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गुरूब्रहृमा गुरूबिष्षणुः गुरूदेव महेश्वर ा गुरुः साक्षात्तपरब्रहृमा तस्मा श्री गुरूवेनमः ाा गुरुजी आपने श्री ब्रह्ममा के समान हमें इस प्रकार तैयार किया कि हम आपका ज्ञान ले सके ।आपने श्री बिष्णु के समान हमारी चेतना मन और दिमाग को अपने ज्ञान और ओजस्वी शब्दों से पोषण किया और श्री शिव के समान आपने हमार॓ अज्ञान को नष्ट किया।GEC course अपने मे अद्वितीय है। आपने इसमें maths,english,reasoning को बहुत बारीकियों से समझाया । GEC के साथ जो आतिरिक्त ज्ञान दिया वह बहुत लाभदायक है। आप और आपकी टीम अपने आप मे पूर्ण है। आप एक अध्यापक के तोर पर छात्र को पूर्ण करते है्। सा हृदय धन्यवाद और साधुवाद।।

I am watching PT education videos since 2016. My first PT video was 'Hinduism', i watched whole 4.5 hr video in a single sitting, and i loved it!. It changed my view about Hinduism completely. From that time i am following PT. I love the method of teaching of Sandeep sir, in addition to super quality lectures, sir gives us moral lessons, life lessons, motivates us, entertainment, and help us in becoming a person of strong moral characters. Totally free PT GEC course provided by Sandeep sir and TeamPT is a priceless gift. Love your work!! गुरुर्ब्रह्मा ग्रुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः । गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ॥

Respected Sir Ji it was really a great journey with your awesome GEC course2017-18. Really very much thankful to you that you have taken the responsibility in your hands to guide the students like us and now we can think like an intellectual person. I have already enrolled in your IIM Sureshot 65 lecture series that opens my whole mind & also The Year 2017. In present scenario its only because of you that i quit all bad habits like smoking, drinking, watching TV whole days, etc. Now i am highly motivated to do something for my nation and i am always with you Sir ji. Hoping along with you we will make 'MAHAN" India. Slogan by me "Jai Udymita, Jai Kisan & Jawan & Jai Anusandhan". The slogan means , its the entrepreneurship with the help of which India steps forward to creates its own sovereign wealth fund, its the farmer who will provide raw material for all to these, its the soldier who guards us with all possible war calamities and the research and innovations which are urgent require right now to make nation a great super power. I am also very much thankful to whole PT Education team for their love and support. Hoping we will do great deeds in future and i will say " Kar Ke Dikhayenge" not for the government job but for our great nation "The INDIA". (Jai Maa Bharti & Jai Hind)

Very useful and very very helpful secession thank u very much the team of govt exams cracker secession design very beautifully and perfectly to deliver the knowledge for us again thank u very much sir.

I think all opening musics are awesome whoever makes it , it is really I just watched session on how to read newspaper, all waiting was worth it. Just a small suggestion to sir when u retire (I hope that day never comes ) you should give that stick of Rishi kanad to your favorite student and he should continue your lagacy . Ha ha .now thanks to sir and team for endless efforts. And lastly I have a request if there could be any special course of bodhi Pratham online also it would be very helpful for many students. Thanks a lot for these amazing sessions.

my experience is AWESOME ...i have no words to describe the benifit and guidence which i got from pt education. sandeep sir is a very very best tecaher . love u sir. u are the real hero for youth who are motivating the youth, telling us the truth about our future and the real problem of the country. kash sir ap hme school tym pr e mil gye hote,, ty so much sir for your grant efforts . doing a really gud job .hatts of

Spending each minute with PT team is indeed well spent... learning was there every second. I keep on looking forward for all the videos been uploaded by the team. Sandeep Sir is undoubtedly an erudite and one of the best teachers I have come across in my life. When asked about my dreams...meeting you personally sir is what I have listed in top of my list. It was my elder brother who informed me about the wonderful strategy followed by the team. Being an IFS officer is the ambition of my life and I have found almost all the videos of the PT education team. I do thank from the deepest core of my heart for the efforts the team and Sandeep sir puts into with each new video. During course of this 50*50*50 exam Cracker I was successfully wacth and learn from all the videos of English in its scheduled time but due to my external end sem exams I wasn't able to watch the following videos. I have shared my problem and intense hunger to watch the videos in the comments but wasn't able to receive any reply. Thankfully the pdfs were made available for all time that reduced my pain a little bit. Inspite anything and everything, I have all the pdfs and all the videos put by the team on net in my hard disk which is there with me all the time. I keep looking into my notes made from those videos and videos themselves. Each time I go through it I find something new... Summing up I would like to say a big THANK YOU for every video and each small to big effort made by the entire team and special thank you for making this course free of cost, as in this era of all things exchanged for money you came forward and took this initiative to make effective knowledge available at not low cost but at NO COST. Thank You Yours sincerely Akanksha Rai

Hello Sir, My name is Abhishek Arora. I am a commerce graduate. I live in Ahmedabad. I have started my preparation for UPSC and also preparing for SSC CGL. I came to know about PT EDUCATION by my Father when he was watching your video about Hinduism. I enrolled in your vocabulary development course.(In vocabulary course: enrollment has been done on my brother’s name: Sameer Arora). Before joining govtexamscracker course I had joined a coaching class in Ahmedabad but I was not satisfied with the class. But after joining govtexamscracker I am totally satisfied because I got the guidance at my home which I didn’t get by going to the coaching class. We are getting guidance by very experienced faculty, Sandeep Manudhane Sir (Teaching Legend). The beauty of this course is that I learned everything from basics. In this course we learned not only from exam point of view but also other things like Ardhnarishvar(Yin Yang), various concepts are of Indian origin. And the best part is the songs we listen in this course as a lesson. I am happy that before joining this course, I joined other coaching class because only after that I can see the difference between those coaching classes and PT EDUCATION and also came to know about the importance of this course. I am also going to enroll in your IAS course by March. Thank you sir and your team for this wonderful course.
I used to think that my English is good (in a grammatical sense) but when i view some lectures i realize it is not enough. I get curious to learn about more and more. I have learn a lot of things from Sandeep Sir. My last 3 years has gone to learn about Sir's learning. My life become positive and for the wishes of Sandeep sir i get my broader view to learn everything not just mug up and learn it, i go into the root of the problem that i learn from sir. Now if i talk about sir's team. It's splendid and they are doing a exceptional work. It's not easy to write and bring info to us. Thank you all. God Bless you and we will do something in our life. Never lose hope. Kar ke Dekhayegaye !

Sir i really like your ways of study

Respected sir , I am very thankful to you and your team for this awesome course . No doubt , you have much more to give our nation (especially youth one ). And i am glad to join such a beneficial investment ever i had made . Sir thanku so much for your support . I personally find many changes because of your guidence . I find very difficult to make sentences in english . It takes me lot of time to write testimonials for you and your team . it feel honour to me that i am your student , once again thnaku so much pT team . We all love your enthusiatic and well designed pattern of lecture delivery of any kind . Extraordinary , valuable . Definitely , this is what we call ' GURU ' . # KAR KE DIKHAYENGE

At every step of life we need encouragement and inspiration which helps us for stepping ahead. Undoubtedly these efforts of Sandeep Manudhane Sir & TEAM is that very encouragement and inspiration for me & many others like me. Aspirants from 29 States, 7 Union Territories & even from across border are at the same time being nurtured with definitive sight of "One India, One Vision". I'm really thankful for this essence of education that you're spreading. It is a revolutionary step in itself. My well wishes are with you..Keep going..Be courageous to act, and leave the talking to others. May God bless us all :-)

सर्वप्रथम मैं गुरुजी और उनके पूरे टीम को दिल से प्रणाम करता हूँ।यह कोर्स बहुत ही सुंदर तरीके से बनाया गया है।जिसमें सर ना केवल हमें पढ़ाते हैं बल्कि उसके साथ साथ हमारी सोच के दायरे को बढ़ाने का प्रयास करते हैं। यह अपने तरह का एक अद्भुत कोर्स है। संदीप सर के बारे में मैं जितना कहु उतना कम होगा वो एक अद्भुत एवं अद्वितीय शिक्षक है। शायद ही कोई ऐसे शिक्षक होंगे जो बच्चों को गाना सुना सुना कर पढ़ाते हो। संदीप सर से पढ़कर मैं अपने आपको गौरवान्वित महसूस करता हूं क्योंकि वे अपने आप में एक असीम ज्ञान के भंडार हैं। मुझे आशा ही नहीं अपितु पूर्ण विश्वास है कि सर का मार्गदर्शन और मेरी मेहनत सफलता में जरूर परिणत होगी ।मैं चाहता तो ये बातें अंग्रेजी में भी लिख सकता था लेकिन जो दिल की बातें हिंदी में निकलती है वो अंग्रेजी में कहां। सर और उनकी टीम के तारीफ में शायद मेरे शब्दकोश के शब्द कम पड़ जाए इसलिए मैं बस यही कहना चाहूंगा की "तारीफ करूं क्या उसकी जिसने तुझे बनाया".... धन्यवाद एवं सादर प्रणाम

First of all thank you for the opportunity of providing this introductory course for us. It is really appreciable that we can attend the classes from the comfort of our homes and it truly justifies the idea of "No travel, No pollution and Pure education". I'm an aspiring student for government jobs and come from a middle class family. So, I shall give the testimonial as a perspective of the same. The standard of the content was notably high and serves the students' demand for his/her preparation for the competitive exams. The course is interactive and the support team also plays a vital role in helping the students further in their studies and also listening to their grievances and solving them. The additional inputs through social groups such as the Telegram group, also helps us in keeping ourselves updated at all times irrespective of the place we are in, as it is handy and easily accessible through smart phones. So, finally in a nutshell, it's serious studying with a lot of fun in it because of the none other than our Sandeep sir. Thank you very much sir for helping us improve our career and along with it the nation.

The amazingly conducted "Govt Exam Cracker" course is nothing less than a revolution in the field of online learning in India. A rare & pristine amalgamation of Sandeep sir's omniscience with bi-lingual lectures & contents, coupled with the expeditious support on GK, current affairs and, vocabulary in the telegram groups are what which make this course the creme de la creme. Moreover the "Word of Wisdom(WoW)" series is the ideal recipe for an individual craving for knowledge and wisdom. Though I would give 200 out of 100 to each and every session conducted by Sandeep Sir, here is the list of some special ones, to which I would like to mention. (i)Parallelism and comparison (ii)Subject verb agreement (iii)Conjunction, preposition & interjection (iv)Faster calculation techniques (v)Surd & Indices (vi)Profit & loss (vii)Puzzles (viii)Visual reasoning

with my due respect.. i m following sandeep sr nd PT education.. from last 2 years.. sandeep sr is very instrumental and pioneering in to streamline and delievering the good quality education at doorstep. Sr unique style of teaching to explain the very complex issue into a very simplest and comprehensive manner which facilitate nd outweighing the other coaching institute ..its very hard to find teacher like sandeep sr.. sandeep sr is like a bonanza for entire student community.. no one can match sandeep sr ... sr is like indispensable and ubiquitous for us .. MAY GODDESS SARASWATI always bless nd dwells on SANDEEP SR nd PT EDUCATION .. apart from good teacher , sr is like a TRUE MENTOR , PHILANTHROPIST , MODERN GURU DRONACHARYA ND TRUE NATIONALIST PERSON thats why he is conducting free govt crack xam after 70 yr of independene which manifested his true spirit of nationalist nd love for their native country... may god bless uh sr.. trully sr u will remain ubiquitous in our heart...

Sir, First of all I want to say that your teaching style is great you proved that not every teacher is boring and strict you are very cheerful and lovely person. Now you are my Idol I want to become like you. Your teaching style is very different and I have never seen any teacher loke you. If I had not had you as my teacher in this year, my life would be incredibly different. I’m not saying it would be bad – but you opened my eyes to what I could be, what I could do, in a way that I’ve never thought possible. I want to thankyou all faculties and members of Govt. Exam Cracker you are doing a fantastic job and filling many dreams of the students. No coaching institute can do this like you are doing all the things. Sir you teaching styke is great and ofcourse your voice is wonderful you shoukd try in singing also. And everyday I listened these Teo songs 1. Itni shakti hame dena data 2. Tal mile nadi k jal se... Your content files and quizzes are very wonderful I saw many notes of many institutes but no one can match you with your notes. In last I want to sat that you are working very great and please continue this and make our future bright. And after joining with you I feel that.. Me ab kar k dikhaunga. I have no more words to thankyou because no word can thankyou you. Love uh Sir..

since from last one year iam following youtube classes of pteducation. Intially i thought these classes would be just sample classes, but i was wrong. Each and every class ,every minute of this session shows the passion of knowledge along with some humorous but inspirational old hindi songs which are not properly understanding to a typical south indian like me. Finally hats off to the team of pteducation and especially THE MASTER Sandeep Manudhane sir for such a wonderful course with a great ambition. THANK YOU........SIR
PT's education and its all sites are the best choice for education, life, exam perspective, self perspective, self development. Really! which level you have helped me, I have no word to say thank you because here only 'Thank you' is a little standing. One year ago, I always thought that how may I prepared gov.exams, which coaching would best for me. But one day i watched some PT’s videos on youtube then I sure that Pt’s education was my right choice ever since. PT’s Team and sandeep sir always increased my enthusiasm. Pt’s team and sandeep sir have created a advance level of learning site in free of cost and affordable price ,this is amazing .But your ideal personality make you a different also the best ed. Team in India. Bodhi Booster site , Mobile learning , Civil tapasya sites are best for every one thanks a lot for create these portals. Thanks A Lot for this education Journey In Advance HAPPY NEW YEAR PT's TEAM & SANDEEP SIR

Namaste sir, Firstly, thank you for this wonderful Govt. Exams Cracker course as complimentary. I lauds your teaching style which is rare in today's era. You taught us about our ancient education system except the syllabus of GEC like Vedas, greater mathematicians, rishi, muni, TKDL etc. because of which we got to know about historical importance of our country. I hails all your efforts in making today's student - a sea of deep knowledge . I likes your jokes in middle of sessions especially on engineerings because I am also a engineering 😄 . At last, I want to say that we want more teachers like you because this is the time for complete reform in our education system education. I am also eagerly waiting for your book to publish. Thank you Sandeep Manudhane sir and GEC Team for all their efforts. Kar ke dikhayenge !

सादर प्रणाम , गवर्नमेंट एग्जाम क्रैकर जो सफ़लता प्राप्ति हेतु अत्यंत उपयोगी कोर्स बूटी है I इस पत्र के माध्यम में सर्वप्रथम संदीप सर तथा उनकी टीम के प्रत्येक सदस्य को हृदय से प्रणाम करता हूँ I मैंने अपने जीवन मैं अब तक कई शिक्षकों से ज्ञान अर्जित किया है किन्तु आप तो सर्वोपरि हैं I संदीप सर द्वारा सत्र में बिंदुओं को जोड़ने हेतु, जो अतिरिक्त ज्ञान दिया जाता है वह अतुलनीय है I यह मात्र एक कोर्स नहीं बल्कि ज्ञान का सागर है I समय-समय पर सत्र के मध्य दिए जाने वाला मार्ग दर्शन ने मेरे जीवन को एक नए आयाम पर पहुंचा दिया है I आसान शब्दों में कहूं तो " सर आपने मेहनत करना सीखा दिया है "I त्यागपत्र देने के बाद दोबारा पढ़ाई में जुड़ने में कठिनाई उत्पन्न हो रही थी तथा कुछ आत्मविश्वास की भी कमी थी I लेकिन गवर्नमेंट एग्जाम क्रैकर ने यह कमी भी दूर कर दी I PTeducation के बिना यह यात्रा कठिन थीं अतः इसे सरल बनाने के लिए PTeducation टीम के प्रत्येक सदस्य के मेरा कोटि कोटि प्रणाम I धन्यवाद आपका आज्ञाकारी शिष्या देवेंद्र पंत

Sir, Thank you very much for the Guidances provided by you. I am an average student,I was preparing for the Governmental exam from three years. I had attended many classes for English, Reasoning, Mathematics etc. I was not satisfied by the concept or shortcuts provided by the Teachers. But Now after studying from You ,I realize that 'a Good Student Would be a good teacher,You had been a good student and now you're a good teacher.' All the concept and Study materials are given by you is very Fine and It can be easily Understand. Your team is giving much effort on Each and Every session.I appreciate your effort and Give a lot of Thanks. You are really the Intangeable Property of Indian students. You may Flourish on the Horizon of Indian Higher level Study. May God Give You Good Health,So Indian students will get Benefit from it. At last I would like to give you an adjective Which really suits on You, You are 'MAHAGURU'. Jai Gurudev and Jai Hind.

ABSOLUTELY AMAZING SIR !!!! I want to heartly thankful to respected Sandeep sir and his entire team, who are working a lot for this great learning course. In each session I learnt something new and that boost up my energy and confidence level. I am also a part of Your Pt's IAS Academy course and that is also a wonderful learning. so, I wish God bless you and your team a healthy and wealthy life, by that all of us continuously learn new things and that will provide amazing learning to all. Jai Hind...Jai Bharat... THANKS Alot......

First time I connected with PT Education through you tube, I usually watch the lectures posted by Sandip Sir. I become very happy when i come know about Govt Cracker Exams course. It is first course which i joined. I have really improved my English Grammar knowledge with the help of this course. Egalitarian way of teaching inspires me very much and keep motivated whole day. I am very much thankful to Sadip Sir and PT team.

मेरे एक मित्र ने इस website के बारे में मुझे बताया. इसे पा कर मैं बहुत खुश हुआ क्योंकि हिन्दी माध्यम वालो के लिए बहुत अच्छा study meterial उपस्थित नहीं है. लेकिन अब यह समस्या और शिकायत थोड़ी खत्म होती नजर आ रही है.पहले मुझे economy कुछ कम समझ में आता था लेकिन बोधि प्रबोधन के कारण interest बढ़ रहा है. बहुत अच्छी कहावत है कि "संगत से गुण होत है संगत से गुण जात". बोधि बूस्टर को एक अच्छा मित्र मानता हूं क्योंकि इसके संगत से कुछ ही महिनो में मुझमे बदलाव आया है.आपने ये जो कार्य शुरु किया है आशा है आने वाले समय में बड़ा बदलाव देखने को मिलेगा. इससे सरकारी नौकरी लगे ना लगे वो एक अलग बात है समाजिक समझ जरुर विकसित होगा और मेरा तो थोड़ा हुआ भी है जिससे अपने राष्ट्र और विश्व में हो रहे धटनाओ को समझने का मौका एक स्थान पर मिला. मुझे पहली बार एक ही स्थान पर कई अखबारो का हिन्दी और अंग्रेजी दोनों भाषओ में विश्लेषण प्राप्त हुआ है जो मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगता है. मैं आपके पूरी टीम को तहे दिल से धन्यवाद देता हूँ. हाँ हम कर के दिखायेगे

It has always been a pleasure to watch and learn from your videos... You not only teach the basics of the course but also ethics of the life.....Your learning is so deep that the students like me who never got the pleasure to experience the teaching like yours is truly enlightened by your teaching.... Thank you sir for your hard and selfless work for students like us..... At last. Kar ke dikhayenge sir🙏

The GEC course is highly beneficial. The way Sandeep Sir starts from basic of a topic and leads us to advanced topics gives a 360 degree perspective into the subject. The songs and life lessons are an icing on the cake.

This great course really helps to me for beating the competition.... thank you

At first, Greetings to the best ever devotee of the Knowledge. Enlightening our lives. The unique teacher with exceptional way of teaching, accompanied with the team which is dedicated towards your each plan with their effort like the excellent combination of Hindi and English words on portal,deserving much of testimonials. My journey started with a video on World War-II by Mr. S Manudhane Sir on my friend's system. From that very first lecture, I started dreaming of taking class of Sir once in my life. But, without any effort, I made an strong belief that this coaching wil definitely be in Delhi and I have to have a very huge preparation of many things before this. When somehow, I came to know that the incredible Sir, is showering the blessings of ocean of knowledge from Indore itself, I started following the group and after several ups and down got registered for the vocab course. Fortunately doing the Govt Exams Cracker for removing pitfalls. Since, I am giving my technical exams that's why a little bit of restriction of time bounds me. But I am strongly determined to take the civils prep. course (even then I am at my limiting age of 27 yrs and i have to take it on my own earnings. ), as I am going to enroll for master class on 7th Jan even after my ESE 2018 (Mech.) prelims exam on the same day (should I ?) . It is possible, my words may not do justice with your efforts, even then I am extremely thankful to your every creative initiative. All courses are excellent and helpful for the whole Indian society. Most importantly selflessly. Thanking you very much. Yours Pupil (hope, I could), Rajnish

Study material is so nice and covered multidimensional study material !! I am so thanksfull for pt education and specially sandeep sir!!

I am glad to have joined PT-Education. All lectures are delivered in very interactive and lucid manner. The best thing is that everything is provided in bilingual medium which make concepts more clear and unforgettable. Online portal makes easier to spread knowledge every corner of the world. It's provide unbeatable study material for exam and covers concepts from basic to advanced in easy way so that anyone can understand it. All these things are possible because of hardworking team behind it. PT-Education is not just a coaching centre but a Gurukul where I get intellectual and life learning knowledge besides ability to clear so called competitive exams. This is the reason I wish to remain connected with this GuruKul and it doesn't matter whether I am preparing for any exam or not. I wish PT-Education to always enlighten the great minds.

Namaste sir. Respected sir,thank you so much for this amazing and beautiful course.THANKS to all the respected members who put their lot of efforts in this course so as to provide qualitative and knowledgeable content to us Sir ,I have a great respect for you.You are a great and an excellent teacher.Your teaching helps me a lot in clearing up all my doubts especially in Mathematics.I feel more confident after every session. Your way of teaching is really appreciable and is so simple to understand.Your motivational words and advice inspire a lot.You are like a guide to me.I have never across the teacher like you.I think I am blessed to have a GURU like you. I hope that you would continue to spread and share your knowledge with us. Again Thank you so much.I am grateful to you for this course. (I do like your jokes and laugh a lot ) Thanks..

Sir I want to thank everyone who is involve with this course . every person who help me to get knowledge and understand how to prepare for exam .your booklet and quizzes help me a lot .thank you sir and your team for making such a wonderful course . This is one of the best course I come across.your all initiative knowledge nugget and mobile learning group everything just awesome.sir you are inspiration for me inspire me a lot in every aspect of knowledge and thought .you also broaden our horizon to think in every aspect..thank you sir ji and your wonderful team keep going with all initiative be great be healthy..AAP Jio hazaro saal

First of all salute to the commitment of sir and his team.this course has been a blessing for me.i watched sir's lectures few years ago just for sake of knowledge and become big admiror of him. This course has been very useful and it has been a great learning experience.this course has built a certain confidence inside me.many other services like telegram groups are excellent.i dedicate this quote to Sandeep sir " sikshak kabhi sadharan nahi hota pralay aur sarjan uski god mein palte hai"

sir, I am college student and whenever i have time then i see your lecture,lecture are very good and help me to prepare govt exams. IN my lifeyou are one of great teacher.Thank you sir"

This insightful course provides knowledge to us in more than one dimension which is very helpful not only to build a rich concept on overall general aptitude,but it also forms our character and boosts our confidence.It also helps us for keeping ourselves motivated for a long span of time.It is really a wonderful course which provides a set of guidelines and taking us to the right path. I herewith send my hearty thanks to sandeep manudhane sir,and all the PT team for their effort in preparing and conducting such a wonderful course.

Hi PT Education Team, With all the gratitude I want to thank you for your efforts and thank you for creating such a resourceful and free education portal (GEC and Telegram group). Congratulations to all as we have enthusiastically completed 25 days and moving on. There are many portals on youtube and other forums for UPSC but none comes close to PTs Education. I really enjoyed learning the English session and also enjoying practice of mathematics. May we progress more and grow more together. Blessing and peace !
First of all thanks for designing the course in the way it is. Source of all type of exams conducted in India. Sandeep Sir has been phenomenal, the way he conduct the lecture to keep the session enliven. Balance of theoretical content and the practice in the class is appreciable. Extra knowledge nuggets he provide is very good source of revision and sparks the mind in between. Thank you team PT...! Your efforts will surely craft our destiny.
sir this is one of great course.Sandeep sir is always awesome.he is best faculty i ever have.this course give lot of confidence in myself as sir teach the basics level to top level in very light and easy way with his smiling face. sir i give lot of exam of banking sector and ssc but not yet clear even one exam this course commence when i feel dissapponit but after having this course i feel very clarity in my concept i hope after having this course i will clear government exam and this course brings lot of success and happiness in my life.govt. exam cracker is awesome course for students preparing for govt. exam .thanku so much sir for this course.

Ram ram sir ji . Sir mn app ka fan hu sir extreme level ka ki koi bhi actor ya cricketer agr mere ghr k bahar bhi aye ya koi bhi aye to mn dekhne na jau pr sir app se aur kumar vishwas se milne khi bhi ja sakta hu ..n mahool bna to MP bhi jrur ayu ga sir app se milne . App ki teaching skill ka to koi jvab h hi nhi...mtlb puri excellent aur sir jo app bich bich me (bich bich me kya pura hi ) jo desh bhagti ki baten krte h vo bahut parbhabhit krti h. sir mn engineer na bnke ya kaise bhi desh k liya science me koi yogdan nhi de ska uska bahut dukh h mujhe n mn ab IAS bnke politican ban na chahta hu n for sure sir politican ban ke app ke margdarshan me chalu ga aur mn daily ye bhi dua krta hu ki un cricketer ya film actor ki jagha app koi sansad me nominate kiya jana chahiye sir .... जय हिन्द सर।

सर प्रणाम ! वर्ष २०१४ में मेरे बड़े भाई ने सबसे पहली बार संदीप मानुधने सर का भारत का अर्थशास्र (जीडीपी/जीएनपी) का यूट्यूब पर लेक्चर देखा और मुझे बताया। फिर मैंने भी संदीप सर के कुछ और लेक्चर देखे। फिर हम दोनों भाई और साथ में मम्मी पापा सबका संदीप सर के साथ एक परिवार सा रिश्ता हो गया है क्योकि रोज घर में सर से सेल्फ प्रेप कोर्स में मुलाकात होती थी और फिर सर के पढ़ाने के तरीके का, सेंस ऑफ़ हूमर और सर के ज्ञान की खूब बातें होती थी जो आज तक जारी है। वर्ष २०१४ से निरंतर संदीप सर और पीटी एजुकेशन के साथ यात्रा जारी है। संदीप सर आप लगातार अपने टीम के साथ नित्य नए ज्ञान आधारित प्रयोग कर हमे अभिभूत करते रहते है। बोधि बूस्टर, बोधि प्रबोधन, सिविल तपस्या, पावर ऑफ़ १०, करंट अफेयर, vocab development और अब 50x50x50 और telegram के साथ आप हमारे साथ ही रहते हैं। आप और आपकी टीम मेरे लिए और हम सब जो भी आपको follow करते है जो हमारे लिए मेहनत कर रही है सबकी तरफ से आपका ह्रदय से चरण स्पर्श करना चाहूंगा। सर आप के साथ जुड़ना सच में मैं अपने आप को बहुत लकी मानता हूँ क्योकि मैंने अपने आप में बहुत परिवर्तन महसूस करता हूँ। आपकी WoW में कही गयी हर बात को फॉलो करने कोशिश करता हूँ। मेरी पढाई एक सरकारी स्कूल में हुई और कॉलेज कभी नहीं गया। मैंने पोस्ट ग्रेजुएशन तक की पढाई पत्राचार में कर पूरी की हैं। सर जैसा आप पढ़ाते है वैसी पढाई मैंने आज तक नहीं की थी। सर सच कहु बहुत मजा आता है आपके साथ पढ़ना। द्विभाषी होने की वजह से सबकुछ बड़े आसानी से समझ में भी आता हैं। नौकरी की वजह से समय कम मिल पाता है सब कुछ कवर नहीं हो पता है फिर भी मेरी कोशिश जारी है। "कर के दिखाएंगे"! जीवन में जो मिलना होगा मिलेगा पर आपके साथ पढ़कर जो सिख रहे है वो अभूतपूर्व हैं। बहुत बहुत बहुत ह्रदय से धन्यवाद् आपका ! मैंने बहुत सारे टेस्टीमोनियल भरे है सब इंग्लिश भाषा में भरे है। सर ये दिल से है और अपनी भाषा में है! फिर से "कर के दिखाएंगे"!

first thank you sir, you are doing well to us. i was confused about preparation of exam. my math is good but other subjects not good. now i am taking govt exam cracker revision class so my confidence is building that now i can crack these exam. Interesting think that we used to neglect out ancient great mathematicians,historians , doctors etc. but great sir sandeep jee :-) remind us. I think it is very important which show different you other than.we are going fast and adopting western culture and forgetting our identity. it will have very harm full effects on coming society. so i enjoy your class which take 3-4 hours . i am making notes and practice some question . i like now i can crack exams . thank you sir and team .

Well experience in government exam crackers, I go through daily lectures and it is very beneficial for me. Thanku

I am very thankful to Sandeep Sir and his whole team. I have completed my M.Sc in Applied Mathematics from Central University of Jharkhand. My B.Ed is about to complete by the end of December 2017. I came across many good teachers in my life but truly speaking I haven't found such a inspiring teacher like Sandeep Manudhane Sir. Sir,you have really touched my life in many ways. I can't express my gratitude in words. I will only say " Kar ke Dikhayenge". Sir, I also want to become a teacher like you. You are a living legend for me. Along with my B.Ed class I was teaching Mathematics and Science in local coaching institute. Sometimes I felt bore and demotivated whenever I could not took my class perfectly. At that time Sir's class was a great motivation for me. I have observed that sir is enjoying a lot while teaching. It was a great motivation for me. "Kash main Apne college time me Sir se Mila hota ya Suna hota. " I am feeling privileged and blessed that I came across to you Sir. I am keenly interested to meet you in Bodhi Pratham 2018. Sir, When I attended your class of G.E.C. My uncle(52 yr old) sit beside me and listen you carefully . After 3 -4 days he remarked this teacher is a real guru and better monk than so-called monks. Now, I am very sure about my success by your guidance and blessings.
This is a special occasion for me and I am going to utilise this platform to thank the entire PT Education for nurturing me with so much of love and care. I would especially like to thank sandeep manudhane sir who have worked so hard towards educating us and transforming us from a raw to a mature and sensible individual. Being a teacher is a big time job. It is not limited to only that few hours of teaching in the classroom; it is much more beyond those hours. Just want say something "Sir aap bahut ache song sunate h" From my bottom of heart i just want to say THANKS "Kar ke dikhayenge"

A very good course for understanding concept. Learned subjects in a very unique way. I liked the teaching method of Sandeep Sir as he makes the subject very student friendly. I'm very glad to have joined it, as it helped me alot in some very crucial areas. Thank You Sandeep Sir & Team PT.

I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. Lily Tomlin yeh line aap ke liye sir yeh course mere dream course sai kam nahi hai kyoki iss course ke baad mere dream surely complete ho jayege . Thank u Sir and Govt Exams Cracker

Thank you sir iss course ko banane ke liye jis me aap Zero se study start karate hai and students ko prepare krte hai Future ke liye. Mujhe bahoot kuch sikhne ko Mila Aapke iss course se Very simple techniques ke saath. Ab mujhe English and maths se darr nhi Lagta mera favourite subject ho gya hai maths and English. Thanks To all Government exam crackers Faculty Specialy Manudhne Sir

A great thank to GovtExamCracker. I am learning beautiful things from you. This knowledge gives me a way towards success in UPSC IAS. I am expecting more and more knowledge from you. Thank you.

Course is extremely good and concise. Please provide all 35*35 course PDF format also and also provide links to watch course after live. Please give us more time to watch series.plese provide vocab PDF also in telegram group.

Till really I have very amazing journey please augment content Sir really very great job hats off Jai Hind
First of all I , a proud follower of PT Education would like to give a big Thanks to team PT and the brainbox - Sandeep Sir ! for conducting such a knowledgeable and enlightened course - GovtExamsCracker - and for sharing your immense experiences with us . Though , I am not preparing for any exam but I joined this course for developing myself and furnishing knowledge . Sir , Your teaching style is extraordinarily good as you combine and blend all the important nuggets and serve to us . Your sense of humour is too good and also your voice . Your approach of teaching us in a complete 360 spectrum and teaching out-of-the-box is appreciated . Also for creating social media groups as it helps a lot .

It is a great pleasure me to join govt. exam craacker. I am feeling differences in my life from now.Thanks

Very useful course for govt exam preparation.