many amazing session and i find it very helpful for me

I am thankful for all of you.

Sir, I like your online class and since I am serving in defence so that whenever I don't get time for live classes then I see uploaded video class. I am the big fan of you and way of teaching is great. Thanks you so much

Really excited to hear from sandeep sir.

Sir , I'm really appreciate your work for many of us, who not able to pay fee in institute for preparation but want to crack upsc cse. it would be great to join you. pleasure is mine

Your team are just fabulous and doing great job.i am a biggest fan of manudhane sir

thanks so much i cant express my heart, i am very much thank full to pt education

PT Education has helped in each and every possible way from my preparation for CAT till the commencement of UPSC Journey. Thank you for your guidance Sandeep Manudhane Sir.

I have known about manudhane sir since my preparation days..but never had the opportunity to meet him or to take guidance from him.. am here for just listening him and to interact with him

Sir me apka youtube ka videos three year pad rha hu mujhe apki video ke dawara padaye Gye topic achhe se smjh me aate hai wajahe other sir. Apke team ne hmare liye itni achhi platform di hai ki jitni v tarif ki jaye kam hai hmari jo v jarurate hai apki through Pure ho jate jisse hme or Kahi Jane ki jarurat nhi padti thank u Mr. S.M Sir..

I Am A Big Fan Of Sandeep Manudhane Sir.The Way He Explains Each And Every Topic Is Tremendeous. A Well Wisher Of Sir.Thank You Pt.

Unique Teaching Style

Nice job pursued by PT education team.My warm regards

Really inspired and excited by the initiatives of pt education and sandeep sir.

Its very informative and useful

sir your teaching is very active.

Sir mai apka CA ka online class dekhta hu bahut hi adbhut tarike se poori detail diya jaata hai thanks sir

a very grt effort for all those who cant afford the fees or time for a regular coaching keep up the good work god bless Ps. plz provide pdf of lectures

nice work you are doing sir !

Very nice job is pursuing by PT Education team.My generous regard.

PT team rockzz.. the way of vanquishing of doubts is great..
Thank you for giving me the chance to fulfill my potential here.

It's a nice attempt for freshers.

Fantastic effort from you in providing these types of courses to all the students who cannot afford paid courses. A big thanks to all PT education team.

Sir AAP ke session bahut acche hai

The teaching of sandeep sir is somewhat extraordinary the way he teaches is commendable and also the sessions are pretty interesting

I'm a hindi mediam student.

Pt Education Working Good Afford For Students To Crack Competitive Examination...

I am grateful for the entire PT Education team for their efforts to help students like us. I request to Team PT to continue their excellent work .

मेरा नाम गणेश साहू है और मेने वाणिज्य मे स्नातक कर रखा है और मे ssc cgl की तैयारी कर रहा हू

This is a very great opportunity for students like middle class who cannot afford for the paid courses. A great job by PT education team in giving a free guidance and providing free sessions and classes. A big thanks to all of you. Looking forward to learn more.

Willing To make a Progress from your Teaching

very good website i have learned a lot from this site.

Let me just watch first then i will suggest if any

Hello,I am very much excited to enroll here,for this I owned a new phone.l want a prime minister as you who can guide our youth and thus our nation in Sandeep manudhane sir style.

Doing amazing job and specially sandeep sir can make even philosophy an interesting subject .

Good effort , We are looking for perfect guidance .thanks a lot..

I am grateful for the effort that has been put in by the PT Education team. The explantion of various concept & topics are so lucid that I don't need any other source to look for. I request the PT team to keep up the great work they are doing for the well being of starters like us. A big Thank You to the team PT Education.

Good job and hardwork

For me Sandeep sir is the best teacher in the world...he only doesn't teach about our courses he is a very good coach for my game of Life. And thank you pt education for your all efforts..

मैं पिछले तीन सालों से Pt EDUCATION के यूट्यूब चैनल और वेबसाइट से जुड़ा हुआ हूँ l मैं sandeep manudhane sir का शुक्रगुजार हूँ जिनसे मुझे प्रेरणा मिली कि एक अकेला आदमी भी सभी विषयों में महारत हासिल कर सकता है l मुझे pt TAP से जुड़ कर बहुत खुशी होगी और इसके लिए मैं आपका आभारी रहूंगा l

i have following your sessions . i really find them inspiring and educational assests.

We often observe that the race of profit earning had turned man into a money making machine. The existence of knowledge has largely come under the effect of commercialised education system. Amidst all of these Sandeep Sir and PT Team are spreading the IDEA of free thinking with there endeavour and all other top class services. Thus, accomplishing two major human task out of LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH and GIVE. Sir you are a SUPER NOVA in the ocean of DARK.

You guys are just doing a wonderful job, a true patriotism, a true friend, a true teacher.

Verg good initiative by Sandeep Sir. Thank you Sir.

way of teaching is great and teacher has immense knowledge...

All the videos and study material of PT education I have gone through helped me alot in boosting my knowledge and understanding.Thank you sandeep sir and all the team members of PT education for great effort.

I think that PT education is one of the best institutes with best faculty to guide aspirants in a right way.

Ur video motivated me to prepare me for my lost goal of upsc

I am feeling very comfortable and energetic under Sir's amazing guidance

Thank you very much...

It will be a good platform for working professional , hope to see more videos

Thats a really good job . thanks a lot sir.

Pt education is doing a very good job for students

A ocean of knowledge.

I Saw Hindu Current Discussion, Nice Work, Useful for Civil Service Exam.

it's very kind generous work you are doing by providing these materials for free to all students.

you are doing great job.

I have been seeing videos of Sandeep sir, and really love the way he teaches. He makes even the complex and tough issue lucid and easy to understand. I am sure that this initiative of PT Education and Sandeep Sir will help thousands and thousands of people like me. I hope to keep learning and keep growing Intellectually with the Tapsaya online learning platform. Cheers.

TAP Team have ability to make able common students like me to get uncommon result. Thankyou TAP team.
Thanks for your efforts.

I have to join course thanks

I have recently started following OT education, and the knowledge provided in even free courses is very authentic, I appreciate the work of pt education team and thank them for providing such a platform .

Good initiative for people like me who can not afford expensive coaching...

Very good teaching

namaste sir, the way of your teaching is awesome , your knowledge is just like a treasure , the way of your speaking skill including your politeness really touches the bottom of my heart . The awareness and acceptance for all is unique

Koti koti pranam sir

i am a student who seek knowledge. and i am a big bollower of you sir. you are great and most intellectual person whome i have ever seen. thanks to come in my life.

I Saw Hindu Newspaper Editorial Video, Nice work continent is so good.

I am trying to make up my mind for civil services. I saw some videos of Sandeep manudhane sir and found that I can do well if I consistently follow him.

Ur effort and kindness towards enriching learning platform is really appreciate.

I am preparing for civil services. It has been a great journey with team PT till now under the guidance of Sandeep sir. I could not have got such confidence from anywhere else the way I have got it from sir. Thank You.

thank you very much... cha gaye guru

Excellent work done by your team sir, its our pleasure to get such 360 degree coverage of topics and analysis you given to us. I am serving in Indian Air Force and get very a less time for my studies along with my job culture but with your help and guidance it becomes very easy for me to understand the topics with full coverage and in such a less time.

You are my favourite ...guruji प्रणाम.........

Great course,Ilkes the way of teaching of sandeep Sir I am preparing for UPSC civil service

Thank you so much

Sandeep Sir you are great. Sir your teaching is a magic ,making difficult topic easier are your hallmarks. I am proud that I am your student .

This is the highly appreviable work done by you which has no materialistic value foe exchange.god bless you

Great course for self preparation

I like the way Sandeep sir teaches. He gives an overview of everything related to topic.

Great teaching method by sandeep sir.... thanks

Pt Is A Good Platform For Upsc Especially Current Affairs.

The team is really doing a great job. Special thanks to sandeep manudhune sir for his constant support for civil service apirants....

best learning platform

Thanks for starting this course... And u all are doing well... Keep it up.
Thnk u so much ..

really very intresting and learning platform for me,in an acute shortage of time,i have learned some many things in positve way from here.
This Pt Education Which Provide Hindi And English Medium Material Which Out Standing I Like This And Free Resources For Working And Poor Student Which Very Helpfull. And I Study All Pt Current And Tap .

I thanks sandeep sir and whole pt team from bottom of my heart, because sandeep sir lecture helpful for remote area student and learner

Team is doing a fabulous job. Thanks allot...

Pt Education Is Doing A Great Job In Field Of Providing Access To Students From Rural Background As Well As Students Who Cant Afford Large Fee Structures Of Coaching . And Sandeep Sir Is A Great Mentor , Teacher , A Great Human Being . Learned Alot From Him.

Thank you! Good work, as for pulling everything together on a single platform.

I live at village i have no resource and money but i want to do it.thanx sir

Team PT really a great champ on the field of education since I am part of PTs IAS ACADEMY , got a 360 prospect on competition prospective as well as on solving conflict in day to day life . special thanks to Sandeep Sir for getting a master like you.

Sir your team rocksss....u are the best teacher I ever seen in my life sir

Thanks sir , I really like your videos..

Your team is doing great work. And it helps very much for self preparation .

All the sessions I have attended hitherto were outstanding and it has always been a sublime experience to be a part of Sandeep sir’s class. A big thanx to the entire team of PT Education

Really it's very good for that socity that have not any resource.good work keep it up

Tap is one of the beautiful destining portal and session. I am very happy to find pt education portal. I wish to express my gratitude to all the people involved in this team

Sir I Follw This Channel 2017 . More Help Full Cannel. Very Good Educature Team.Thank You Sir

i thank the team of PT.

Pet's Education is a great source of inspiration and information for competitive exams . It has enabled me to believe in myself and made me focused towards my goals. Thank you.

मै काफी समय से pt education प्रशंसक रहा हूं,आप लोगो के द्वारा शुरू किए गए tapasya annual preparation से हम बहुत ज्यादा लाभान्वित होंगे,इस कार्य के लिए आप की टीम को बहुत बहुत आभार

I have been following you sir for quite some time and I consider myself to be very fortunate to have found a mentor, guide and a true guru in you. The best thing I have learnt from you is to be open for all kinds of perspectives and then decide objectively. Thank you so much for making all the afforts and spread the joy of knowledge that transcends across boundaries.

Sir you have changed my life . And make me to think every side of any issue. Now I believe in my self more and understand the world with many perspectives.You are the morder chankya. Thanks to be in my life.

I admire sr sandeep manudhane . His efforts makes me an independent thinker beyond political loyalty .

Very nice videos sir .... jai Mata Di lets rock

Pt education is a fantastic course. It is provided free resources for every upsc aspirants.

Hello, thank you for such a nice course.

Dear Sir, I am speechless to explore my expression about your online efforts. please continue this social welfare.... Regards

You are doing amazing job

As I feel , it is a well researched and planned platform for learning.

Its very nice step to help distracted student.

Its very nice platform with very specialised teacher........great work by sandeep sir

I am the regular viewer of all the source by pt taem .. I enjoyed all the session of sandeep sir And thnk u so much sir and all team

For success its very important to get knowledge correctly from right source the team of pt education is doing grate job.

Sir, You are great . thanks for your support

Sir, i watch your all videos when channel started and i like all the videos like world war Hinduism etc.. The way of explain any topic and connect to another topic is great....

PT Education is doing well in brightening the skills of students to set their career

I am a businessman . I relish the 360 degree knowlwdge gained by your endeavour. I am not preparing for any exam, but love to stay updated in this world of constant flux

Nasmte sir.You and your team are doing great job by a launching TAP(a spectacular programme) for all students who preparing for CSE and most special thing is that this course is Free Free Free Free.... This course is helpful for all students who can't afford coachings.Shridya dhanywad

You are doing a fantastic job plz keep it up

Your work is beyond appreciating...Your way of teaching as well as the depth of knowledge is phenomenal ..never had a teacher like you till date ...I wish I could have had.( my badluck)...but I m glad to see you daily in current affairs session it motivates me alot..Thanks a ton

Best team for upsc thanks
Sir ,keep on this blessed and beneficial work for the student who really want to teacher their goal soon. Thank you sir and team

I came to know about PT Academy and Sandeep Sir when i visited my friend in New Delhi, I was so much happy that i finally found a sir where i always wait for next current affair seesion after completing today's. Sandeep sir is the Best teacher with confident knowledge and i recommend everyone PT Education who asks me from where to study. We are highly grateful To you Sandeep sir and Team. Regards!

We really appreciate your kindness.. Thank you so much..

Thanks for helping us . students who are not from delhi

In this world full of money making people, a helping hand of knowledge is way more worthy and essential. Thanyou.
Its wonderful teaching

Sincere and hard working team

great work! by PT tram .i am huge fan of sir.

first of all thanks for this type of work you and your team do. one of the best thing i feel after follow you that its clear whole pic of what upsc is , and what it wants in you.

Thanks for starting the free platform for upsc preparation

I appreciate all the hard work done by your team... It is very insightful

This course is very helpful for us

You and your team are doing a great job sir . Thanks for bringing this type of platform

Really too good approach to teach. Thanks to Sandeep sir and team.

Really you people are doing great. In fact, I have explored almost all your sessions available on Youtube Channel and would like to express my gratitude to your entire team. May God Bless you all and we together achieve our future endeavor.
It is really very nice way of presentation by Sandeep Madhubani sir and thank you very much to his team that support him very well. Thanks to sandeep madhubane sir and team for knowledgeable vedika.

Great initiative by the team.As working professional this initiative is of unmatched importance for my preparation.

outstanding work by pt group and sandeep sir.

First of all most heartly thanks to this platform ,the organiser and the hole team. Sir its quite usefull for a working professional like me as I am unable to attend any coaching class after my office duty but without wasting time I am continuesly watching your videos.its boosted me a lot and now I am putting my all possible efforts to get goal fulfilled.thank you once again sir.

Sir your way of teaching inspire me a lot. The way u deliver all your lectures are extraordinary. anyone can understand. Love you sir And thank you so much

Hello sir, I'm highly influenced with your way of teaching. Thanks

This programme is very useful for the students . All students are indebted to you sir Thanks

The way of teaching of sandeep sir is adorable. thanks

Its a very good and inspirational step taken by pt education grp to help lacks of IAS aspirants coming from poor family. Nice work thanks

Great work, your services will go a long way in creating a holistic knowledge base for students who are unfortunately not benefited through our current crippling education system, but i think this online revolution will eventually put in place a new education system, which will again make students seeker of knowledge. Hope this light of knowledge shall pass as it ought to be.

dedicated to learn things but have a fear of not to get selected............ Thanks sir.

Great job by whole team. Special thanks to Respected Sandeep sir. Sir you are a great personality on the earth.

Excellent job for Providing some of the free Iectures.. thanks sir

My initial interaction with this esteemed institution is begun with comprehensive analysis by Manudhane sir (Prelims Paper I 2018). Following quality induced me--- 1.) Teaching tech is the unique one 2.) Transparent teaching approach. 3.) Encouraging and motivating for study with dedication. Thanks a lot for your valuable support...

Thank you fot helping students in their dream

I want to crack ssc and po exam please help me. thanks

Sir, You and your team is the best in m.p. Sir i am unable to pay the fee bt i will try my best to clear IAS 2019 JUS NEED YOUR GUIDANCE . The team of pt education .... Seriously thank you for such a nice support Please keep up the good work

Its a great job doing by your side.. thankyou very very much for your support to the students... very very special thanks to shri manudhane sir "all rounder"

I watched Manudhane sir's video on IAS Prelim exam 2018 on youtube. I really got to learn basic ideas to crack prelim. Also, I need to know more about your programs with regards to IAS exam. Please help me.
I like the editorial analysis . there n no.of editorial analysis available but none of them explain correctly
I watched your lecture on youtube & want to enroll on your TAP education website for prepration of govt exams.

Your win to win approach really a splendid job. Namaste gurudev

Very useful classes and inspiring words of you sir...thank you alot

thanx so much sir becouse your service are very fanstastic . very very thanx sir..
I have attended lectures of Sandeep sir in YouTube . He is the source of knowledge . I have never seen such passion and dedication for teaching anywhere except Sandeep sir. And his compassion towards students is out of this world. Thanku so much sir. you r my guru.

i am very much interested in a holistic knowledgeable videos on hindu newspaper.which i absolutely like it and moreoover it is absolutely free

Daily analysis of the HINDU newspaper is uploaded in hindi for those who faces problem with English. The best part about the channel is they give the entire information in a simple and effective way. The way which is not gonna bore you. We get the information which news channel doesn’t show on their channels. Dhanyawad sir!

I have seen videos of Prof. Maudhane on youtube and I got very impressed with it. The way he provides the information and covers the different aspects is commendable. Also, this is not possible without the full support and in depth preparation by the members at the back end. Thank you PT for providing such valuable info in such a concise manner.

Sir mujhe upsc ki jaiyari kaise kare App apna metariyal provides kar dijiye Mai apka always aabari rauga Upsc ke bare me Jo bi news aye aap muje jankari dijyega Thank sir

Respected Sir, I Loved To Watch Your Hard Work Through Your Videos... I am amazed how one person could have so much knowledge and thankful to your kind acts towards the students

I am a beginner and totally inspired by sandeep manudhane sir.

आपकी टीम द्वारा हम जैसे विद्यार्थियों के लिए उपलब्ध कराया गया यह सशक्त मंच है ,जो हमे उच्च स्तर तक सोचने के लिए प्रेरित करता हैं।संदीप सर जैसे गुरुओं का सभी को मार्गदर्शन मिलता रहे। "सा विद्या या विमुक्तये"

Whole team is doing a brilliant job. Keep up the good work!

This is like free scholarship. Those who understand the meaning and worth they will get the success from your efforts sir. I dont feel myself qualified enough in any field to appriciate what you are doing. But yes i whole heartedly thank you for providing this to me and to the candidates like me. Thank you.

Thanks to pt team and Sandeep Manudhane Sir. Our country need such types of efforts in the field of education.There are so many aspirants who can't afford coaching fees and the expenses in big cities.I am from a small village of Bihar.These kinds of efforts will definitely help us getting success. KAR KE DIKHAYENGE ....

Amazing source of knowledge for all aspirants, it's really helpful for me and I have been following your lectures since Dec 2015.

All series, courses are fantastic and precisely designed by PT team. Tons of thanks for imparting such analytic session. Kar ke dikhayenge

sir the initiative taken by you all is really admirable. it is really help for those who want to study on there own and cant afford coaching due to some reasons.

I find your work very helpful to increase level of consciousness and your effort in PT education knowledge booster had really helped me a lot,please continue your work


thanks to THE TEAM OF PTs academy. all of you are very sincere and hard working. glade to see that of the eagerness of manudhane sir to deliver a quality education for the students who are living in remote areas. (sorry for my english) thnak you sir bhagwan apko or ap k pure family ko hamesha khush rakhe

A Great initiative by PT education in revolutionising the preparation for Competitive Exam.

It's one of great initiative by PT Education. It will prove very useful for needy students..kudos to your this kind support.

Sandeep sir is the best. thankful to you sir

This is very nice fourm for learning i really thankful to you sir

Pt education doing good work for student whose not pay the fee. thanks

I had watched a video of sandeep sir on my father's recommendation...and I was highly impressed by his way of teaching! He makes learning enjoyable. I m really thankful to sir!

Words are not enough for showing respect and gratitude to you and your team. Sir apko aur apki team ke sabh logo ko mera dandvat pranam.

I just watched the video of comprehensive analysis of 2018 prelims ,need to prepare for 2019 from the scratch ,guide me through the one of the most competitive exam in India.

I have been a regular follower of Sh. Sandeep Manudhane's wisdom on Quora and a regular follower of his current affairs sessions. Your team does a commendable job. I am sure enrolling for TAP sessions will be a huge value addition and gives us all the required competitive edge. Regards ANSHUL SHARMA

Your team is doing excellent job , really helpful for those who cannot afford coaching. thanks


Dear sir I am following your channel's since 2015. I learned a lot from you. You teach us with heart and in lucid way . Regards.

Great effort in the pursuit of knowledge and we are along with you on this journey by performing our duty as learners...........Keep teaching and we will keep learning............

PT education एक ऐसा प्लेटफॉर्म बन गया है जिससे हर घर का गरीब से गरीब बच्चा भी शामिल होकर अपने लक्ष्य को धीरे-धीरे ही सही पर प्राप्त कर सकता है। इस के लिए मैं संदीप sir व उनकी टीम का बहुत बहुत अभिनंदन करूँगा और मैं चाहूंगा कि ऐसे ही उनकी टीम आगे बढ़कर उन बच्चों की मदद करें जो बच्चे अभी भी इस सुविधा से वंचित हैं। संदीप sir व उनकी टीम बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद की मैं आज उनके द्वारा दी जा रही इस बेहतरीन सुविधा का लाभ ले पा रहा हूं। Really thanku very much sir

I love sandeep manudhane sir teaching strategies thanks

Pteducation is one of the best learning source that i have encountered with. A great initiative by the whole team.

m tyari start krni upsc 2019. i prepare for upsc exam in hindi, Thanks

have already rejestred pt education 2015 but i donot complete my course coming some problems but i finally dicied complete my course so i will join pt team again.

sir u r doing great job m very lucky i found pt education love u sir God bless u

धन्यवाद सर आपको और आपकी टीम को आप अपनी तरफ से यह जो प्रयास कर रहे हैं इसका नतीजा हम अपने रिजल्ट से देंगे ..

Sir, i have seen your videos and i am really motivated to prepare for UPSC exam.

Very good work by pt team. Keep it up. you people are doing an extraordinary job. thanks all

Very Congratulations Team for your kind help to all student. Thanks

t is briliant course. it help me lot..its very helpfull to me because i am studying at home. Thank You Sir

मैं जीवन के सबसे उत्कृष्ठ पड़ाव पर होता हूँ जब मैं संदीप मनुधाने सर जी के द्वारा पढ़ता हूँ। आदरणीय संदीप सर से जुड़ना मेरे लिए मेरा सौभाग्य है जिसके लिए मैं पूरी pt education team को बहुत बहुत धन्यबाद देना चाहता हूँ की INTERNET के माध्यम से आप इतनी सुलभ और महत्वपूर्ण ब्यबस्था का संचालन कर रहे हैं। मेरी तयारी का एक बहुत बड़ा हिस्सा pt education के माध्यम से ही तैयार होता है खासकर current affairs। यह बहुत सराहनीय कार्य है जिसकी जितनी प्रशंसा की जाए उतनी ही काम है। मुझे ख़ुशी है कि आज इस समय निःशुल्क ह्रदय से मदद करने बाले माननीय जन उपस्थित हैं। जिसके उपयोग से बहुत सारे आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर जिज्ञासु बिद्यार्थी उचित लाभ ले पा रहे हैं। मैं भी इन्ही में से एक हूँ। आपका बहुत बहुत धन्यबाद।

Very Big Thanks to the tean ,A Superb Extra Ordinary Teacher Sandeep Sir Can't defined in words

t's a great opportunity to learn by this series and in guidance of the personality like Sandeep Manudhane Sir.

Kindly provide pdf link of TAP 100 lectures notes with videos that is uploaded on Youtube. EXCELLENT WORK THANK U SIR

Sir,You and your team are doing good work and you always motivate to us in your every lecture . We are lucky students because we have teachers like you . Your voice is enthusiastic and I like your senceof humour sir .

Pranam sir ji. I seen your first lecture about the process of death and birth according to Hindu religion. That's clear my concept about religion.and when I saw a course about upsc then I feel my whole concept will be clear here. Thanks a lot sir. Kripya apna aashirwad hum par banaye rakhe.

The work done by Sandeep Manudhane Sir and PT Education team is highly appreciable. First of all, they have provided , the best possible, free resources at fingertips. Further, one can assume the level of paid courses, if they are serving us so well without any monetary assistance from our side. All those who were interested in preparations/attaining knowledge but could not afford to attend classes due to various restrictions, now they have PT Education, so lets celebrate this era of digital education with Sandeep Sir and his team. Thank You Sir. Happy Learning!!

Kya kahein iss course ke liye, sirf thankful hona hi, jaise kuch bhi nhi hai team ki tareef mein. This is something I've never came across. Since college time, my friend used to ask me to prepare for civil services exam, "tu kr skta hai bhai"and I always replied bahot tough hai yr aur fees dekh tu, pehle college ke liye 10-12 lakh fir CSE k liye 2 lakh!!, loot macha rakhi hai coaching institutes waalo ne aur teachers wo jinhone IAS ki taiyari kee hui hai bass". I graduated in 2014, and found Sandeep Sir in 2015. It was late for me (I thought, aaj bhi yhi lgta hai). Believe it or not, I want to prepare for CSE not to be an executive/officer but to have knowledge only. THIS PORTAL HAS MADE MY WISH COME TRUE. This Team-PT is UNPARALLELED to any other academia team I've came across in last 10 yrs. Hats-Off to this Team-PT. In short, "YR, BAHOT SAHI HO TUM LOG".

Pranam sir, you are doing great jop for lakhs of student preparing for different exams and particularly for knowledge seeker. Thanks to all PT family

Respected sir You and your team are doing a great job

Thankyou so much sir . This is the first time i completely watched whole gs lec of 26/19/2018 . I love the way you teach .

Hello, very much respected sir ,this is Arvinda Panchal working as manager at one of the biggest nationalised Bank .I'm following your YouTube videos from more than one year .i strongly feel's that govt. should appoint your type of calibre person for draft the education policy of Indian education system because education is one of the main piller of any country and we are lacking in education system. We want quality education especially in rural areas Indian education system has been collected. Jai Hind

Respected Sandeep manudhane sir is a great teacher i have ever met in my life.His style of teaching is amazing .

Very nice lecture 360 degree approach.Asking the question from taxes and follow the rules .
great work done by PT EDUCATION which is very helpful for aspirants

thank u so much pt education team and sandeep manudhane sir...the best time of d day when i watching your videos in youtube.....

i follow the youtube lecture. sir tou are awsome. i dont have word to appreciate. but i am a big fan of you sir.

Owsm lecture hindi midium students ke liye bahut hi acha kam kr rhi hain apki team.. .Me bahut sobhagyshali hoon ki apke lecture mujhe bahut jyada help kr rhe hain thnku so much sir

I am a fan of sandeep sir. He is one of my favourite educationist.

Dear Sir, I watched your free video on you tube channel ,It is very useful to us (working candidate) to prepare in proper way to qualify or crack in competitive exam in stipulated time. Thanks for conducting such useful channel.

Myself Kishan,m glad to join this academy,I think so ,it will help to achieve the goal of my life,thanku sir,

As far as I've experience the vision of the people working for the institute is broad and healthy. I feel that after watching the lectures on Youtube whether it being from knowledge point of view or being the facts they are on point and fairly descriptive. Please allow me to join the program as i'm a knowledge seeker and the more you share it the more it grows.

I have been following Manudhane sir's vidoes in Youtube for the last one year and i felt it very useful in shaping the structure of my preparation towards Civil Services examination. Very happy to see this new innovative Tapasya. I m really excited to Join.

Sir, The work which you're doing is immensely appreciable and I'm honored that I can get that beautiful and life changing knowledge from you.

Pt education tap is like a walking stick for blind person!

It's a great contribution to sociaty by providing free education and insight.
I'm a working in government sector. I want to give our full effort in to serve our nation, and I mean this can be achieved only through administration. But I don't have time to study in daily classroom programme. Sir i give you a lot of thanks to you and your all TAP members who give us time and wonderful materials. So, I give my word------- KAR KE DIKHAYENGE...................

PT education is doing a great work in the field of education. For me, The TAP is like a revolution in my preparation as I have attended some lessons on YouTube. If Sandeep sir was my teacher from earlier age, I would be a great person at this time! Thankyou so much #PTeducation #SandeepmanudhaneSir.

Pt education services are the best of its class available in the country.

I am very lucky to study with honorable teachers . thank you sir

Thanks you teachers for giving us such a brilliant knowledge

Sir, your team helps to prepare me for wbcs ... I thank to you and your team

hellow sir , my name is bishwanath singh from Nagaon Assam sabse pehle toh aapko bahut bhaut dhanyabaad kuoki aap jaise samjhate hai waisa koi nhi samjha pata ,aur tapsya platform sach me bahut he achaa lagta hai mujhe halaki maine sare session nhi dekhe hai lekin mai jaldi he saare session dekhunga kuoki mujhe achaa laga aapka a initiative. thank you so much sir hume sahi raah dekhane ke liye

Great work by PT Education Nice initiative for poor students

Alone we can do so little but together we can do so much Good team sir Thanku

I really need guidance to step forward towards my dream. Thanks for your beneficial guidance sir and to your team.

Online youtube videos are very good...and gives us the opportunity to learn easily
I Like Sandeep sir's analysis very much It is very great initiative and it will definietly help to who can affort coaching

Pt education's efforts are very appreciable specially Sandeep Manudhane sir..Thnx a lot for giving us guidance to achieve our aim. Sir, You are an ocean of knowledge. I also want to gain this much knowledge. I dont know it would be possible or not but I'll try my best
Great effort for those who can't afford coaching classes Amazing work being done by PT education team, may God bless them
Notes of highest quality. one of the best teachers in India is Sandeep sir.
I'm a fresher, finished my masters this year. I first read your analysis on Prelims GS papers. Very beneficial for beginner to understand the paper. Hope for good guidance and assistance from you. Thank you.

Earlier I have watched pt education's economy lecture which imprinted in my mind since watching that video I never got confusion in any basics of Indian economy. Since I could make through pre exam this time, so i thought to follow your comprehensive hand holding programme which you have launched.

Sandeep Sir and team are source of my enlightenment . It's my destiny that sir introduced me during mt bad days and lead me to the dream of IAS

Sir I m really thankful for PT education,I m continuesly following.I hope this will help all aspirants in coming exams......
These type of resources are very scare to find. Team, you are reflecting a true service mindset to the aspirants like me.

सर , आपके पढ़ाने के तरीके से काफी प्रभावित हुआ हु | आपके मार्गदर्शन की जरुरत हमेशा रहेगी |

You are like torch which give light on my dark path of career. Thanks a lot for it.

Dear Sir, a great work and efforts are taken by you and your team for the Nobel purpose of teaching.Hatts off to you and wish you all the best for new chapters in this process

Just want to get some knowledge from the sea of knowledge to achieve my dreams.

I am really impressed by the initiative taken by PT Education. Perhaps the only institute to provide quality study materials free of cost. Looking forward to have a great learning experience.

I have watched many videos of Sandeep Sir and would say a superb orator he is. Hats off for your teaching skills and your knowledge sir. I just heard about these courses in one of his video (Analysis of UPSC 2018 Prelims) and willing to be its part. I am a working professional as I mentioned in my form and and a fresh new aspirant for UPSC. Please Enlighten me the path I should take, keeping in mind that I get very less time for studies. Apart from my side, all your team is doing a very wonderful job and hope that It would be a great learning journey for me with PTEducation.

Sir I like your channel too much as from your lectures get conceptual clearity of subject without getting bored in it

sir, your CA with PT is the best resource that any IAS aspirant has till today.

Really a great work.... Concise notes and In depth analysis Journey to knowledge....

I have been following pt education for past one month and have benefitted a lot.

I watch your current affair show and also many video of your site . The content in the video is very good and also very helpful for knowledge perspective and on writing in the exam and speaking in front of people . Your ideas opened the mind and motivate us to do something for our country and people .

I just want to extend thanks to our beloved Sir.....Its only because of you I am in a state of mind that I am ready to give 100% for CSE preparations..pranaam

I really like the online content ca with pt. So i decided to join tap. Thanks

PT Education ki Team KO Dhanyawad, Aur Manudhane Sir ko mera Pranam. Aapne ye site aur app Create ki h ye Sabhi Public service aspirants aur knowledge seekers ke liye bhot accha guidance hai. Thanks From bottom of my heart to Manudhane Sir and all team for this Wonderful Platform. Hume aapka aisa hi guidance mile ye dua karta hu... aur fir se ek bar Thank you so much...! Nilesh Waghmare.

I took the course of SM sir during my graduation in kanpur and I enjoyed and learnt from them extensively. Looking forward to the same quality and zeal towards teaching

Very Good work done by PT education team for us who can't afford to study out of their hometown. A big Thank you to You all

I have been following Sandeep Sir since I had watched the vocabulary session and I appreciate the fact that you guys are providing such a quality education for free.

It a good source of getting knowledge with over all topics related to particular things.

he contain of pt pt education is best and it is easy way to understand any difficult topic .

I am a regular viewer of CA with PT and it has really helped me a lot. Sandeep sir with his team is doing a great job in educating students like me. Thanks you so much.

Sandeep sir's style of teaching is admirable.His way of explaining things make complicacy easier. As a student we need teacher like him.

pt education team is doing a unique work for our society and knowledge is best asset of 21st century which is providing by pt team rock star

I came to know about pt education 2 years ago when I saw a lecture on universe after that I became fan of this channel and till now I am learning the best of all.
सर प्रणाम आपका यह सराहनीय कदम कैरियर से जूझते सभी स्टूडेंट्स के लिए संजीवनी बूटी की तरह कारगर सिद्ध होगा ।

Pt education is a fantastic course of serious upsc aspirants. Pt is the best institute of is the greatest learning portal.ker ke dikhlayenge.

thank you so much for your great move. students like us who are from middle class family , can not afford these expensive coaching. that's why we are devoid of some useful guidance necessary for the exams. i have been following your lectures on current affairs, which has really helped me a lot. by your move we all be guided well and may get a chance to make you proud by qualifying this prestigious exam. thank you so much.

Best portal available on line.. I am the biggest fan of this site. Sandeep sir u r my idol..

I started PT education's video from one vocabulary lesson but later i discovered great current affair videos. This really made my prepration easy.

सर आप की टीम बहुत ही बेहतर काम कर रहा है।आप के इस प्रयास से बहुत से गरीब बच्चों का भला हो रहा है

The only motivation that keeps me alive in this vicious cycle of upsc is PT .. Undoubtedly best... Thanks alot entire team PT for putting such an extraordinary efforts.. I request you to make more and more free videos available on YouTube so that people like us who can't afford much can be benefited.. Thanks sandeep sir and team PT. JAI HIND

Maine aaj Hi aapka 2018 ka full prelims ka full analysis dekha and mujhe such me andr se feel hua agr aap jse teacher mujhe guide kre to I can prove my self very well mtlv aap ne jis trike se smjhaya h sir outstanding thanku so much:)

PT education is very good for all students weather student is Rich and poor, this help both of the students. Thanks for Sandeep sir to provide this information

I saw detail analysis of UPSC Pre Paper1 by Sandip Sir and impressed by the effort and total back up material, he and all of his team is doing really great work. Thanks for such a wonderful platform, I hope it will be a great help for preparing and succeeding in UPSC.

Good evening Sandeep manudhane sir, Thanks dear sir, I really appreciate you and your way of teaching really you are very energetic. I never feel bore in study when I started to watch your lecture daily.
sir i have seen a lot of vedios on youtube and on your official site of upsc exam. i extreamly glad to say all the sessions of Sanjeeb sir is outstanding. by using simple words he always trying to clear the funda of the students which is most important for the upsc aspirants. i want to join the online courses and want to buy the full session videos of prelim and main of cse exam. sir i belongs to a very poor family and now i am working as a contractual employee of Govt of Odisha in public health & family welfare department with the remuneration of 7200 /- . so paying of 70000 is quiet impossible for me. if there is some alternative way by which the economically challenged students can get the blessings of Sanjeeb sir an can also fulfill their dreams of UPSC. i am a great fan of sanjeeb sir , god bless you you so much

Namaste sir ji ....I am big fan of Mr amitabh bachchan...But now I am big fan of you too. Great job sir...And I congratulate all the other guys behind the screen for there tremendous job.

I have seen upsc pre 2018 que paper analysis.. it was very helpful for me .. nice initiative.. which can connect students in rural area and help to bring them in mainstream of upsc preparation

Sir, you all are doing a great job for the learners who have scarcity of sources and facilities. Many many thanks to you

Have gone through the syllabus that is getting covered in TAP and I really believe this will help me in my preparation for UPSC.Thanks for bringing up this course for free.

previous few month i have followed your course for preparation of civils services which is very useful for me. thank you whole pt team and dear sandeep sir

PT has given me a great platform to improve my knowledge. Now I feel somewhat confident about my knowledge and able to answer a lots of questions. The study material, you have provided is amazingly helpful and helped me a lot. Thank you so much PT education.

PT education is one of the very few organization which is genuinely working for the betterment of the student community . The work which has been done by the pt education team is praiseworthy and their efforts for making education available to everyone is commendable. thank you for your selfless efforts and best of luck for your future endeavor.

Dear Manudhane sir, last year I've seen your vocabulary class in pteducation youtube channel and till now it is downloaded in my mobile. Sir your teaching style is unique. Last yery i was hesitating to join any online UPSC batch due to my bengali medium background. Bt, this year I want to join your class.

PT team is really doing a great work helping people like me who are working in remote areas with little or no access of internet.

PT education gives splendid lectures on current and history topic which enhance my knowledge and improve my way thinking to the world especially Sandeep Manudhane sir you are very inspiring and motivating teacher for me and you are worlds best teacher , and whatever you have explained, everything is crystal clear and directly fit into the mind which is the best thing and it also makes you differ from other teacher thank you so much for starting Tapasya series.

SADAR PARNAAM GURU JI.. Guru ji aapse padkr pahli baar pata chala ki guru cheez kya hoti hai...... kash aap 4- 5 saal pahle mil gaye hote to sayad ye halat na hoti jo aaj hai. Thanks a lot from bottom of my heart to you and your team for your valuable time given to us without cost in KALYUUG

My first day on you channel really tied me for 47 minutes and more although I don't usually spend such time on single video, cause the art of holding one throughout the session is not in everyone and we endup getting bored and tired. I wish to learn more and a lot more. This is only I can say as of a new user. Thanks.

excellent process to guide the students who has a hidden dream to be a special officer in India. so i would like to thank all the persons who were associated with this educational farm and being a part to make their dream true . Tapan kumar barik qualification- graduation job at public health and family welfare department preparing for UPSC 20019

प्रिय सर एवम् तपस्या परिवार हमें कहते हुए गर्व महसूस हो रहा कि आज भी देश में ऐसे संस्थान है जो देश की सच्ची सेवा कर रहे है।मै एक ग्रामणी समाज से हूं और मै आपके मार्गदर्शन में यूपीएससी की तैयारी कर रहा हूं।सर आप चैनल वास्तव में तैयारी को आसान बना दिया है। और हम गांव के बच्चे भी आज यूपीएससी जैसे परीक्षा के बारे में सोच सकते है एवम् कर सकते है। तपस्या परिवार को सादर प्रणाम बलवंत कुशवाहा

I want to prepare for civil service but i have not enough money to join any coching... Plz provide me all use ful notes... Plzz help me. Thanku
India was land of seekers and teachers where a student can learn anything from anyone in nearly no cost or with less price, today if anyone want to study he have to pay a good amount of money, some can afford many of them not. I have watched Sandeep Sir's lectures and here I am. :-)

महाशय इस विषय में कहना थोडा मुश्किल है इसके लिए मैं छमाप्रार्थी हूँ क्यूंकि मैं अभी इस संसथान से अनजान हूँ

I wholeheartedly thank and appreciate the effort taken by Sandeep sir and team for helping the civil an other aspirants in achieving their goal.

I love the way you explain the concepts. Your vision is so broad and it has potential to motivate anybody ... काफी कुछ है कहने को पर मेरा शब्दकोश उपर्युक्त शब्दों.के साथ ही रिक्त हो गया।

I am privileged to be a student of Sandip Sir.On 2nd June, 2017,I watched Sir's Hinduism class and since that day, I have been following all the lectures uploaded through YouTube. Thank you so much Sir for sharing your tremendous knowledge and May God bless you with all the happiness in this world..

Hi Sir , First of all thanks to give opportunities to online course provides nation wide. Big revolution of online education hub. Thanks your team member. I am big fan of you sir because of your teaching techniques very simple and easy to understand. Thanks again.

I have written UPPCS mains 2017 and starting for upse 2019 I would be thankful to you if you help me to achieve my goal
Very Good effort for change is going on I would like to be a part of it.

I have seen few of your videos and found them very helpful .. I recently started watching your videos
You are Doing Very well job Every1 Easily Understand and share this. Thanks alot Stay Blessed

the team of pt education is very good. i am a beginner in this field and highly motivated by respected sandeep sir and all the member of pt education. my english is not that much good, if made any mistake in the following lines then i am sorry about that.

Dear Sir, People like you very efficiently proves that Teaching is not just delivering knowledge but its a beautiful art by which one gets attracted by himself. The methodology you adopt, the bilingual speech, friendly and easy way of delivering knowledge makes you apart from many of other educators. Gradually i have became a big fan of yours. Your Knowledge Booster series is just like drug for me and am getting addicted to it. I am working professsional and have time to learn from you only at night. Trust me sir, without attending your lecture i never go to sleep. Thanks alot. Please keep spreading knowledege.. 100/100 for Team Work. !!! Sahil

Right now, I don't have any right to say anything at this moment. I am just a new beginner without any idea or a plan, left in a dark room with just my determination, courage and imagination to see the outside world oneday after being successful or after achieving my dream, my aim , my ambition. I think you will give me a chance later to say something for your team. Thank you...

I am very grateful to PT team and especially Sandeep sir for all the lectures. I have enjoyed watching video lectures of sandeep sir. It had helped me to understand subject and enjoy learning.
Namaste sir, Sir mein CA with pt ko rooz follow karta hu aur jitna time aur resource aap free content dene mein lagte hai vo kambilye tarif hai.

Sir,Your efforts are very very valuable for people like me.I really appreciate yr team efforts.
PT education is doing a great job it is enriching the knowledge of students and making youth sensible and logical

This is magnanimous act, we are indebted to you, This will really enhance the preparation in big ticket exams like civil services, It really is going to give us intellectual prowess over many others in the arena of examination.

Pt team ke is tremendous efforts ko Mera dhanyawaad. You all guys are rock.

Hello sir my Hindi medium se hu You are best.. ...coaching institution in India

I have no word to express my gratitude to pt education team specialy Sandeep sir . I admire your hard work and dedication for student .... Thanku sir..

I have seen your videos that are very useful to me.I hope and pray to god to keep it up.

It's a nice platform for students .it provides lots of information and help us to achieve our goals

I have been watching your Current Affair youtube sessions daily and it feels great listening to you when you say "Kar Ke Dikhayenge", it fill me with a great zeal. Thank you sir. Doing very well team PT Education. Kar Ke Dikhayenge.

Respected sir our team . Actually I have no words how to express your hard worked by very smartly. I really really salute on your works ..... Thank you very much.

TAP is vert helpful for UPSC aspirants. I would like to thank PT Education for providing quality content free of cost. The guidance by Sandeep sir is of immense benefit.

Mujhe PT education bhut pasand h lectures bhut standard level ke hote h. Simply I love ur way of teaching.....

I am a student of pt education online classes their way of teaching has inspired me for applying this Tapasya annual preparation I am thankful to this academy

I have watched some of PT education's videos on YouTube and was overwhelmed by the amount of knowledge in fluxes into my brain, their way of teaching, presenting everything is just impeccable.

Sir,the work your team does is just amazing. The way you break down the current affairs topics in a simple,structured manner much like the art of storytelling yet effective and engaging at the same time is admirable.

sir i have seen pt education videos all of them were excellent and useful . the best thing is that anyone can easily watch and learn to there specific with great content.

I have been learning from you sir and your team since 1 year. The way you teach is enough to make a person think independently and start dreaming about himself/ herself and for the world. Just 1 year back I was frustrated, lazy, have no will to learn more seeing so much failures in my life but now because of your advice, high energetic voice and suggestions, I am feeling alive again realise me about my responsibilities for the coming generation. Long way to learn and long way to go in life. Thank you so much Sandeep sir and your team. Unknowingly you are helping too many people like me.

Well, I have been following PT education for last 4 years at least. The 1st lecture which I watched, was on American financial crisis. I was mesmerized by the conceptual clarity which sandeep sir presents. I am regular follower of CA with PT. I also follow power of ten regularly. At a time when different new channels, openly practice biased reporting , depending on which side of political narrative they lie, you are the much needed voice of sanity. In my opinion 9 pm news bulletin at our homes should be replaced by CA with PT sessions.

Sandeep Sir is doing a great job...its really helpful for people like me who cannot attend classroom course

Pt education entire team is very talented and hardworking,nd Sandeep Sir u r awesome.

A great job you guys are doing I simply want to be a part of this journey and amass as much knowledge as possible.

such an wonderful platform for beginners. Thankyou so much

I have first seen video of pt education on Hinduism 2 years earlier and I understand it at 1 St time about Hindu religion and I started watching all videos of pt education . What a excellent way you are teaching sir

Thanks a lot team. You efforts are really appreciated. I would love to join PT as full time student

Its a great platform for students who cant join coaching centres. I appreciate your efforts .

your work is really appriciated,thanks for provifding us good and economic way of study

Thank you for providing us such a fantastic learing program.

Dear Sir I am working Delhi Police and came to know that your institute is doing great for those who r in need for the same. Though I am working but I have an aim from school time but time is powerful which bow down me to join an job for family. After service of 9 years and right now I am HC(Exe). I wish you institute will mark high in this initiative also. Thank You Regards Kuldeep Yadav

You are doing a nice job. Thank you

Thanks for giving kind of platform to students.

I have been following sandeep sir since 1 year . sandeep sir made a positive difference in my life . i have become free thinker . i daily watch current affairs video and all the video available in pt education channel are amazing and useful . your teaching style is amazing and it become easy to grasp knowledge . keep the good work of nation building and thank you so much sir .

A great effort by your Team. Thanks for such type of courses. Checking whether it will helpful for a working professional like me.

Obviously we r thankful to pt team for providing us the quality education at our doorstep

I hope it will be truly beneficial for me and it will ease the way of reaching to the zenith of knowledge

your lect. are so helpful.i m boasting my skills with your videos.

i really desires to become a good administrator

PT is doing well.Thnx for helping aspirants.

Time saving and to the point explanation

Thanks Manu Sir for your precious guidence.

you and your team is doing fantastic..
Thank you very much sir providing these type of free services for many people like me

PT's IAS Academy द्वारा शुरू की गई विशेष प्रोग्राम " TAP" से काफी प्रभावित हुआ हूँ|ऐसा लगता है की आशा की किरण दिख रही है,जिससे मै अपने सपनों को पूरा कर सकू|पूरी तपस्या की टीम को धन्यवाद|' Kar ke dikhayenge'

Very nice job for whole PT team, Specially our sir... Dear Sandeep sir. No body can teach like him, he is fantastic
Your work is very good for upsc aspirants. Thankyou for this work.

Thank you so much for this help because every student who is preparing for UPSC exam can't afford the coaching fees.

TAP is an excellent initiative and very helpful to the students preparing for civil service examination.

The best teachers are those who show you where to look ,but don't tell you what to see . You are one of them . Thank you so much sir . You are a guiding star.

Thanks pteeducation team, hmare jese student ke liye Dua se km kum nhi ho.. hum apse bs apna 100%lga denge

The team of pt education is doing marvelous job. this type of initiative help the students who are not economically strong but work hard and want the opportunity to do something good.

Need help to prepare UPPSC so pls register me i am Hind midium student thank you

I am regular visitor of CA with PT for last 10 days. The session conducted by you, motivated me a lot to do different thing. Very inspirational lecture towards learning.

Pt education is doing a great service to society by preparing students who are not able to attend costly classes.

Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself Thanks PTeducation for my preparation

sir i want to join your live session of TAP. I have attended your many knowledge booster session and i loved it.thanks


One of the finest way of teaching and the lectures of Manudhane Sir on YouTube are just amazing.
PT Education team is doing good and this Portal will be helpful for me .Thank you...

Myself Ratnesh Thanks to all of devotee talented team for making digital india. One of best institute may be in india like it. TAP can a like social helping education sector. God bless all team member.Live long life team & TAP also. I want to apprecite more .... Thanking You sir Ratnesh

One the best services provided from the pteducation team. Personally I liked your website. Thankyou all.
It's really great that you are doing this so much hard efforts and because of you and your services a boy who belongs to a very common agrarian family can think about the preparation of UPSC. I really have no words for your efforts and also all your video lectures which I saw on youtube. Thanking You

I like sandeep manudhane sir lectures alot and hope to see him in other lectures for us.

I am totally shocked to watch TAPASYA. It's a great work. Thank you very much. I shall be grateful to you nd ur team forever and ever.

It's my first time that I have joined with you. So I hope that my preparation will the best this year. And I will qualify of upsc exam this year with you.... Thank you all of you....

This is very very useful tool for me like Kaizen and it is improving my area of knowledge steadily thank you very much to you sir and whole team


free course a very usefull course to poor students who can not afford money ,great job

I know about preducation from you tube and I am willing to join because I know that you give good knowledge about subjects and guide students in right way please let me to join tap.

The entire PT's Education team is working effortlessly to help candidates to achieve their goals! I really appreciate and thank the entire team for their help.

Heard a lot about the faculty .please guide me as well.

It is very innovative, social work and helpful to all competitors and society. Thanks to all team of TAP

PTeducation is always- A hand of motivation for me . Sandeep sir's guidance is amazing A big thumbs up for this. Sir Keep motivating us .

यह अत्यंत गौरवशाली क्षण हैं, की मैं एक एसी संस्था से जुड़ने जा रहा हूँ जिसका संचालन भारत के बेहतरीन शिक्षकों के द्वारा किया जाता है| श्री संदीप मानुधने सर की प्रसंशा करने के लिए मेरे पास उपर्युक्त शब्द नहीं हैं, परन्तु आपका ह्रदय तल की गहराइयों से आभार ब्यक्त करना चाहता हूँ| आशा है आपने स्वीकार्य किया होगा | जबसे मैंने PT Education के माध्यम से पड़ना शुरू किया है मेरी पाठन कला का चहुमुखी विकाश हुआ है| और मुझे यह उम्मीद है की यह प्रयाश जो PT Education एवं हम छात्रों के द्वारा किया जा रहा है, इसके परिणामस्वरुप हजारों छात्र उनकी प्रितभा को समझ पाएँगे और उसका विकास करके अपने लक्ष्य तक जरुर पहुंचेंगे | निःशुल्क T.A.P. प्रोग्राम सराहनीय है| दिल से एक बार बोलना चाहूँगा- " कर के दिखायेंगे " जय हिन्द

am graduate student sambalpur univercity(odisha) Bsc: Zoology(hon). Thank you

You are doing a great job sir,your guidence will help the youth of the nation to work in a proper manner and to make the 21st century India.

I regulary watch CA of PT. Really inspired by the teaching of the Sir. I hope this program would help me achieve the success.

Dear PT Team, It is good to have such a great platform where any student can access the knowledge and he can prepare for competitive exams with such an ease. Great Job All the very best

I am a follower of PT Education from long time. I through this platform has got immeasurable progress. My gratitude to whole PT Education family for their work and support. I hope to see this series going on smoothly till its final date. PT education Academy has changed my life by making things simpler for me, made me dynamic and a holistic person etc.

you are doing a great job for aspirants. thanks for this course

Namaste & most welcome for all pts ias academy team.Sandeep manudhane sir is the best faculty teacher in ias academy is the top education platform in india.

PT academy is a very good institution ,

I really appreciate your hard work and dedication. All the courses materials are concise and update.

Great initiative by your team....I would really like to join you

Great work keeping the non coaching going aspirants up to date with all the relevant data of UPSC.
Very good portal for upsc and psc of any state and other examination.


I haven' t attended this kind of session till now . PT Current affairs session is an amazing session . After regularly watching ca session of yours , i found myself capable to be a part of current discussions . I refer everybody to opt it as one of their daily routine.

सर तह-ए-दिल से धन्यवाद।।

Sandeep is quite an influential and dynamic personality. His warm and extremely positive persona(as seems in his videos) have literally draged me here.

Sir you doing a great job for help less students who are not able to afford big amount for coaching thank you sir

SANDEEP sir is my motivation, I learnt a lot from his videos and also use his knowledge in my work profile also, I am also a YouTuber, many times I remain on trending just because I use knowledge from him in my videos.

I used to watch your lectures on YouTube. I like specially the explainer series. I really appreciate your way of teaching. Your bilingual teaching is very helpful to me.

I have been following the current affairs videos on YouTube and I feel that I am developing a holistic perspective with every passing day.

Hello Sir , I really glad to inform you, last time I am complete your 5-6 lecture in you tube. Its amazingly to promote me to how easily i understand a topic based on UPSC .

I have no words to describe your team especially the Legendary Sandeep Sir.

i learn lots thing from your video channel and its great its very helpfull for everyon.... thank u so much for this very important video for us

The course designed by the whole team is instrumental in giving a direction for preparation for competitive exams. It is indeed really helpful for a novice like me.

Tapasya IAS is very effective portal for civil service exam.

helo , i follow pt current affairs daily and very much intrested in tapasya

Sir ur work has no comparision.u r very enthusiastic and u always motivate us. Ur lecture us powerful. leaving a lucractive job after iit delhi u choose this so there must be a purpose.

Respected Sir, I have seen your youtube uploaded video regarding upsc civil services prelim exam as well as mains exams video specially Sandip Sir video is very interesting as well as very knowledgable. Sir hearty congratulations for 25th years.

Good Morning , Sir First of all thank you Sandeep manudhane sir and his faculty members for arranging such wonderful programs without any cost.

sir its great work to provide free education to the people who have lack of resources. IN YOUR REGARD VIKAS

This is a real platform of crack UPSC,PCS,SSE or others exam without any join classes physically.. Thanks sir!

This is fine tune academy in my opinion so I appreciate this coaching institute regarding any preparation.

As i m working professional, I don't be regular for the prabhodan classes, but I do watch the session which are really awesome and some are eye opener.

I have seen PT EDUCATION CURRENT AFFAIR course and I am happy to watch such an amazing videos which not only gives me a wholesome coverage of news but also give realisation of how to use it . Questions given by sir on current affairs help to write on it and also since I am a beginner I feel good and comfortable on this platform.


Enthusiastic and elaborative efforts by the team...I would love to join this course and make a most of it..

Sir,it is my good fortune that I have got an opportunity to join you.Because I live in a small village and my financial condition is not so good that I can go to Delhi and prepare for it.There will be many more children like me.So you started a very good platform.Thank you sir.....

Sarvprathm aap sabhi KO mera namskar. M aapki kdi mehnat k liye aapka dhanyawad krta hu. Halanki m koi serious student nahi rha hu lekin aksar aapki videos dekhta rhta tha.uske baad mera mobile khrab ho Jane k karn Kai mhino tak m aapke adbhut content se vanchit rha. Lekin ab mere paas mobile h. M puri kosis krunga ki m puri mehnat k sath padhu or aapke pryas waste na ho. M is baat k liye aapka dhayawadi hu ki jab bhi m kisi mudde par g.d.(dosto m) krta hu toh mere dost meri baat dyan se sunte h. Kyoki unhe lgta h ki muje jyada knowledge h. M apne aap KO aatmviswas se bhara pata hu.

Sir , I am following your session from one year , they are really helpful ,they provide some new dimensions to think .l am really thankful to you and the whole team sir

I really very thankful to your team for these types of facilities. I am rural students where no any resource. Here i only do self study but i think this portal will definetly very helpful for me.

U are doing a commendable job. I have been watchiñg current affairs daily from 3-4 days and i think my search for current affairs ends here. Thank you so much sir. U motivate me to study harder

it's a great work by pt education team.espcially Sandeep sir is a great motivator.

u are awsome ..i like the way u teach...vry clear concept...thanx for the hardwork u do...the unique way u teach it helps to remember long time

Presentation in Current affairs sessions is what made me to join this free course... Analysis of the topic and sir's teaching style are superb.

i want to entrol in TAP because i watched many videos of PTeducation on you tube and it was very helpful for my competitive examinations...
You are doing great sir. Keep it up this kind of programme really help us.

Aapka bahut bahut dhanyavad sir ki aapne free learning k liye itna acha course start kiya hai. Mai Bihar se hu aur yaha par Chapra me Kahi v UPSC ki class nahi Hoti. Aur na Mai bahar Jaa Sakti hu padhai karne k liye. Ye online course se ab Mai v UPSC ki tayari or Sakti hu. Mai v Apne aapne pure or Sakti hu. Thank you sir

Doing great job for those student who can not bear the burden of High tuition fee and self-learning aspirants. its good initiation by your institutions.

Respected Sir, SADAR PARANAM, I have not enough words to write testimonial for you. The way you teach and sources which you provide are just Amazing... thanks a lot sir... KEEP DOING!!

I have been following PT educations power of 10 for few months and also on YouTube for few topics . I would be really blessed to join Tapasya annual preparation program . I would like to thank PT education for it's untiring efforts in making education accessible to students like us in need

The work of PT education team is just outstanding and appreciable.I think Sandeep sir is one of the best Guru in the world at present.

I have been associated with PT since 2007. PT has been doing a great job by providing free educational resources to various sections of the students. It is enablng youth to perform better in exams through their study material. PT Team is doing a noble job. We are so thankfull to you for your dedicated efforts. Best of Luck Janardan Singh

Dear sir, Thank you very much for your online services. As a professional I am learning new things day by day and my quest for knowledge has reinvigorated after visiting your sites,reading articles and watching videos. Well at the time when most people try to make money by complicating our education system you are saviour for those people who can't afford expensive coaching institute. Thank you from whole learning community on my behalf. With regards, Madhur singh

Grateful to you pteducation team that u are providing such a great platform to crack the exams.

I appreciate your work what you team did in past I hope you will helps us as much as possible.....

Thank you for this wonderful initiatives. Wish your team whole loads of success in the days to come.

Seek knowledge even you have to go to China-Prophet Muhammad. Being a seeker of knowledge i find this platform very valuable that cannot be merely express in words.

I have watched several videos on YouTube and that's why I am registering here for further preparations.

Sorry Team I do not have words to appreciate your efforts. The only thing I can say is " you are doing great job, please go on".

सर, आपके द्वारा प्रस्तुत कई विडियोस् देखी है यू-ट्यूब पर। आपकी बेहतरीन समीक्षा को कायल हूँ।मुझे यह अवसर देने के लिए धन्यवाद। उम्मीद है , कि मै अब अपनी रुकी तैयारी को आगे ले जा सकूँगा और लक्ष्य हांसिल करूँगा। पुनः धन्यवाद ।।

I like Sandip Manudhane Sir's teaching technique and he is one of the best guru for the aspirants of civil services.

PT education is one of the institutes which converts dreams into reality. It is like sun which shows you the way but you have to walk on the way to get success.

I like the way of teaching of sandeep sir It motivates me, makes my heart happy, it makes me more competitive and more desirous of knowledge

Iam in slave of the person who has taught me a single word. One is forever indebted to those who give him/her knowledge.

आपके समूह का हिस्सा बनना मेरे लिए प्रशन्नता की बात है ।आप और आपके समूह ने हमारे लिए जो कार्य किया है और जो कार्य कर रहे वो सराहनीय हैं। मैं आप सबको तहे दिल से शुक्रिया अदा करती हूँ और चाहती हूँ कि आप लोग इसी तरह कार्य कर रहे ताकि हम जैसे करोड़ो लोग आप से जुड़ सके । धन्यवाद!

Mujhe Aisa lagta h aapki team bhut hi acha work kar Rahi h needy & poor person k lete...thanks and keep it up

I can't say about the appreciation of you and your team because I hv no words and I m nothing but this is compulsory for praise your nice and incomparable efforts that marvelous sir g

Hello Sandeep sir and PT Team. First, I would like to congratulate for such great efforts taken by you all for the youth of our country. I am working as an assistant professor in one of the engineering college in mumbai. I follow your youtube channel from past 1 year. I always get inspired from you and trying to improve my teaching style. I hope i could teach like you with all the enthusiasm and Donald trump mimicry . Great job done by all of you. Thank you.

nice skills and way to interact with students that i earlier feel about it during some lecturs that uploaded on youtube

Team is doing a commendable work in terms spreading wisdom, knowledge and adding value in the youth. It's s a huge investment that you all are making to make a significant and a positive impact in our life. Thanks PT Team for your support and guidance!
The team of Pt Education is working very well to make the students complete their dreams.specially for those who can not afford coaching or institute due to financial I want to thank all the team members of pt education.

Sir I have been following Pt education since last year and have benifited a lot special thanks to Sandeep Sir you are doing outstanding work.

Sir, you and your team is real social worker. Padhate rahiye badhate rahiye. Thanks

Ur team is doing a great job. I am preparing for MBA first.. and I think the effort of yours and your team is really appreciable. And I feel that I can clear the exam with a good score. Thanku.

hello sir you and yours team is great work in every students and i follow you with 6 months and watching your youtube videos and finally i appreciated you AND YOURS TEAM . BEST OF LUCK SIR JII

I am a follower of PT Education from last two years. Great work by your team done so far. Moulded my way of thinking and thoughts in a much better way. While doing several things I often think what sir had told about this and then try to behave or act in that manner only. Thank you for the support and wisdom that I have acquired from Sandeep Sir and team.

I am following pt education from a very long time but after failing in exam for just 7 marks i stppest trying...but today i saw sir manudhane again and a new world has begun for me to fight for the post and get my goal achieved. I have studied once my whole syllabus but have forgotten everything in this gap of 4-5 months....i am starting from zero with sir manudhane and i am ready to go now...thank you whole team of pt education and specially sir manudhane. KRR K DIKHAYENGE

PT education team working very good. A person with less resources can study here.

Sir, Saw your video today on China's forays into Africa. Found it quite enriching and very well presented. I am subscribing to this programme with this hope that i will continue to learn from your rich knowledge and experience. Thank you Gaurav Kumar

It is a great initiative to incourage and help young aspirants.

Yes I can write in both language's hindi and english .All though my English portion is not much better then hindi because I have been nurturing in hindi language family

I have been PT student few years back and still I feel the way Sandeep sir and his team share details and perspective about the topics are not just information but makes me think in the right direction with right parameters. I always "enjoy" the lectures by Sandeep sir. Thanks, Aatish Jain

I admire the knowledge of the faculties. And I am very thankful that they are doing a great work of providing us with free material.

sir ji i have watching manudhane sir on you tube last 2 years sir ji muje aap ka teaching style knowledge language command ne bahut impress kia thank you for your service right now i am serving in border security force on a post of sub inspector i want to crack upsc

I have been following sandeep sir for a long time now, the kind of knowledge you provide makes it easier for me to revise and i am able to interlink many things. Thank you for your support to us.

Your Session are very innovative in approach, and explanation is in very detailed manner and each and everything is covered . I really like your sessions whatever little i am able to watch on your you tube channel , my schedule is such that doesn't leave me with much time to see all your session , but whenever i get time , i try to watch your videos , whatever i can retain helps in some way or other. you people are doing a great job.

It's an honour to be a student of your prestigious institution .I have enrolled in one of your course "The HIndu Master prabodhan " and i haven't regret till now from the day I have enrolled it .It's worth a penny .i have always admired Sandeep sir for his zeal and passion that he show during the whole learning process .With each passing days I'm getting stronger and stronger, confidence in answer writing and communication skills. My humble thanks from the bottom of my heart to all those team members who toils,sweats, works day and night behind the scene so as to ensure smooth functioning of this progress...keeping going,I'm sure that the rate at which you people are progressing, will soon going to take over all the coaching institutes and undoubtedly will become top notch educational institutions for UPSC aspirants in india.Thanking you,my best wishes is always with you !😊 Kar ke dik khayenge!

I am following your YOU TUBE channel regularly for current affair and want to learn more from you which will help me to clear the exam as well as enrich my personality.

It is very much appreciated that PtEducation is providing this program free of cost.I hope many will learn from it not only knowledge pertaining to exam but also values to serve the Nation with honesty and dedication.

Sir, i am very thankfull... I have attend pt education classes... And i am very happy ki mujhe apse fir sikhne ka moka mil raha he... Sir you tube par bahut se channel he but sir jab apke lecture dekte he to vahi feel aata he jese yashvant plaza 4th floor par hi class attend kar rahe he.. So sir bahut bahut dyanwad

PTEducation is a blessing for students like us. Sandeep sir makes learning fun and interactive and makes all the concepts very clear and understandable. Looking forward to make the most of his blessings and thanks to his team for bringing this amazing experience to us.

Respected Sandeep Sir your lecture are very beneficial for me. I follow all the CA lecture and I am preparing for RAS exam. Apko Khuda hamesha khush rakhe aur aap ese hi padhaate rhe aur India ko aage badhaate rahe. Thank You Sir.

Expressing my gratitude from my bottom of my heart to the team of PT and specially Sandeep sir for this beautiful gift .Thanks a lot . Jai hind!! "Kar ke dikhaenge"

Special Thanks to Sandeep Sir who is doing a great Job and take a initiative by offering free course.

Sir, i have seen all your programmes on youtube and i am really a fan of you and your teaching style. Its really good to be a part of this. Thanks a lot.

Sir maine TAP ke 04 session dekhe. Hame bahut sikhane ko mila aur mujhe bahut maza aaya . Sir you are a great teacher . (Kar ke dikhane)

It's very useful for students who's preparing any competition exam

A big thanks for whole team of PT for providing us such a good quality content in a easily accessible way.

pt education is the best learning site for all competitive exam . Lot of thanks from the bottom of my heart for the providing knowledgeable tools for cracking any competitive exam. your hard work and dedication has really helped us

Sir your team is doing a wonderful work. Sir we just wish you always continue this work and help to students Thankyou so much sandeep soir and whole pteducation team With regards Akash
I saw some important lectures delivered by Sandeep Manudhane Sir. They were amazing. I got the roots of the education and the inception how to learn properly. Thank You Sir. I would also want to enroll in IAS course as I aspire to be a diplomat.

Dear sir, I use to listen your daily current affairs pro gramme and I have listened each of your video since beginning. It gives me a lot of inspiration to do something specially your title song ' Kuchh Kar ke Dikhayenge' . I am now masters student in Azim Premji University , Banglore and trying to crack upsc . Your all session has shown to go forward. Regards, Vikash

Sir you are doing a great job by providing such courses, marginalized and the students who can not pay huge fees of coaching classes are really getting benefited from it. Thank you so much and keep up.

well programme for distance learning students.On selection , my full grattitude to PT ias teams.looking forward to get good guidance & support of Manudhane sir to clear this exam mainly(UPSC).

Sir you and your team is doing very good work for the people who can't afford to go to Delhi for the preparation of various government exams I gope this course will be very helpful for all people who want to learn something new Thanking you Varun

i am following pt education youtube channel and wesite both. its a great experience and learning too on this platform. for civil service i find it the best

Whenever i saw your video or rather i would say whenever i hear your voice it filled me with +ve energy. Your a real mentor. Thank you so much for all your efforts.

What you teach is absolutely manifest in your work. So I firmly believe in you Sandeep sir and in your team as well. It's a humble request to you to keep entitled us form your profound wisdom.

Thanks for providing such a great content for thousands of aspirants who cannot afford to buy it. You content is the best on internet. Regards

your intention is an appreciable mater and keep supporting and providing help to the aspirants who have come from rural areas of the country.

Maine aapki questions analysis video youtube pe puri dekhi bahut achha lga, bahut badhiya tarika se samjhate hai.

I recently started watching CA with PT sessions from a month ago. It has been a wonderful and enriching experience. I am loving it. The most important thing is it has created in me a liking for current affairs for which I will always be greatful. Thanks a lot for making such wonderful sessions.

Respected sir,, this is a great initiative from you and your team.. students like me are really very grateful to you...please keep teaching and keep sharing your knowledge and experience with us.

It will very good and successful achievement of you team to connected as many aspiring students for civil service exam and I appreciated the efforts for PT education.
Very beautiful way of teaching. I am inspired every day through Current Affairs program. May God bless.

Thanku Very very much for giving excilent catching for achieving NYC goal

guru dev mai apse bhut hi prabhavit hun . mujhe aap jaise margdarshak ki hi jarurat hai. apke margdarshan mai bahut acha karunga

I have been following your YouTube channel for long time and it's helping me a lot in my studies. Looking forward to this course. Thanking you. Respected sir.

Words are less to express the experience. Your updates and subject are best. Sandeep sir is best in explaining and his way of teaching glued me to listen to him for hours.
प्रणाम सरजी, आपके PT EDUCATION का हमे आत्यंतिक लाभ मिलता हैं | Sandip Manudhane sir से अपने जीवन और समाज की ओर देखने का नजरिया पूरी तरह से बदल गया | आपके अनमोल विचार हमे न केवल युपीएससी के लिए ही नहीं बल्कि इस देश का सजग और ईमानदार नागरिक बनने में सहायता प्रदान करते हैं | मेरे सूचित करने के बाद बहुत से मित्र आपके PT Education को followकरते हैं| ईश्वर आपको उत्तम आरोग्य और दीर्घ आयु प्रदान करे| शुभकामनाओं सहित....!

ये काम बहुत नेक है । हम सब आपके समर्थन में है। बहुत बहुत आभार आपका

There is nothing more valuable in this world than knowledge and sir and your team is sharing this utmost valuable knowledge with us. You a doing a great deed. Appreciate your hard work and really thankyou for helping us

I want to read and learn for good skill And change the my country . I am very happy becouse your great changer guru ji apka sat sat naman

Pt education is doing a great job especially for the people who are working and don't have time to attend regular coaching classes thank you so much
जब जागो तब सवेरा, इसी उमीद से TAP से आज जुड़ रहा हूँ, एक ऐसे गुरु के साथ जो बच्चों ke लिए इतना कर रहा है और अब इस लाभ का उपयोग अगर अछे से नहीं kara तो मुझे नहें लगता कभी कुछ कर सकेगा आदमी. धन्यवाद सर आपका बहुत बहुत आभार।


Aapke videos aur teaching methods se pravbhit hone ke baad pata chala ki past me jis track pe chal raha tha uska door door se mere laksya se koi sambandh nehi tha. Sir aap aaj time me hum jaise logo ke kisi dronacharya se kam nehi ho. Aapki team aur PT education ko jitna jayada sharhna ki jaye utna kam hai. Sabe badi baat Sir Unacademy pe bahut sare log padhate hai lekin aapke videos aur aapke teaching method ko dekhne ke baad pata chala mene apna kitna samay waste kar diya tha. Asha karta hu jo galtiya mujh se Prelims 2018 me hui wo aapke videos ke regular watching , question compilation se 2019 mein nehi hongi. bhagwaan aapko aur aapki team ko swasthya wa lambi jindagi de taki aap issi tarah New India ko banane mein apna contribution dete rahe. prannam Sir Arun K Pandey

First of all I want to express my gratitude to you and your entire team for offering us such a wonderful platform. I think It will really do immense help to knowledge seekers community.gyan ki Ganga bahti rahe.

I got motivation by Sandeep Sir to prepare for UPSC Exam. The free contents available in you tube really helped me a lot in my preparation. Since I cannot pay the huge amount for preparation, I am very thankful to PT Education team for TAP.

Best team i am fallowing u on youtube. Sir i like your way of teaching. Giving all your experience while teaching. I prayer to allah PT education progresses days and nights. And also God bless u sir for making this plateform for millions of aspirants. Thanks sir

Thank you very much sir for providing the civil service course . Now we remotely based students also can get best guidance

Sir, you are my mentor. you are a beacon light to me... I can't afford classes but the persons like you are still helping us... thank you so much

Tremendouse job !! I particularly enjoying that current affiars 2018 session .


A good intiative to help the aspiring students to crack the civil services examination.

Sir/ Ma'am Your This step regarding to provide education to all those upse aspirants like me but they can't afford the huge amount of fee for couching and another online course and they feel very far from the other competitors . your's this step will give a smart platform to all people so that we can't stop to think big . thank's sir
Words are less to explain what tremendous knowledge you have opened for us. I am a follower of Sandeep Sir since 2-3 years and time to time i recommend PTIAS Course to many of my friends. Please continue CA Session on YouTube it is very helpful for awakening youth of this country. I also have subscribed your Economic Survey Course it helps me a lot. Thanks. Love you Sandeep Sir and PTIAS Team.

This is an incredible initiative taken by PT Education. I thank the entire team for bringing all the resources to us so easily.
Pt education is a good platform for every class of student who want to excel in life.

I've been following this portal, and have watched almost all the free lectures available on Youtube on civil services and knowledge boosters. Thank you for such a great effort your teaming is taking in the process of nation building. Wish you all the fortune.


I like most the way of your teaching and imparting informations. There are a lot of teachers in the country but you have all abilities to be a guru, who can change affluent and well-heeled education/ coaching system and can bring equity in society.

sir mai gaw me rahta hu aaj mai aap ka video pahli bar dekha aur phir mai pt education per aap k bahut sare video dekha.mai upsc ki prepration karna chahta hu per yahan per kio aisi coaching nhi hai jo upsc ya koi aur exam ki prepration kraye. mujhe ummid hai ki aap aur aap ki team isme hamari madad krayegi SHUKRIYA sndeep sir & PT education ki pure team ko

मैं पिछले एक साल से पीटी आईएएस अकादमी से जुड़ा हुआ हूं। संदीप सर की शिक्षण पद्धति बहुत दिलचस्प है क्योंकि संदीप सर मुश्किल विषय को भी बहुत ही आसान तरीके से बताते हैं

Sir, I am very sorry for not writing any testimonials. This is because I watch your videos mostly on youtube app on phone and visit the website very rarely. Your team's struggle is reducing my struggle by 50%. I follow your Current affairs regularly and also started following Tapasya. Thankyou for your help.

Namaskar Sandeep Sir, I am able to know about civils tapasya from sandip sir's lecture. Thanks a lot for creating a best platform for us . Aapko shat shat pranam.

i have taken coaching 2 year before. now as i am working. i was finding this kind of plateform. thank you for guiding us

The day I clear the UPSC CS exam, I will proudly say that I am a student of Sandeep Manudhane sir and will come to PTs Academy Indore to seek his blessings. Thank you very much sir for TAP portal.

Thank u for helping those students who has no any background support for civil services.

Such attempts to care and guide the students to fulfill their dreams is really appreciable. u r really doing very well

Best work for those student as like me Who can afford big fee in coaching but have passion to do civil service . You are the hope of me and likely to other student.thank you for helping sir.

Very very thankful to you sir and your team .You are doing a great job and it is very good platform for the students from the beginning...

I m highly interested..this channel give alot of motivationa and knowledge so that its very useful for acheaving a ambition....

hello sir, power of 10 its too good nd helping for me...always attend weekly ,thnku sir

Dear Sir, I have been following you since last two months, being an aspirants I was looking for such a platform that could help me to think differently. Thanks for providing us such a relevant platform like TAP. It will help me to bring out a better version of myself. And not only for such examination but also I will be helpful for being a better citizen of my society. Thank you.

sir, i like your current affairs course.It is so fantastic.please continue this course always.


I have seen some videos of pt education which was very good especially india own google, fb, amazon, etc. The way of teaching is very good. Current affairs session is also good which enables me to understand the topic and broader my understanding level of news around the globe. Thank u pt!

Aman Khan, Roorkee, July 2018
Sir,You and your team are doing a wonderful job of providing world class knowledge at the doorstep at free of cost.May God bless you all..

Sir your team is doing great job for those who is unable to prepare due to their economic conditions and lack of time , best of luck sir , jai hind कर के दिखाएंगे

PT Education has given so much good content for preparation in a concise manner which not only save the time but also give the direction for thought process to qualify the exam. Thank you very much.

I watch Sandeep sir lecture very interestingly. He is a very good teacher. Civil Tapasya is a very welcoming initiative taken by Pteducation.For this wonderful initiative I thanks to Sandeep sir. My english writing skill is not so fair that's why I am enrolling in this course in hope that someday I will be a good reader , writer and a free thinker.I know that it will achieved only when I give my best to my effort. Again I want to say Thanks.

Thanks a lot of Pt team , your work is great & amazing energy to provide many resources continuously...🙏🙏🙏 PT's academy ki jai..

Thanks all team members especially sandip manudhane sir for giving such a valuable knowledge free of cost...

मैं 2012 का पासआउट हुए और 3 बार यूपीएससी परीक्षा दे चुका हूं और लगातार तैयारी में जुटा हुआ।

I'm a regular attendee of CA with PT. This session gives the picture of news, in and out. This is surely the effort of the team that I'm able to get clear view of the issues without any bias. Would say, a great job by team scanning 7-8 newspapers daily and bringing before us such a valuable session.

Feeling lucky to see such a great coaching of free of cost Uh all are giving perfect knowledge so that we could ubderstand rather than mugging up

Its beautiful that we are provided with such course for preparation and the material is really apt and good for it. Good work Team TAPASAYA Thank you so much


Pt education is very helpful for all the students.They always boost us. Thank you pt education team .

Just because of PT I am looking forward to qualify UPPCS ....and I am very hopeful to do it just because of PT.... As UPPCS for ages is restricted to language barrier i.e. Hindi but with PT I can see it through English language as welllll Thank you PT
Namashkar sir,maine abhi haalhi me aap ke sessions dekhna start kiya hai and mujhko aap ke teaching ka tarika bhot jadha pasand hai.

It is a nice portal to study for civil services examination. I want to do with this team thanks for free help.

In this age of cut throat competition where there is isn't enough good job for average student in corporate sector, who passed from average college with average grade , resulting in millions of young students burning their youth in preparation for various government exam and some though for civil service every year as a result many self claimed institute has popped up exploiting these students ambitious and selling them worthless lousy content in the name of test series,crash course etc etc etc . At this point bringing up such a program is really applaudable initiative and i am sure many students gonna realize their seems to impossible goal into reality in near future.


As I am following PT Education from 6 months around and so got lots of thought provoking knowledge and I want to be integrated be with it to saturate the knowledge till extent of wisdom. As wealth of wisdom of Manudhane Sir is going to be eternal, this will incessantly enlight the path of students like me.

PT education has taught me to think big. I am currently working as an Officer in Canara Bank. After watching all the amazing videos (current affairs, power of apti etc)I have gained confidence and want to go for RBI. Thank you very much for your support. Kar ke dikhayoga!!
Hello PT Team, You are amazing!!!! Maybe You guys dont know how you are transforming India and Indian Education system and Indian Media. I am a software engineer in Bay Area California. I have started unfollowing all the Indian media houses but filter my India news only through Sandeep sir's and Current Affairs series! The insight and transparent perspective I get is outstanding! I love Sandeep sir. Sir, you deserve many more lives, you are the freedom-fighter (pun intended) of modern India! I will write a a proper testimonial soon. Thanks for everything!

Team PT is doing a onerous work by providing us with all the usefull resources in a very compiled format which makes it very easy to understand and comprehend.

I am extremely thankful to Sandeep Manudhane Sir for working so hard so that education reaches each and every one in the society. India definitely needs more educators like him who can inspire the youth to contribute towards Nation Building.
guess this is one of the best method of value education spreading it all over India , to benefit the student residing in every corner of india

PT Education has appeared as a light of hope for me to prepare for the civil services. I express my sincere gratitude to the team of PT Education for making such resources available to us without any charges

Thanks to Sandeep Sir and Team for the great initiative. Sandeep Sir provides good contents for us and the technical team equally supports him in this work. THANK YOU KAR KE DIKHAYENGE...

PT's current affairs are best among available online. The questions which Sir asks in between the analysis, seem so appealing that one can't stop trying to answer them. You are doing a GREAT work. I have found my anchor in you. That is all Thank You Very Much

Well i am sure more than a few words must have been written in your praise and deservedly so, the effort being put in here in this entrepreneurship is fantastic and so full of unaltered enthusiasm that just invokes a different sense of energy i never knew it was there in me until now. Earlier stuying merely from an examinations perspective i have now changed that aproach to do it more for an indepth understanding of the world around us, to form my own view of the ongoing debates and not to fooled by someone else's propaganda machine . Its a different world now with this new concept of holistic learning and i am just very very lucky to be at the right place . Have been with PT for more than an year and a half and found all its courses extremely awesome ,like you just start to be in love with kearning the most obstruse topics you normally skip in newspapers , like the most inclement of the weather seems to be so lovely ... However till now i have been following all its freely provided resourses ,videos and courses , i am very sure the paid ones must be the complete picture of such wonderful trailers. I am one of those students who have limited monetary resourses to put into regular educational purposes , unlike the scamsters who stonewall the money in rendering it useless for the rest of its paper life. And thus i collect resourses from such excellent websites and put it into reasonable order to complete my study, other than relying on modern day's fountain of digital pollution - The You Tube. ( although this TAP is currently available on You tube , it is about how you make genuine use of such a platform. PT Education has been an exemplary in that aspect. -and eagerly waiting for that 'APP' ) Last but not the least , From me and all such energetic and enthusiastic students like me i thank the magnificent work done by Team PT lead by the great mentor Mr Sandeep Manudhane . "Whatever you do comes back to you" ..that is the law of nature and karma.. and i heartly wish it comes to you in a way transcending your own expectations. "EVERYTHING HAS BEEN SAID ALREADY ,BUT, AS NO ONE LISTENS , YOU MUST BEGIN AGAIN FROM THE SCRATCH "

Namste sir, PTs all sessions are very helpul for students like me, who is preparing for CSE without coaching . I have been watching your current affairs session from few weeks it raised my understanding the various issues which is going around the world and country. Thank you sir for being there for us

चूंकि CSE बहुत ही hard होते है,ऐसे में एक average student इस तरफ आने की नही सोचता। अब ये preparation zero से start हुई है तो अब मै यह कर सकता हु क्योंकि में zero तो नही इससे कही ऊपर हु। मैं आपको ओर आपकी team का बहुत बहुत आभार प्रकट करता हु।

I am very thankful to all of u sir for this work because I dont know how will I start u all are my guideliner thank you so much sir
Current Affairs initiative is an extraordinary work by PT education, Empowering many students with right knowledge and guiding a right path to achieve their goal.

It is the best portal where one can boost up one's knowledge without getting distracted . I have been following the CA with PT series since last months. To be very honest it helped me a lot to deal with current affairs & Now I have a good habit of reading newspaper daily which boost of my confidence in GDs & PIs...thank you very much Team PT and a Special thank to Mr. Sandeep Manudhane Sir....I love you sir...
I m following pt eduction since past 2 yr.......And it helps me alot in my preparation for various exams . Pteducation is a platform from where any one can get tremendous source of knowledge. Thanks for ur support.

Dear Sir, I love the way u teach, its just awesome and remarkable for my SSB preparation. I am doing job in army and going to appear SSB Interview . Thank you for all ur support and lastly hats off u.

I really appreciate the effort your team is doing .. i listen to your current affair analysis everyday and the way Sandeep sir explains everything is fabulous .. will be a pleasure to learn more from you.

Hello sir and pt team . Thanks for giving such knowledge to us . I had watched your first video on Hinduism topic . I like that too much .

hello sir, I am following this hub of knowledge ## PT Education and ## Sandeep Manudhane sir from last 1 months. You and pt team had changed my perspective to view things totally differently. Now i am full of confidence that wherever i will be i can make an impression. I always shares views with my friends and family which gives me happiness that i am also little contributing to change the views of my near one .The way Sir express the difficult things in such a simple ways i love it. Love you sir and the efforts of pt teams to change the view of the society. Lots of love and appreciations. Regards Shashank Shanu

I have been following Sandeep Sir videos from 2 years - first for Group discussion and secondly for Civil services. I must acknowledge the fact that he is a commendable teacher, the content and presentation skills are really awe inspiring. His team, definitely has "gems" who are achievers in the dream of making India a knowledge superpower. I hope ,PT education team will continue to put a dent in the universe by their talent,hardwork and perseverance.Best of Luck to all of them.

This platform is making me very happy. Its really great to see that PT Education is providing a course which is very necessary for various aspirants. Providing it free is a social gift to the aspirants who have economic disadvantage including me.
I am sincerely taking your daily dose of current affairs. I have also subscribe your Prabhodhan Master course. Now for better result. I am enrolling for tapasya. I am continuously sharing your courses and efforts to my friends and relatives. Cheers you guys. You guys are really pushing our India & mankind forward. Thanks Love you all.

मैं करीब पिछले आठ महीनों से यूट्यूब के माध्यम से आपके चैनल द्वारा प्रसारित विडियो पाठ्यक्रम को देखकर अध्ययन कर रहा हूं। विशेषकर #संदीप सर का आभारी हूं जिसके व्याख्यान हमारे जीवन को ही मानो बदल कर रख दिया। साथ ही #PT's की पूरी टीम का आभार प्रकट करता हूँ जो मुझ जैसे गरीब छाञों के लिए दिनरात प्रयासरत हैं। धन्यवाद Sir.

I am a follower of PT Education from long-long time. I through this platform has got unmeasurable progress. My gratitude to whole PT Education family for their work and support. I hope to see this series going on smoothly till it final date. PT education Academy has changed my life by making things simpler for me. Humble Suggestion: Would like more people apart from Sandeep Sir to come and deliver (Take Lectures) content in Youtube.

नमस्ते। ये अत्यन्त सराहनीय है कि जब अधिकतर माध्यमो ने पढ़ाने के लिए दाम लगाये हैं, जो हम जैसे विद्यार्थियों के लिए परेशानी बढ़ाता है, ऐसे से में आपने हमारा मार्गदर्शन करने हेतु ये अभियान चलाया है। इससे पूर्व भी आप हम लोगो का साथ बराबर देते रहे परंतु ये पहल PT IAS टीम के लिए एक और यशकलगी समान है जो इसकी सुविधा वंचित विद्यार्थियों के लिए वरदान और टीम को गौरवान्वित करता है सुनदरता बढ़ाता है। आपकी इस पहल का साथ मन लगाकर देंगे और कर के दिखाएंगे।

Hello Team, It has been a phenomenal effort from the PT team in bringing courses like this. I have recently started following the daily CA series and have to admit it is one of a kind. The kind of insight one gets from just listening to the videos is enough. Hope to see the same in this course.
It is not easy for student like me or else to scan all important news that you bring under one umbrella .I am lucky student which have so many valuable resources as a ready reckoner.I am also thankful and grateful for "Guruj" like Sandeep sir who is changing my life in a day to day basis. Thanks PT family.

Namaste PT team , Hinduism yah Vishy par Mene pehlibar you tube channel par sandip sir ka video dekha. Unka sikhane ka gyan batneka trika hame acha laga....ap jistrhse Chije asan karke samzate ho vo dimag me ascheae yad reh jati hai...Is Gyansar se ham khud Gyan ban rahe hai ...apka Dhayavad PT team
I know PT education since 2011 as I did CAT preparation under the guidance of Vinay Modi Sir (PT education, Jaipur). PT education has inspired and trained many students and working professionals. I have been closely observing the provided by your team and I can see the hard work and preparation in making these courses. There are many online learning platform but PT education is certainly the best. I thank each and every member of PT education for making these courses (most of them are free). I am sure you will keep us inspiring every day. Thank you so much.

बहुत ही प्रेरणादायक और सही दिशा दिखाने वाले कार्यक्रम हैं। किसी भी व्यक्ति के ज्ञान और समझ को सही रूप में विकसित करने में निर्णायक भूमिका अदा करते हैं।

PT Education is the best online portal for Civil Service Aspirants. * I am very much impressed by my beloved teacher Mr. Sandeep Manudhane Sir. * I follow you Sir. * You are the Best Teacher i have seen till date in my life, i don't have words to appreciate your knowledge, your teaching skills, your command over languages and ease of explaining complex things. * Thank you so much Sandeep Sir!!

HELLO SIR, yaha mujhe bahut kuch sikhane ko mil raha hai . our jo aap log ye free shewa suru kiye hai ye bahut aacha hai. isse bahut logo ko phayeda milega ,mujhe toh mil raha hai , mai samjhta hu ki ouro ko bhi mil raha hoga. our aisa nahi hai ki free hai toh karab hai nahi bilkul nahi ye bahut accha hai our ye ek tarah se desh ki sewa he hai ,our aapke gayan se hame gayan mil raha hai. aap ka padhne ka tarika bahut acha hai our saral hai jisse sikhane me hame koi dikat nahi hoti.bhagwan se yahi kamna hai ki har kisi ko aap ke jaisa saral sawabhao de. dhanyewaad " BHART MATA KI JAI "

This team is doing marvelous work for the aspirants of many fields as well as for the people who are having deep desire to enlighten their knowledge. The collection of most important information , summarization, and explanation in very interesting and simple way is worthy.


I have registered in many courses in pt education . And find all that very much helping . TODAY IS PT EDUCATION'S BIRTHDAY (10TH JULY) SO I WOULD LIKE TO WISH ALL THE MEMBERS OF PT EDUCATION.MAY YOUR WORK WILL GO ON AND ON AND WILL GET ALL THE SUCCESS.
Pt education team is really proving boom for the students like me ,who can not travel distances but want to study quality material & bring chnage in society.sandeep manudhane sir is really very humble,educated & kind man who is like a GOD for the students like me.

Wonderful team which is doing great job in making life better. It is great platform for us to make our best. I resigned from job for seeking knowledge. This is best platform which i got. Thanks PT team for motivating and empowering us.

i am so overwhelmed by your teams idea to start a course like TAPASYA . This will definetly help wast majority of students from different domains preparing for civil services. i am a first timer attempting civils in 2019 and i'm having hell lot of expectations from your team and will do my level best to top civils in my first attempt itself........"SANDEEP SIR YOUR VIDEOS ARE JUST AWESOME" a true eye opener and your 360 degree coverage of the topics is exceptional.. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY PT" "SOMEDAY I WILL GIVE BACK WHAT YOU HAVE GIVEN ME .THANK YOU"

Sandeep Mandhane Sir, You are great! What you are doing is a commendable social service. Youth of this country will always be indebted to you. I cannot explain in words how much your lectures changed me socially. Your lectures have given me a completely new dimension to my thinking. Thank You Team PT, You ROCK!!!

I highly appreciate this initiative, hope it helps me to properly streamline my preparation and comprehensively complete the syllabus by completing daily, weekly and monthly targets.

hello sir , Your Current affiars series is very helpfull for me especially for civil services prelims 2018 exam .This series may also leads to help me aware about the surroundings also . I'm very appreciate your work and your team that makes you thing simple. Thank You..

A great and innovative work by team .....I realise something new must be there in this course .......amazing efforts by Sandeep Sir and the whole team.I am not able to comply with all the resources given by PT Education.

Sir me mppsc ka exam nikalna chahti hu mujhe aapki team bhut achchi lgi mene aapke videos se kafi topic taiyar kiye h or lgatar prepration me aapki classes helpful rhi h thank you so much sir

PT education team and sandeep sir is like a light showing path to varoius pool of students. There are very less people in the world who follows the path of philanthropy. Thank you so much to Sandeep sir and team of PT.

I have been following CA with PT in You-tube since past few days from where I have come to know about this course. I was not a news person and reading newspaper would take many hours without much output but after watching videos of Sir, I have started to understand the flow of news and still there are so much to learn. Thank You to the whole team for their hard-work. Many many wishes to PT education on its 25th birthday. Long Live PT !!

I don't have word to express my feelings and the love and resources given by PT team. It's a great immense to me I get touch with you. When I am frustrating due to my goals and dreams ,I watch your sessions ,that will give me energy and motivated Me .

I am prepared for Competitive exams and prepare my self for Civil service. As I feel Pts Education and Specially Sandeep Sir’s guidance always motivates me.

Sandeep sir is one of the most creative and innovative forces in teaching that I’ve seen.Sir has an unbeatable formula for expediting learning and bringing success in the our live.We all have a lot to learn from you.

The PT Team is doing a great job in mentoring students and being the torchbearer of knowledge and truth. Sandeep Manudhane Sir inspires us to be great and his conviction, knowledge, analytics, connecting the dots is so uplifting and rare to see. A heartfelt thank you to Team for all your services!

Sir Charansparsh, The freedom of knowledge caimpaign, you carrying out is absolutely fantastic. We assure you sir Kar Ke Dikhaenge. Happy 25th aniversary of PT Education and great thanks to PT Team for your tremendous work for us. With regards Aroj Kumar

I was just browsing youtube and there i got your link. i just clicked casually to check and the moment i watched your hindu analysis for 1min only..i decided to go through your team to study only. Thanks alot sir. Keep it up.

I think you have a great teaching style in which you used stuff from different sources information and combine them into a simplified version which will help us in easier ‘digestion’ of the knowledge.. … sir under your guidance I feel confident and capable of doing something with great vision“KAR K DIKHAYENGE” It has been a great pleasure to have been your student…with all the patience and understanding that you have given .. I would like to thank you and PT family for your support and prompting of questions that make me think of the main points. I really thank you from the bottom of my heart....

I am an ardent follower of CA with PT. I is one of the best knowledge platform and really a boon for all the knowledge seekers like me. Teaching method of Sandeep Sir is the best and surely sir is the eye pop out specialist. I would like to congratulate the team for its selfless service to needy students. Keep rocking always.

Pranam Sir & Love to the entire PT’s Team, I welcome myself & the entire learners’ community to the world of knowledge i.e. PT. “Being a TEACHER of Sandeep Sir’s caliber is the HIGHEST PRIVILEGE & having a teacher like HIM is the BEST BLESSING”. No testimonial or words in praise could ever truly be at par with the kind of work the PT Team is putting forth for the entire knowledge seekers’ fraternity. Ever since I got myself on-board with the Team, the learning has become fun & now I can proudly say that I have traversed a long distance on the way to becoming an INDEPENDENT THINKER. The knowledge & wisdom I inculcated helped me revamp myself. This one for you Sandeep Sir : To the world you may just be a teacher, but to your students you are HERO. With your theatrical style of throwing light on various things, you have made yourself a kind of habit & addiction that one should definitely have in her/his life. I love this habit of mine and thanks for making me an addict.

मैं पिछले 12 दिनों से CA और 101 को देख रहा हूँ। जिससे मुझे अभी थोड़ा थोड़ा international relations,eeconomics, और खास करके US और China की पालिसी को समझने लगा हु।इसके अलावा Sir g का geography, Hinduism ,Indus civilization की वीडियो काफी अच्छी तरह से sanmjha तथा इनके मदत से एक नई तरह की सोच को विकसित हो रही हैं जो पहले नही थी।मुझे आशा है कि मैं कुछ महीनों में खुद से economy, ecology , international relations समझने लगूँगा। अतः मैं pt educations के पूरे टीम को दिल से धन्यवाद ।

I am a Part of PTs Self Prep Course for UPSC CSE, The Content and Ease that I am Getting Through this Course is Highly Commendable. PT Educations Team Feels Like a Family Helping in Exam Preparations, Moreover MY Experience with the Technical and Call Team of PT Education has Been Really Awesome.

I am very thankful 2 this team.which provide knowledge on daily basis. Because my guruji manudhane sir said that"shortest route to earn respect is knowledge n shortest route to earn knowledge is study". So i want to gain knowledge

I got to know about PT Education through the CA series run by the team and I'm thankful to them as it is of immense help in widening my perspective. I am a Management Trainee with the world's largest hotel group, now looking to attaining bigger things in life and team PT Education is immensely helpful in that, keep up the good work. Thank You Warm regards.

Since 2016 I started my study for civil services ... And I got sandeep sir video on world war.. to that moment I continuously following the pt education. It seems that all material that entire team provide us is like boon. I endure all the team member who are working so hard for us and it's make me enthusiastic for study . Thank you

I regularly watch CA with pt since last month and i really appreciate the effort put in making of those videos. Sandeep sir go in depth of every topic and he is an encyclopedia of knowledge that helps us understand the topic and he also gives his point of view about the topic which is very helpful to build our own thinking. All i can say is that you guys rock to summarize this. Lots of love and respect for all of u.

Respected Sir, I started watching CA with PT from past one week. The coverage of a particular topic from different newspaper sources helps to gain a complete knowledge of the subject. I am thankful to PT education for all the resources.

Firstly I would like to thank all team members for such a great work. Sir I like your all videos and contents, specially c.a. with pt education. I regularly watch your all uploaded videos. Recently I have decided to purchase one of your UPSC preparation course .I will purchase it after arranging money. Sir you are pushing energy in all youth by your all videos and I am sure that your great efforts will help in developing our country. Once again thanks to all team members.

Namaskar Sir !! Only after watching your session, i am motivated to start preparation for UPSC after almost 9 years of service. The way of teaching, connecting the dots and always keeping the best part. Overall very much enjoying the session & increasing knowledge. Wishing Very Happy Birth Day to the PT Education!!!

I appreciate your initiative for providing free civil service sandeep sir always been an inspiration for me.i just want want to be like you you have unlimited mines of knowledge and i m trying to gain as much resource as i can from your mines.

The work done by PT Education is wonderful. The way in which Sir Sandeep Manudhane teach is marvelous helps to understand various things in easy format. The team day night working to provide best services hats off to them. All the information for class timing is provided by them on time. I am highly thankful for all team of PT Education and Sandeep Manudhane Sir.

Hi, I started watching the Current Affairs series on YouTube and got addicted to it from the day one. What got me addicted was the humorous knowledge in the videos. The way in which Sandeep sir explains is unique in itself. And I would appreciate the team who carries out this whole process of video making and editing , especially the one who puts the sound of the elephant and the missile. Keep up the work. And thank you very much for creating a free course as many of the aspirants can't afford to pay for most of the courses. Thank you.

Sandeep Mandhane sir..I have been going through your free classes wherever and whenever available..My approach towards the social issues have changed..I cant comment about the scale of ur knowledge but i can say that the application of the available knowledge is an art that has to be learnt from u..ur unbiased and pin point views is really commendable...I would also appreciate the teamwork of ur institution for presenting the extract of unscattered data.. I am preparing for UPSC 2019-presently i am facing 360 degree hurdles as i am an working individual with a family..and i dont have laptop and even i cant use it for the unavailability of proper environment..i have to devote time in fragments..Iam eagerly waiting for the pts academy android app. Then i would join ur exhaustive 1 year programme for upsc 2019..Kindly help me out.

I have completed my graduation in 2016,since than I am looking for guidance to prepare this the last quarter of 2016 I knew about sandeep sir,but I couldn't keep my studies up under his guidance.i love the way he teaches,he motives,and paving ways for us.

The constant efforts and time that you give to better the future of India as a whole is over whelming. Your approach in making at look things in a 360 degree is perfect. You will certainly see the difference in India in the near future, by your students (independent thinkers). Of course this great mission is impossible without your off screen dedicated team. Salute to you and your team sir. A true Indian. JAI HIND.

sir i am a regular visitor of your current affairs. the way u present them is really phenomenal and i am very thankful to u for giving a very deep insight on all matters. i started watching your videos with U.S financial crisis after that i became a regular visitor of your portal. Also a very great work is done by your team in scanning news papers. i cannot express my feeling it's just a sublime experience to watch you. i pray to god for your good health so that u can keep educating children like us......thank you sir for all your effort....

मैं ग्रामीण क्षेत्र से ताल्लुक रखती हूँ यहीं गांव के प्राइवेट स्कूल में हिन्दी माध्यम से मिडिल क्लास के बच्चों को पढ़ाती हूँ क्या उ०प्र० पी० सी० एस० की पढाई कर स्कती हूँ ,आपकी कोचिंग का काफी बार नाम सुना है शायद मुझे भी आपका सानिध्य मिल जाय यही मेरी कामना है।
Guruji pranam, mai IAS ki preparation kar rha hu. aur aapke sare lectures ko attain karta hu. aapke videos dekhne ke bad bahut jada positive energy a jati hai. Guruji aap bahut hi knowledgeable or experinced person ho. aapke videos bahut hi intresting rahte hai with lots of concepts, problem solving and doubt clearing. Guruji aap topic ko systematically cover karte ho jis se kafi acha lagta hai. I am really thankful to him for all the advice, and information.

Dear Sandeep sir and Team, I am watching your lectures and vedios from 2015 I have no words to appreciate you and your team. Every session is just a spark of knowledge and awareness it's not just about of competitive exams it help us to be a good citizen now we can't believe blindly whatever happening surround ourself..AAP jaisa guru ho to kabhi kisi shishya Ko agyanata ka andhakar Choo bhi nahi Sakta ..Hai hind sir..Dil se dhanyavad apko aur apki puri team Ko..Aise hi hunara margdarhsan karte rahiye..

I would like to thanks entire PT Education Team for their such a great efforts and providing us constructive resources and educational platform which are helpful in self development as well as competitive exam preparation Dil se Bahut Bahut Dhanyabad Sandeep Sir

मैं आपको और आपकी पूरी टीम को हार्दिक धन्यवाद देता हूँ | आपके इस कोचिंग से उन स्टूडेंट को फायदा पहुंचता जो किसी कारणवश कोचिंग नहीं जा पाते |

Team PT is doing really a great job by starting a free course for civil service aspirant. I am a working professional. I also preparing for Civil service. I am a regular viewer of CA WITH PT. it is a fantastic course of its type. I believe that TAP further improve my knowledge and make me more competitive.

I have seen many general knowledge sessions of PT education on you-tube. It is full of knowledge and data. It is very useful for improving my knowledge as well as my overall image. I am very thankful to PT education for helping me for improving my knowledge and also thankful for initiate free course "tapasya anual preparation" for creating the opportunities to gain the knowledge for all indians.

I have seen many lectures of Sandeep sir and I have experienced a great hunger of knowledge after his lecture .I want to learn more and more just to satisfy this hunger of knowledge .Although I am not a civil services aspirant still I am joining this course to boost up my knowledge .

Namaste Sir. I am your big fan. I recently saw your session on Hinduism that gave me deep insight of the topic and cleared many of my doubts. I am a beginner and will be grateful to be a part of this community . Thanks to the whole team of PT Education from the depth of my heart. Thank you

Hello sir , Mai ek gov teacher hu U.pme or mujhe the hindi newspaper padhne me bht dikkat hoti thi kyuki mai ek hindi medium student rahi hu bt jb se maine aapke vedios dekhne shuru kiye mere mn me ek nayi umang jagi h or mujhe lgne lga h I can do it. padhai ke prati bhi mera nazariya badal gya.Or mera bhi mn h k mai bhi apne desh ke liye kuch kru. Bcoz of u sir. I'll try my best. Thank u so much sir.

A commendable effort by your team wherein guidance and inspiration together with ur structured video lectures help students prepare for various competitive exams. I am still new to this platform so will write in detail later. Thumbs up for your efforts and guidance. Best wishes..

Pt and its team is really doing wonderful job. .. Many praises will still not suffice the amount of effort they are doing behind this Wonderful Project..... A Project of imparting true education to everyone and breaking their previously built imagination and pulling them out from the dark to the light of true knowledge....Jai Hind Vande Matram

I do watch sandeep sir's lectures,the way he teaches is amazing, his thirst for knowledge is immense, looking forward to get as much knowledge as I can ,from my virtual guru .Tapsya is an awesome initiative ,which is gonna be a blessing for student community who are looking forward to learn various aspects irrespective of the field they choose.

Namastey Sir and my warm greetings to your whole team. Sir, I am very thankful to you and your whole team that you are doing this social and outstanding work for the students like us. Thank You so much sir and am very excited for the commencement of this Tapasya Annual Preparation (TAP) course.

You and your team are simply awesome ! Sir limited money aur der sari familly responsibilities ki wajh se mai aapke premium courses me admition nhi le pa rha lekin aapke courses bot hi behtarin hai aur iske alawa desh ke liye deshbhakti ka jazba v aapki wjh se aata hai. Sir mere India bhar me lagbhag 100 se jyada dosto ko aapke videos bhej ke dikhaye hai aur aapko ye jaankar khushi hogi ki hm saikdo aapko apna aadarsh maante hai. Aur kisi din safal hone ke baad aapse milke gurudakshina dene ki khahish hai. Sir aap hamesha khush rhe hamesha healthy rhe aur hum sab aapke liye hamesha prarthana karte hai.

To Sandeep sir and whole team of PT education I would like to thank you alot for the great work you are doing. Lack of knowledge is biggest problem our society is facing in current times and your platform is fighting hard with it. I have been following you on youtube from last few weeks and I have seen very big change in the way I see any news now. You have given me a new perspective to think and gather knowledge. I wish whole team of P T education to continue your great work in future.

Pt Academy is one of the best institute out there. I Particularly like Sandeep sir's Vedio's. TAP is a great opportunity for students and I am thankful to institute for providing the same for free.

Dear Sir/Team PT Education, First i heartily congrats for your new energetic and no doubt fabulous course and thanks for your such kind of support and blessings for all of us. Kar Ke Dikhayenge..

Namaste Guruji, I recently hanged my Indian Air Force uniform to dedicate full-time to prepare for CSE. While my wife continue to serve Indian Army. I have been following CA with PT since its inception. I have also learned a lot through your video classes on YouTube. You are truly a guiding light for me and lot of many aspirants and professionals like me. There are no words to thank you for the yeoman service you and your team have been rendering. May PT Education grow in leaps and bounds and so do the thinking heads of the nation. May god bless.

Namaste Sir, I am a huge fan of yours. You are a great teacher. I like the way you teach and the way the material/ppt is being prepared. Thanks you sir for starting this programme. I believe it will immensely help in my preparation as well as a lot other students preparation. Hats up to you and your team for hard and dedicated work in presenting such nice sessions to the student community.

I have been religiously following Sandeep Manudhane Sir, and I'm an ardent fan of his teaching style. Thank you PT Education. Kudos to your team efforts.

आप बहुत अच्छा काम कर रहे है हम जैसे विद्यार्थियों के लिए आप हमें इतनी अच्छी सुविधा दे रहे है आप का पढ़ने का तरीका भी बहुत अच्छा है मुझे बहुत पसंद आया आप का बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद

I am very lucky to discover PT Education in this ocean of internet. It is very difficult for me to take any kind of coaching for civil services as I am a govt. employee right now (clerk). This free portal of PT Education has given me a ray of hope and I believe with your guidance and my hard work I'll be able to crack my State PSC's exam.

A great appreciation and thankfulness to Sandeep Sir and the whole PT Education team for doing a wonderful work for knowledge gainers and civil service aspirants.

First of all my sincere thank to all the members of the Pt's education team. We are really grateful to entire team of PT's education. Your team's effort and making available free access to whole wealth of knowledge resources through TAP and Power of APTI, I am sure, is making a huge difference in the life of many students. I am also an enrolled student in the PROBODHAN master course. I really appreciate the way Sandeep Sir teaches. CA with PT's education is extremely useful and through Sundeep Sir it makes learning more more fun and helps widen our perspectives of various issues. My appreciation to all of you goes beyond these written words. Thank you all.

With my comparatively less experience I want to say that you all are not into any sort of business, selfish motive or any other commonly prevailed distractions these days. What you are doing in PT education " IS A TRUE SERVICE TO NATION" . God bless you all and may this portal turns out to be the most valuable destination in our country.. JAI HIND !!!

Your videos on youtube was very knowledge full. Pt education team building India's future. I am new here and a biggener also too weak in english but m a struggler I dont have much knowledge but pt education helping me so it is pleasure to join TAP for me. I hope you understand what I am trying to say. Apologise for my mistakes. Thankyou

One of the best academy in India,for Hindi medium student . Sandeep Manudhane sir teaching style is unique such as YouTube videos World War II, Neno technology, Bio technology, Universe and Solar system, vocabulary, and prilem solve paper.

Namaste to Sandeep Sir & hello to every team member. I am very delighted to enroll my self in this course and get benefit. however, I have also enroll for the PT IAS PACKAGE and I am enjoying the beautiful session prepared by your team .

It is really a booster program which encourage one to learn and study. It is a great initiative which help me to come out of fear of not fighting any competitive exams. I was preparing for Engineering Services in the year 2010 - 11 and written so many technical exams and succeed to clear few written exam but not able to clear any interviews and finally I gave up and opt to join private companies. After watching some lectures of PT it make me realize it can be done by the help of this program.

"first of all i saw a lectur of hinduism by sandeep sir till that day to now i have been following pt ,which i got too much beneficial for me . i owe to pt team because things seem very esay now. i was very dull in economics as i have the background of science but now i have begun to learn all those things that were tough for me . i belong to a rural area where things are not esay as in the big cities but now i suggest my friends also who live in my village to follow you.a i big thank to team pt."

"I have been associated with PT Education since 2016 February for the UPSC self prep. The KB series, power of 10, prabodhan, power of apti, CA etc etc....have been amazing and changes our way of looking at things and also our view point. Thank you sandeep sir. This would not have been possible without the support of his team members working behind the camera, thank you team. "

Your teaching acumen/skill is the best and in fact your style of teaching suits slow learner like me. You are like a boon to learners like us , apart from this the free resources which you are providing in your various portals is extremely valuable .We are highly grateful to you for being such a selfless teacher to students like us.

Hello Team, I am really happy to say that you all are doing wonderful job to providing such a great resources to achieve our goal & it helps a lot to build up new innovative thoughts in new way.

guiding someone without any self interest is the best thing one can do for the society the team pt is doing the same. there is a chinese proverb 'give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him to fish and you feed him for lifetime" you people are proving the same . i cant afford coaching or guidance which is very costly now days.TAP i hope guide me in right direction . i am a fan of PT. KAR KE DIKHAENGE!

Pranam Sandeep sir. You and your team is doing great job by providing such rich quality content for free. I follow CA with pt regularly and also following Sandeep sir on YouTube. Eagerly waiting for this new handholding TAP Course.
Sir u & whole PT Education team is really doing a very tremendous job, because of following your series I have finally made into list of SSC CHSL for DEO in CAG of India. And also cleared SSC STENOGRAPHER, ASRB STENOGRAPHER ( Waiting For Skill Test Exam) & SSC MTS. Thanks Sir, I could not define your role in my life into these limited words. Yes Sir I have changed your motto of KARKE DIKHAENGE INTO KARKE DIKHA DIYA, Next month I m going to join CAG as DEO in Agartala AG OFFICE ( Tripura).

First of all, a very congratulation and thanks for the PT team for doing a lot of hard work to bring the cream to boost our preparation and help in tackling the need of the Civil Services Exam which is very dynamic and unpredictable. It will be of great help for working aspirants who due any unavoidable reasons are not able to sacrifice their job for the preparation.Its a kind of social service in our nation building.

Respected Sir Your enthusiasm for teaching is just fabulous and admirable to. The very best thing I like in Sandeep Sir is his communication skill that too when he is not in front of students physically. I can imagine what students can feel when he is in front of aspirants and what impact he can make on them. Really thank you Sir for your effort.
Esteemed PT education Team Huge respect and appreciation for your Avante Garde in the field of Education and generation true civilians for the society, I have been without work since last 3.5 yrs inspite of having a B.Tech 1st class with distinction degree in Mech. Engg.Several personal factors.Father no more,mother ill condition and almost nil finance.Iteach some 3-4 school student for monthly most urgent expenses.Yet,I REMAIN VERY LIVELY,FULL OF LIFE LIFE AND VERY CONFIDENT.90%+ Credit goes to PT TEAM. Your free resources have been a true life support for me all this time. I and many potential and serious students with such conditions need you as our guardian,not only for the preparation but for life time. I will join you in your quality Educationl revolution of India very soon. A zillion of thanks.

From last 1 year I use to follow PT Education. Your afford really appreciable. Professionally I am a teacher. And last 3 years working for Education of indigenous peoples of Arunachal Pradesh and I really want to a teacher like Sandeep Sir. .Sir you r one of the best teacher I have seen. The way of teaching I like most and my students also like you and Your teaching. Some times I become depressed , then I use to see your any video in youtube. And somehow I became enthusiast. Sir please continue all these things for us. Thankyou.
This is the most amazing thing which i will be enrolling in my entire life, currently I'm a post-grad student from NIT Jamshedpur & was unsure about how to mentally prepare myself for the battle of UPSC CSE 2019, even before starting to pick my NCERT's first. This is going to be extremely helpful for my preparation from home. I am going to cherish this course & most importantly 'THIS IS ABSOLUTELY FREE". Kudos to PT's IAS ACADEMY.

I have been following Snadeep Sir for last 1.5 yrs. and I am a huge fan of him and his team. I am happy that views of CA over youtube is increasing. Although I will give my first attempt next year after completing my law degree from National Law University Odisha, out of practice I solved tis year prelims paper. i got around 85 marks and I was able to solve atleast 10-12 questions correctly only because I was religiously following CA and power of 10 series. Thank you very much PT Team.

I find myself fortunate to get connected with pt family. I often think that how much hardwork pt is putting for students, running so many resources and website successfully updating content regularly and all my laziness goes away. I feel that my opinions and overall personality has evolved by seeing Sandeep sir 360° and multidimensional views on everything. I Hope sir would remain as young as 28 always because entire student community needs teacher like you. Thanks sandeep sir and entire pt for giving so much positivity, courage and motivation.

Team PT Education is very hardworking and a very talented team with a sound mentor. The way sessions are conducted and the way website and its contents are, impresses me the most. I am a regular visitor of current affairs with PT site , so much so that I have even made it my homepage. I personally have stopped watching TV after joining CA with PT, and it has changed my way of Life, my ideology, and even my daily routine, I used to sleep in the evening, but now I spend it watching CA with PT session and reading news, in my free time I do watch other sessions on your youtube channel, and will make sure to watch each and every session as and whenever possible. You guys are doing commendable work and may GOD bless you all abundantly.

All I can say is thank u.once a member of pt is always a member of pt! I have been a gec student, a regular follower of, I have watched probably every session of sir on YouTube.i never miss a power of 10 session.all these services has not just helped me in exams but it has changed my whole personality in very positive way.

Respected sir, you and your team are doing a great job by providing so many study resources freely available for students like us. Sometimes money also becomes a hurdle in our preparation and your efforts will definitely remove all of these barriers one day completely. So, sir be motivated because your motivation also helps us for keep moving forward in our life. Thank you PT Education and team Namaste

Hello sir... namaskar .. I have started following your channel from last 15 days. After watching ur sessions on current affairs , I really feel blessed ,motivated and energised . Your videos are multidimensional because it is a knowledge booster as well as motivational both... jaise ek khiladi ko coach ki jrurat hoti hai use game k liye tyar krne me.. usi trh AAP hmlogo ko electronically trained kr rhe pteducation k madhyam upsc game k lye... jo har saal aspirants k lye challenging hoti hai... mein apko dil se dhnyawaad krta hu ... jo mehnat AAP kr rhe hai hmlogo k lye wo bhut hi fruitful hai...the awesome thing about ur current affairs programme is , 7-8 newspapers k summary mjhe mil jati on daily basis with a very short summary in layman language... so ek baar me smjh aa jati hai apki discuss ki hai article... thanku so much sir .... charan Sparsh !

I am tremendously laudable for your endless support and a vivacious pot of Knowledge. I don't think so you had ever left any stone unturned to give us that level of understanding which can and could never be achieved from any other source. I am your prabhodhan master course aspirant also enjoying the session with full enthusiasm. God bless to all the team of Pt education and Sandeep Sir Zindabad Once again Guru square
PT Education is The goldmine of learning. The unmatched quality of knowledge sharing is the USP for PT Education.I request everyone who is curious to know about Our country India and the Globe as a whole, please do join this revolution.It is One stop choice.Thanks and regards.

आपका प्रयास सराहनीय है, आपके द्वारा दिये गये ज्ञान और मार्गदर्शन से मैं खुद को बेहतर महसूस करता हूँ। ईश्वर आपको स्वस्थ और चिन्तामुक्त रखे ताकि आप सभी लोग यह कार्य सदैव कर सकें और देश के युवाओं को सही दिशा में आगे बढ़ने की प्रेरणा दे सकें। आप सभी को कोटि-कोटि धन्यवाद।

I think PT Education is taking all sorts of efforts to make quality education and guidance affordable to majority of students. You are not only eliminating the economic factor and making these courses all inclusive but you are also furthering a social cause. Honoured to be a part of this learning process. Thanks
PTeducation's initiation for making aspirants like me well tuned for UPSC exam,is setting a milestone for future..The way Sandeep sir presents the world in so beautiful and so understanding way, any one can take a step toward such toughest exam ....

I took birth in my process to become ias from you by taking 1year self prep course......But after that you treated us such like small baby by giVing support through power of 10, daily news on YouTube,,,cracker module,,, et c etc feel my heart full of to dedicate my success to you which is about to come in next few tyear
Esteemed PT education Team Huge respect and appreciation for your Avante Garde in the field of Education and generation true civilians for the society, I have been without work since last 3.5 yrs inspite of having a B.Tech 1st class with distinction degree in Mech. Engg.Several personal factors.Father no more,mother ill condition and almost nil finance.Iteach some 3-4 school student for monthly most urgent expenses.Yet,I REMAIN VERY LIVELY,FULL OF LIFE LIFE AND VERY CONFIDENT.90%+ Credit goes to PT TEAM. Your free resources have been a true life support for me all this time. I and many potential and serious students with such conditions need you as our guardian,not only for the preparation but for life time. I will join you in your quality Educationl revolution of India very soon. A zillion of thanks.

sir mai aapke saare free resources use karta hu mai aap ko last 2 year follow kar raha inn saare mai aap ke team ka bahut abhari hu jo bahut supporting role nibhate hai mai janta hu ki iss series sai bhi mujhe bahut kuch shikene ke liye milega . sir mai aapko magical teacher bhi bola sakta hu aap padanae ka styleअत्ताबुध अकल्पनीय अविश्वनीय hai

Your entire team done a very beautiful work. I have already enrolled in prabodhan master course and eagerly waiting for 11 July. This entire year, I totally work hard with your team for my future and I believed that your guidance would be boon for my preparation. Thanks you for your efforts and of course fall in love with the style of Sandeep sir teaching. Respect you sir.

Respected sir, you and your team are doing a great job by providing so many study resources freely available for students like us. Sometimes money also becomes a hurdle in our preparation and your efforts will definitely remove all of these barriers one day completely. So, sir be motivated because your motivation also helps us for keep moving forward in our life. Thank you PT Education and team Namaste

आप लोगों का सहयोग बहुत ही सराहनीय कदम है, उन स्टूडेंट को जरूर मदद मिल रही है जो कोचिंग afford नही कर सकते या दूर गावों में रहते है...प्लीज इन सभी सर्विसेज को लगातार करते रहिए... थैंक यू

Social service I generally call good karma. But social service in education I believe God send you as a Rajdood to spread enlightenment and wisdom. I don't except someone like Buddha or any saint come and enlightening us, but I believe you guys took responsibility to do thiertwork in this 21st centuryc. No appreciation required as appreciation is small before your nobel work. I will reward back with my success as token of guru dakshina Thankyou

i have been following you since a year, and it had really helped me a lot in developing my intellectual skills . i heartly appreciate the effort of sandeep sir and pt team, you are doing a great work .

I have been following Sandeep sir since 2011-12 . As he says CONTENT IS KING, so the content of all the resources and their presentations have been magnificently designed by the back end team. Delivering this kind of quality material needs passion and dedication of ultimate level.I thank and salute PT team for fantastic service .

Hello sir , I'm very thank full to you that you have start this service. also your current affairs series help me lot for preparing the civil services exam this year i.e 2018 I am very appreciate you sir plz continue that .. thnk you sir...
A great initiative by PT education for all the working professionals who can't join full time classroom program due to lack of time, it will surely help a lot of people out there who have desire to crack this exam but they are confused about the resources and how to allocate time for different subjects. Thank you again for the great initiative.

PT education is providing very useful resources and knowledge n experience of Sandeep sir. It helped me to understand many difficult concepts easily. Hope to acquire as much as knowledge as I can from sir and become an independent thinker.
On day one when i saw your lecture about hinduism , I was like how some one can easily make me learn such a huge topic . I am worldless . You are truely an amazing teacher and i believe that only your guidence can make my way to crack this exam easily . Love your efforts and art of teaching and also an ocean of knowledge . Thank you .

Its the great intiainitive by sandeep sir and his extraordinary team to train all the civil service aspirants who cannot afford high classes fees.Hats of! To Sandeep sir and pt education team.keep up the good work.

I have been following pt education from past 1 year.Thanks to sir and pt team for creating excellent courses like Govt. Exam Cracker course,, CA with pt, Power of 10,and many others videos.

Lots of thanks for so much information across so much diverse topics. I just hope it works out for me as well. I am completely new to upsc. I have been following current affairs sessions, lots of appreciation for the content. Hoping for the best. Good luck

I have been following PT education courses online since 2016. It has increased my intelectual ability a lot and helped me cracking some exams. TAP, Sandeep sir's brain child, definitely a excellent initiative for economic weaker students. Innovativeness is the hallmark of PT education which i like the most. Keep it up.........Karke Dikhayenge....

I do not have words to appreciate this team. I dont know if you guys have any idea how many people you are helping. I shared this website and link of youtube channel with many person who even dont have money to join any courses. Thanks to all of you guys and your support in "TRUE MAKE IN INDIA". Love you sandeep sir. may god fullfill all your desire keep helping us please!!!!

To all the members of PT Education. Thanks a lot for your free services, You have no idea how much blessings you got every day when a serious aspirant from a remote area have found such premium materials for UPSC Civil services preparation. May GOD bless you all and I love PT Education especially Sandeep Manudhane Sir.

Pranam sir, You and team is working very effectively to support student like my and other who can not afford coaching and who are not living in metro cities. After watching your lecture for last 6 months my self independent thinking is developing and i am also your student at live.sandeepmanudhane,org which gives deep insight about topic which sir you have taken and teaches us also how to approach to topic. sir aap ko dil-o-jaan se pranam

I am very much appreciated by you sir . You are working really very hard for us. Although I dreamed for government jobs in my college days but after passing my graduation I because hopeless, because I saw some of my seniors those who worked really very hard for competitive exams but they failed at last. So decided to join any private sector . But after watching PT education sessions and videos specially your words and inspiring speech sir , I become your fan sir and again started hopping for Government jobs .Thank you sir.

मैं सर आपके लिए और आपकी टीम के लिए ही कहना चाहता हूं कि चाणक्य ने तो बस एक चंद्रगुप्त मौर्य बनाया था आज आप देश के हर शहर में एक चंद्रगुप्त मौर्य बना रहे हैं is one of the best institute where money is not a consideration but the knowledge and result is .. I follow Sandeep sir regularly and always take his words and guidance seriously. Being a part of this new services is a blessing for all students but specially for those who can't afford it. I love the team efforts the way they handle everything so professionally. I will appear for UPSC 2019 and whenever I sit on my desk for study i follow matra .." Kar ke Dikhayenge" thank you for this opportunity may god bless you all !!

Thanks a lot for a wonderful efforts by the PT Education Team. In simple words i can only say that you are doing things which our government should do.
जितना लिखे उतना कम है क्योंकि गुरु से बड़ा भगवान भी नहीं.... बस आपका आशीर्वाद बना रहे गुरु जी

No word just salute all your efforts for students like us

Thank you so much Sandeep Sir and team. Pranam. I have been enrolled in various of your courses and it is helping me immensely. With these resources I am sure that, the day is not far when the achieving my goals would be a cake walk for me.

जय हिंद सर जी सबसे पहले आपको प्रणाम आपका बहुत-बहुत आभार इस महत्वपूर्ण कार्य को हम तक पहुंचाने के लिए में रोजाना आपके पीटी करंट अफेयर देखता हूं और मुझे वहां से बहुत कुछ सीखने मिलता है और हर दिन एक नया अनुभव करता हूं और आपके साथ जुड़कर बहुत खुश एवं आत्मविश्वास और ऊर्जा प्राप्त होती है आपके दिखाए गए हर रास्ते पर मैं चलता हूं मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगता है अपने आप में मुझे खुशी होती हैं और आप मेरे प्रेरणा स्त्रोत है धन्यवाद सर जी आपको बहुत-बहुत आभार

Sir, pranaam I have been attached with the sessions from three months.Now and I have seen significant changes in my thinking process.I am an UPSC aspirant and I hope that with sheer knowledge and intellect that I am developing since past months, I will be able to achieve the milestone.Sir I also want to be an IAS officer because I also want to do something better in education system like you.I saw your classroom lecture such as Hinduism,American Civil War etc which was awesome .By the way Gurujii ,you are with us.. Jay Hind sir...Kuchh kar ke dikhayenge.....

Hello Sir, First of all I would like to thank you for your current affairs sessions and various other resources that you and your team provide us for free. I am a working professional, a software developer at Cognizant in Kolkata. After my graduation I got attracted towards news and politics but I am not a fan of reading books or newspapers so I started watching videos on YouTube, where I found a channel named as "study iq", I started watching daily Hindu editorial of that channel...after that I saw your current affairs video...and now it's my daily routine to watch editorial in the morning and your session at night. Sir you explain things really well and best part is that you cover most of the newspapers. I saw your Hinduism lecture too. I came to know many things about my own religion.Your explainers videos on your personal channel are awesome. Thank you very much sir for all your efforts and your dedication. Sir one last thing,please tell us your views on mr.arun jaitley who According to me is running almost half of the government..and on prime minister who instead of doing his work is busy in karnataka elections and accusing Rahul Gandhi for everything.

Res.sir, Saadar charan sparsh, I am resident of very small town with limited resources to be inspired.I am working in a private factory as a supervisor. Last year, when at first I watched your vidieo , I felt as if I lost my whole life because before this I did not know that there were such teachers with ocean of knowledge and capable to turn a stone into shining diamond. Sir, if you would have met me 10 to 15 years,I had also have a good career because you have magic in your personality to motivate to get the impossible that I have not seen elsewhere ao far. Sir I think you are not justifying yourself to be limited only to higher society or internet because on ground zero there are crores of youth who really needs motivation and guidance from you because they don't have resources to approach you. So I request you to visit small places,villages to contribute to those who are really need of you. God has really given you a difficult task but you are doing it better than anyone else Thankyou

Hello sir, Pranam. First of all I would like to say thank you so much to you and your all team members for their such a great affort. I have been connected with you from last 6 month.I am defence aspirent and persuing my graduation from ME stream from Kanpur .I realize over here , how much important is to be updated with the things what is going on around us. Sir I would like to say that creativity along with knowledge , willingness to develop indigenous thing , and using our own Google & Facebook can make India as Vishva Guru. With your such guidance , and my efforts , I would like to promise you all that I will be the most stronger part of this chain of making India as Vishva Guru. JAY Hind SIR.

My journey with pt education was started on 30th march 2017. I am from a small town where broadening of mentality is a tough job. The charismatic guidance of sandeep sir sows the seeds of discipline ,motivate me to became a independent thinker and satisfied my hunger for knowledge as well. The regular current affairs videos are part of my day and it keeps me updated . Now i m confident that i will achieve my dreams and will pass this level of motivation to our next generation. Jai hind!

Hello, sir I'm from BANARAS HINDU UNIVERSITY and i'm ardent follower of you. I follow you on QUORA, LINKEDIN, FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE, TWITTER, TELEGRAM, and obviously all websites of PT education. sir, on 28th of march 2018 I had interview for Campus Placement for one of the top MNC IN india. and before interview i had cleared written exam and group discussion. they selected only four candidates from BHU, and I'm one of them. I cleared my GD and PI just because of you sir. thanks a lot sir. The above picture is after placement.( I'm third from right) I'm happy because now i have more time to interact with you on all plateform.

Dear sir, You are a enjoyable, energetic and team worker as for as ability to express the knowledge, morality, morals and behaviour is concerned. You are doing a great job for the welfare of the society being a responsible citizen of India. I have shared your knowledge links among our friends. Your bilingual ability always helping the people to understand the topic as for as possible. Ability to connect different topics from the different subjects and issues is commendable. Oh sir! "YHI TO KALA HAI BAKI SAB VIGYAN HAI". JAI HIND

Hello Sir very good morning, I am big fan of you. i am regularly watching your each and every lecture and current discussion.i am Software engineer in TCS. and preparing for Civil services. sir i am giving big thanks to you for providing such beautiful and excellent online study materials for UPSC. its big help for working student. Note : sir i am not in front of you but mere taraf se mera chranspash swikar kijiyega. Thanks amit sahu

सर आपको और आपके पूरे टीम को हमारी तरफ से सादर प्रणाम .सर आपके और आपके पूरे टीम के इस कठिन परिश्रम के लिए हम सदा आभारी रहेंगे और हमारे द्वारा अर्जित की गई सफलताओं में आपका और आपकी टीम का बहुत बड़ा योगदान रहेगा.सर आपके लिए दिल से दो लाइन बोलना चाहूंगा.. हम हैं ज्ञान के प्यासे आप हो समंदर... हम हैं ज्ञान के प्यासे आप हो समंदर... बस प्यास बुझा दो प्यारे संदीप सर. .. धन्यवाद

सर सर्वप्रथम आपको कोटि-कोटि प्रणाम ।।वर्तमान समय में मुझे लगता है कि यदि कोई चीज जो युवाओं को सबसे कम मिल रही है, वह है उचित मार्गदर्शन जिसकी राष्ट्र के उर्जावान एवं शक्ति संपन्न युवाओं को सबसे अधिक जरूरत है। परीक्षा में पास होने और नंबर लाने की दौड़ में युवा अपनी स्वतंत्र एवं मौलिक सोच को भी दांव पर लगा रहे हैं, जो बेहद चिंतनीय है। ऐसे कठिन समय में आप का अप्रतिम प्रयास मुझ जैसे छात्रों के लिए डूबते को तिनके का सहारा है। आशा करता हूं यह यात्रा अनवरत चलती रहेगी। जब भी आप का लेक्चर देखता हूं तो महसूस करता हूं चाणक्य के सामने बैठा हूं।और वर्तमान समय की गहन बारीकियों को समझ रहा हूं, जो मुझे निकट भविष्य में चंद्रगुप्त मौर्य बनाने वाली है। हृदय की गहराइयों से आपका आभार ईश्वर से प्रार्थना करता हूं कि जल्द ही आपके निकट रहकर आपसे बहुत कुछ सीखने का मौका मिले। सधन्यवाद

Hi sir I I'm coming from village side that's reason I don't know what is upsc after your session I know what is the importance of education in our life and how to survives that's reason I am following sir

Hello Sir, I have been watching your video learning sessions for last one year and am following your ca series regularly PT education channel on you tube, You have given us a lot to learn, your method of teaching is excellent, your grip on all subject and deep knowledge and clarity of basics of every field weather it is polity, politics, history, economics or about current happening , geopolitics around world . Sir you and your team doing a great work in spreading knowledge and giving us clear perspective of thing. After knowing a lot things from you I come to know that I know nothing about ongoing tremendous things now and happened in the human history. Some times it amazed, stunned and mesmerize that how you manage to keep yourself so calm and energetic to teach us after knowing all happened history to current ongoing world games and its effect on ground floor of any country. Again I thank you and your team for their hard work to give us cream of the current affair and its relation to history and future.

Hello Sir, I came to know about you around an year ago when I watched one of your full length uploads on vocabulary section. I'm not an aspirant of the esteemed UPSC exam but of in-depth knowledge of happenings around us (i.e. Our World). Sir, your knowledge sharing is absolutely a boon for us. I could not imagine this level of teaching 6-7 years ago. Had I got this at that time, picture would have been different today. But, no regrets as today, you are with us teaching, sharing, discussing and showing us our duties, rights & responsibilities. A heartfelt thanks to you and the whole team of PTeducation for nurturing and filling us with the wealth of knowledge.

Sir, Pranaam I am following knowledge (I mean u Sir ) from last 2 months. You make learning easy by your fluently and intellectual words. Some time I imagine what if guru like you would be teaching in my college . Sir I am grateful for your hard work. God bless us

Hey There, I hope u all are doing well. first thing first, sir u r a gr8 teacher, what a style of teaching! The best teacher i have ever seen in my learning, how could someone have this much grip on each topic (i have in videos),, and recently u have wished not clearly bt yes u have for becoming the P.M of our country,, sir i think we need leaders like u,,, seriously,,, as u have mentioned about to banning imports from china,,, i totally agree with you because with that our inside market will get a boost. i am an aspirants of judiciary and ur videos are of extreme help for me personally to have a look on current affairs daily and by that i didn't miss everyday's news,, Thanks once again from the bottom of my heart to the whole team for this wonderful work,,keep the good work going on..God bless u all padhega India tabhi to badhega India.. jai Hind,, jai Bharat