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Dear sir, At the outset I want to thank and pay my humble gratitude for sharing so much information through your videos upolaupo on YouTube .I m an engineer working in a PSU deeply passionate about reading and writing. One day I searching some video on Hinduism at that point I chance to see your video on this religion. It was one of most exhaustive and informative lecture I have seen on Hinduism till date .you have beautifully and in such a simple explained the Advent of various philosophies of Hinduism. You are not a educationist but a motivatior also . After that day I conticontin see your videos on various topics. I hope and believe you will keep giving your talks for times to come. Thanks & best regards, Hitesh Pundir
Hello Sandeep Sir My name is Shreyansh Gokhru, I am currently a student, pursuing MS in Business Analytics in USA. I am originally from Indore. I am not preparing for any competitive exams but I love watching your videos. Your videos are great source of gaining knowledge of various domains like politics, geographic, history, soft skills, etc. I really appreciate your effort to spread this knowledge to everyone. I also follow you on Twitter, and Quora and You are a great intellectual with a great dedication towards teaching. I would like to meet you when I come to India and thank you personally. Your videos really motivates me, and I really like your vocabulary building session it helped me preparing for GRE. I again want to thank you for your great effort of spreading knowledge and helping us achieve our goal.

Wonderful lectures sir , what I love most is the teaching style, lagta hai ki story suna rahe ho ..But bato hi bato me gyani bna dete ho sir ji....Data , facts provide karwa ke explianer series me mujhe gyani banane k liye thanku sir

Thanku team Thanku sir I am in touch with your youtube channels for 2 years and it changed me a lot. Thank you very much sir. Now i feel familiar with world happenings, their backdrop and their potential impact. I am an author of a non fiction book and a hindi poet. I am in love with your 360degree approach. Thank you again

Namaste sir, I am the student of upsc self prep online cource. I first saw Hinduism lecture on youtube and my whole perception about the religion changed. I became a fan of you and i decided to join the Gurukul course. Within a month of joining i realized that it was my best decision.even Prabodhan mastercourse is really a masterpiece by you and now i am able to speak at least few sentences on almost every topic. just one word- "DHANYAWAAD" One suggestion :- UPSC Gurukul course sessions are not updated with Live UPSC 2019 Course as you promissed to within a week. Now Two months has passed but the course is still not updated. Please update it as early as possible.

Hello sir, I am very excited to write a testimonial for you. You are the best teacher I have ever found. your all learning is very use full and practical In comman life. So,I pray that you would always guide us. We appreciate your hard work and want to contribute become a freethinkers. Thank you Sir

नमस्ते सर, चरन स्पर्श ,.....,सर आपके द्वारा प्रारम्भ की गई इस ज्ञान रूपी वारिश से धीरे धीरे हमारे अज्ञान रूपी स्थिर विचार साफ हो रहे है जिससे चीजो के बारे सोचने और समझने का एक अलग नजरिया विकसित हो रहा है / सर आपको और आपकी पूरी PT टीम को मै बहुत बहुत धन्यबाद कहना चाहता हूँ , जो काफी कठिन परिश्रम के बाद और अपना अनमोल समय देकर प्र्त्येक बिषय को बहुत सरल तरीके से पेश करते है /सर आपके sessions केवल बडे शहरों मे ही नही बल्कि भारत के छोटे छोटे गॉवो मे भी बहुत प्रंशनीय है जो बौद्धिक रूप से भारत और इण्डिया के बीच की खाई को सेतु की तरह जोडने का काम कर रहे है / आपका आशीर्वाद बना रहे और हम सभी लोग अपने उद्देश्य तक पहुच सके / ........ जय हिंद सर.........

Hi Sir, Thank you to you & PT team for all of your hard work! I'am lucky to have you as the teacher. As you know that city life is so competitive & people becoming so materialistic that they forget basic things (like being aware of something, having information through study, research, investigation, observation or experience ) & join the never ending Rat Race. However all this pointless routine i find Wisdom of Knowledge through your lectures. It's been a pleasure to watch your lectures because you are not just giving facts & information but the Values- based Education . It creates a strong learning environment. It's fun learning when you interlinked the subjects. Great Fun !!!!! I wish this Knowledge Journey never end.

DEAR GURUJI (CHARAN ASPARSE ) I am lucky to have the best teacher in this world. Wherever I may go in my life, I will always remember that I had our love of learning ignited our own curiosity and made learning much more fun! You taught us all to appreciate clarity of mind through proper idea and how to pay attention to the bigger picture. You will never know how much your guidance has helped me, but I wanted you to know that you have made a big difference in my life sir i wanna say one line for you (kaise batayen meri nazar me kya hai aap,,darte hai uss khuda se varna keh dete khuda hai aap) i love you so much

चरण् स्पर्श गुरुजी । आपके ज्ञान की गंगा हमारे घर पर बह रही है। जब मैं अपने महापुरुषों को पढता था तो मैं सोचता कि उनके समय मे मैं कहाँ था किन्तु आपकी इस सिराज ने वह मेरा सपना साकार कर दिया।इसके हमें सारे सेशन बहुत प्रिय हैं। सिन्धु घाटी सभ्यता का सेशन मेरे जीवन कि एक महत्वपूर्ण घटना है। मैं आपके नियमित रूप से सभी सेशन देखता हूँ और मैं नोट भी करता हूँ। मैं DNA research के बिषय मे सभी को बताता हूँ। गुरुजी मुझे नमस्ते का रहस्य बाता दीजिए।आपकी टीम और आपके परीश्रम को दण्डवत प्रणाम करता हूँ।

गुरूजी चरणस्पर्श ,firstly i would like to thank you and your team for such a beautiful current affairs session. i have visited many other platform and i have watched lecture of various educator but you are extraordinary , i have watched all your videos on youTube and i never get bore while watching your lecture ,i have learnt a lot from you so thank you so much sir . i'm from the holy land of bhagvan mahavir and bhagvan Budhha (vaishali) Bihar and i have completed BA in geography this year , now i want to prepare for civil servise but i afraid of see plight of hindi medium students in UPSC (CSE ) Result . however i have completed my entire education in hindi medium so my englsih is weak but i have decided to prepare for civil servise in english medium. Thank You

Hello ‘ sir I have a daily seen your all videos current affairs and. Class video I have so intersted your and enjoying may comparative and learning have more Thank you very very much sir. I Hartley respected you. Sir my English is not better but I full try then again have more better thanks
pranam sir! its an amazing journey so far, i am your fan since 2016 when i first watched your amazing lecture on universe and the solar system and then "Hinduism" the best lecture of my life so far that 4.5hrs lecture totally stumped me i get to know about the things that no one tell me and then endless series of lectures started including Political philosophy, WOW, Bodhi boosters etc. sir you are doing a great job, i am not able to express my feelings in words. i love the way you teach your teaching style is incredible, i have never seen a teacher like you who shows every possible aspect of a subject, sir you sings very well and when you do mimicry of Donald trump i can't stop laughing. i prey to god you always be happy and share your wisdom with us. JAI HIND

Namaste dear sir this message is specifically for you. I have not seen Nalanda University , I have not seen teachers who taught there but i have seen you.I know one thing for sure that level of quality learning would be same as I am having with these series and pt. I just watched your sureshot republic day speech and I was speechless. I smiled and only after i came across you that i truly understand my roots, my nation's roots.i thank God that you didn't go foreign after iit .God has blessed us in form of our teacher. I request sir to make a series on unsung heroes of India , like srimad rajchandra influence on Gandhi ji, Bose's contribution in independence struggle etc. Jai hind

Pranam sir jee. I want to thanks you and your team by heart. Aap ki jitini bhi tarif ki jay kam hai. Aapka teaching method bahut hi acha hai. Aapne hamar andar gyan ki bhukh jagyi hai .Aap ki services ham jaise students ke liye vardan hai.

Sir, can you share your daily routine. I am genuinely astonished by the amount of material that you are able to provide in limited time span and the energy with which you teach! If possible, I would seriously like to adapt your approach. I am just blown away!

"Tomorrow is another day, Subah utho nayi ladai suru, sab bhula do piche ka , God gives you the 2nd opportunity, 3rd ,4th jitni mangoge milegi, bas shiddat se ladne ki iccha honi chahiye" ..... These were the words from the first lecture which I saw on youtube in January 2016. Since then till now and in future also, I have been a part of this journey of learning. These lines always motivates me . Sir, every session you conduct is new in itself , full of knowledge, logic , rational, facts , and fun. Thank you sir for being there , teaching passionately and making our lives better than yesterday. There is still a lot to learn from you .. Thanks to Whole PT team ( including Gajrajji and Gajputri) Kar ke dikhaenge..

Sadar Pranam...Guru je Sir, Hamare Bihar me log kahte hai ki, Shikshak Ke Jiva par "MAA SARASWTI" ka vas hota hai...apne is Kahawt ko charitarth kiya hai... Sir, Apke TARKASH se nikle hue gyan rupi TIRO ne mere bichro ko kis prakar se bheda hai...swaksh-sundar bnaya hai...ek disha di hai..mai shabdo me bta ni skta.... Bhagwan se ek prarthna hai ki ap hamesa swasth rahe or Ham jaise chhatro ke jivan ko hmesa Prajwalit karte Rahe.. Sir, I saw your first video in 2015, in which You were explaining the world war-ii. Now till date, I follow you continuously....Now I feel that, I will be a free thiker... Anant Shubhkamnao k sath-Chandan

Thank you...Yaa thats only thing I would like to say... You have been a great teacher and a mentor, and also a source of inapiration... Watching you I too have developed an urge for three thing, 1. Excellent command over languages 2. Art of connecting the dots 3. Reading what lies between the lines I would appreciate it if you make a comprehensive lecture on ENVIRONMENT ISSUES, CHALLENGES and SOLUTIOS...

साकेत कुमार शर्मा, नवादा, बिहार, April 2018
आदरणीय गुरुजी, चरण स्पर्श। हिंदुस्तान प्राचीन काल से ही विश्व के उजाले का पथ प्रदर्शक रहा है, निःसंदेह उस काल में भी आपके जैसे ही योग्य और विद्वान गुरुदेव रहे होंगे, बाबा भोलेनाथ की कृपादृष्टि हम सब पर बरस रही है जिससे कि हम जैसों को भी आपका आशीर्वाद मिल रहा है। गुरुजी आपके ज्ञान सागर को देखकर मेरे मन ज्ञान लालसा और भी बढ़ जाती है, आप महान हैं जो हमें एक विशेष दुनिया में ले जा रहे हैं, आपको और आपकी टीम को चरण स्पर्श

नमस्ते सर । अदभुत, अविश्वनीय, कल्पना के परे। इतनी रहस्मी सभ्यता को इतनी सहज तरीके से हमारे सामने प्रस्तुत किए। आप जैसे महान वैक्तित्व को मेरा कोटि कोटि प्रणाम, आपके इस नि:स्वअर्थ प्रयास की जितनी भी तारीफ की जाए कम है। मै आपका सारे वीडियो प्रायः देखता हूं और जितना हो सके ज्ञान बटोरने की कोशिश करता हूं। मै आपका तहे दिल से ध्यवाद करता हूं।

I am watching your videos Sir from the last 2 years.You explain in a very interactive manner,especially bilingually.I am preparing for UPSC. I am blessed to have a teacher like you in my life.Please continue to guide us Sir. You are an inspiration.

First of all I would like to touch your feet and take blessings for my wellbeing. Sir, I have gone through your all videos available on YouTube channel and its been a truly great journey of learning in every aspects. The way you teach us is simply mind blowing even a laymen can become an expert on any subject you teach. Thank you so much Sir and the entire team of PT education for letting us to dive in the ocean of knowledge ...Jai Hind.. Jai Bharat .

Namaste Sir, I am a entrepreneur by my work and (Civil Engineer by degree) and you are my inspiration for my innovated life , because your ideas regarding research and innovation gave me this power of doing something special in life. As you have told us in many of the session that we have became only consumers of foreign product and we have to restore our pride( which we had during ancient India) .So the innovation based approach can be the solution to the country( like our on Google and FB etc.) . I have started a research plant based on seeds of different edible items and exotic flowers, with the help of some agriculture universities.....that will increase our production as well as Quality. i have changed my track to create my own way of innovation after inspired by you. By the way, if i will get opportunity and resources , I would definitely try to create our own Facebook ...... with the help of our Indian talent for our motherland.........required your blessings for this new journey...... Pranam Sir & Vandematram.

Dear Sandeep sir, To say anything about the vitality and significance of your various endeavors as an educationist ( all the vedio series and your collaborative efforts with PT education) would be like showing light to sun itself. Your knowledge reserves are aweinspiring and your intentions to evoke independent thinking in Indians shall have a salubrious effect on indian mind. Through this testimony I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to you for making all these vedio sessions filled with knowledge. I am particularly a fan of your current affairs series using which you choose and share the most important articles to read from a heap of garbage that is being produced in the name of journalism. I would also like to humbly request you kindly make a few vedio sessions for school students as well. Kindly share your thoughts about present primary education system of India and, more importantly what children at school need to do to better acquire knowledge which would ultimately make better beings out of them. Once again I thank you for your enlightening educational vedios.
आदरणीय गुरू जी चरण स्पर्स मै बहुत दिनों से आपका सारे एपिसोड को देखता हूँ.लेकिन पिछला सीरीज हिस्तोट्री डार्क चैप्टर देखकर बहुत ही दुःख पहुचा.आधुनिक मानव जो अपंने को बहुत तेज और चालक समझता है ने अपने फायदे और अपने को सुपीरियर कहलाते है .उन्होंने एसे एसे कारनामे किये जिससे पूरी मानव जाति सर्मसार हैहमें इस बात का गर्व है की हम भारतीय है जहा का इतिहास में कभी समाचार सुनने को नहीं मिला .हमने हमेसा दूसरों अपने या पनाह दिया .हम आपका सदा आभारी रहेंगे की आप हमें ज्ञान की बातें बताते है सर लिखना तो बहुत कुछ चाहते है परन्तु हम हिंदी में नहीं लिख पा रहे है और इंग्लिश हमारी भाषा है नहीं .हम पुनःअच्छा से लिखने का प्रयास करेगे तब तक सादर प्रणाम.

गुरूः सर्वत्र पूज्यते गुरूर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः। गुरुःसाक्षात् परब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः।। साष्टांग प्रणाम, First of all i want to thank you for providing a learning platform. By going through 28 sessions i get so much knowledge, thank you sir for providing this. After joining you sir i learnt how to learn and strategies for study should be.I have already told about to our friends. Again i wants to thank you and also for your team. Join karne ke baad ab mai kah sakta hun ki mere achchhe din aagayea. Kar ke dikhayenge.

Deeply impressed by the content as well as by the teaching style of Mr.Manudhane Sir. Thanx a lot for sharing these video lectures.

Thank you so much Sir! For your sessions and specially the revision sessions. I have started watching your videos recently and all your videos are packed with great knowledge. Although i am not preparing for UPSC exams but i watch your live sessions regularly as feel more confident and positive after listening to you. I am a Physics honors graduate and currently preparing for Bank PO exams. Your videos are very helpful for interview and it also motivate me to become a better person. You teach all of us the importance of our history and culture. I salute you Sir! Sir i want to ask you why don't you develop your own app? (It is just a humble suggestion)

it has been great experience so far learning through you . I still remember the first lecture i saw was on universe and the solar system in year 2015. from that day i became fan of yours and keep following you sir. i had gone through almost all session uploaded on you tube.The knowledge you are exploring is quite helpful for any knowledge seeker. one can flourish his knowledge in minimum of effort and save time through your sessions. i would like to thank you sir for sharing of knowledge through various new methodology to us . Hopefully in future also you will continue to enlighten us in such a great way. huge respect to sir , JAI HIND !!!!!!!!!!!!!! kar ke dekhayenge....

pranam sandeep sir, aaj maine pehla live session attend kiya It was excellent sir etihas ne apne garbh me kitni chize chhupa rkhi hai .......and thank you and your team ...un facts ko hmare samne lane ke liye

Namastey sir Apke teaching lajawab hai. Apke daily current affair ka follower hu aur live session bhi attend karta hoon. Apke itne lambe teaching experience ka jo ras aap session me dalte hai wo to hardwork aur kai barso ki mehnat ka jhalak humare liye milte hai. Bhagaban se prarthana hai aap achhe rahe swasth rahe aur yuhi gyaan ka bistar karte rahe.Humari taraf se hum jitna ho sake share kar ke sabhi ko laav pahchane ki kosish kar rahe hai.dhanyabad sir. "Kar ke dikhayenge"

Namastey Sandeep Manudhane sir, my name is Sandip Wadekar from Pune Maharashtra,and I have been preparing for MPSC ( Maharashtra public service commission) from last 6 months. As I studied the changing pattern of almost all the competitive examinations, the current affairs have been the most favorite element of the exam commission. I searched for so long to have the best guide in this aspect but till I searched The Great "DEEPSTAMBHA" Sandeep Manudhane sir it was my long journey. From last 2 months I have been watching and studying your current affairs sessions regularly and the unbeatable quality of each of your sessions make me feel very satisfied . Hat's off to your efforts sir, may god bless you ...!

Namaste sir! In today's time for the students like us who are very much interested in putting consistent effort to enjoy being a part of the knowledge based economy it becomes difficult for us to maintain it consistent simultaneously along with our academics. And also this is something that is not usually discussed nowadays in many colleges. But due to this initiative of PT Education I am very happy to see that students are becoming more aware regarding the significance of practicing general knowledge and current awareness in their day to day lives. PT Education made us realize that no matter to what profession do we belong knowledge economy is something that we should always be a part of. I am very sure that the efforts done by entire PT Education team will be very useful to me for my upcoming future and my entire life. The entire team of PT Education is a paragon of diligence. Students are now able to see a ray of hope because they see themselves now as capable to contribute to this approach of doing good karma. Thank You entire PT Education team for supporting us. My infinite gratitude is always with the entire team. Sir I pray to god to give you more and more strength to keep helping us like this. Keep it up! Also expecting a lot more miracles from you. Sir whenever you come to Ahmedabad i would love to meet you. God bless you Sir. So be it!

Respected sir, First of all I want to say that you are one of the most supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,erudite no one can doubt about you and I have no words for your greatness. Because my words felt sort . I simply just bow down you and humbly prostrate you sir.

Respected sir, a great initiative that give all of us a great opportunity to understand the different aspects of personality as well as it gives us a great knowledge in a small capsule format. I heartly thankful to you and your entire team, Those doing the great research on every topic and provide the accurate information. Thank you sir... For your hard work and dedication..

Hello sir, I am currently in Zurich Switzerland working in a US based IT company. I saw a lot of videos of yours in YouTube, great respect, warm salute and thanks from the core of my heart. My favorite one is the one where you asked for having our own Indian Google, Facebook and other such platforms. Your video had inspired me so much that I would resign from my company and return to India to work for something that can help us to compete with other nations, instead of being consumers we should become producers. I am also preparing for UPSC-ESE examination and your videos are really helpful for some of my papers. Please don’t stop making such videos and inspiring people. As a small gift I would like to donate RS 10000 please let me if you have a public account number or some other possible approach. Thanks a lot for inspiration. I wrote you in Quora but not sure if that message had reached you. Vishal K. You can reach me at

गुरुदेव, आपका सत्र देख कर बहुत ही आनंद आता है । पिछले साल के बोधि प्रथम के सत्र मैं हम विद्यार्थी रहे चुके हैं, जिसमे ज्ञान के प्रकृत आनंद का बास्तविक अनुभब हमें हुआ । गुरुदेव आशा है की ज्ञान क़ि इस प्रकार की अद्भुत यात्रा सदा के लिए चलता रहे रहेगा । आशा है की इस साल का बोधि प्रथम का सत्र भी अति शीघ्र प्रारम्भ होगा । हम फिर से बोधि प्रथम के सत्र मैं अंशग्रहण करने के लिए अत्यधिक उत्सुक हैं ।

Namaskar sandeep sir, gajraj ji and chotu gajraj, your teaching style makes every single video of your's very interesting. Hope I will get a chance to attend a live session. I am your follower for the past 3 years.

मुझे यह प्रशंसा पत्र लिखते हुए बहुत खुशी हो रही है और साथ में गर्व है संदीप सर मैं आपकी जितनी तारीफ करूं कम है आपकी तारीफ में मैं पूरी एक किताब लिख सकता हूं आप इतने अच्छे कार्य कर रहे हैं लगता है आपको इस जीवन में निर्वाण प्राप्त हो जाएगा या तो प्राप्त हो चुका है और आप दूसरों को उसी दिशा में लेकर जाने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं मुझे पता है की आप बहुत बड़े शिव भक्त है और मैं उन्हीं की नगरी बनारस का रहने वाला हूं कभी आप जब बनारस आए तो मेरे घर जरूर आएं जो कि मेरे लिए एक भगवान के दर्शन देने पल होगा आपको इतने अच्छे से अंग्रेजी आती हुए भी आप हिंदी का आदर करते हैं जबकि हमारे देश में थोड़ा सा अंग्रेजी का ज्ञान हो जाने पर हिंदी भाषा को व्यर्थ समझने लगते हैंआपके पढ़ाने का तरीका मुझे बहुत पसंद है और मैं चाहता हूं भारत में बचपन से इसी तरह के शिक्षक सब के जीवन में आए आप और आपकी टीम का बहुत धन्यवाद करता हूं जो कि इतनी बेहतरीन श्रृंखला हमारे सामने प्रस्तुत किया है मैं विशेष तौर पर आपकी टीम का भी दिल से धन्यवाद करना चाहता हूं जो कि बहुत ही मेहनत से आपको हम से मिलवाने के लिए तत्पर रहती है आख़िरी में मैं आपसे एक प्रश्न पूछना चाहता हूं अगर आपको भारत का प्रधानमंत्री बना दिया जाए तो तो आप भारत के लिए 7 बड़े कदम क्या उठाएंगे कृपया करके इस सवाल का जवाब जरूर दीजिएगा ?

Sir thank you for your sessions on topics which helped me to get a broader perspective. One request, please do a session on special status of Andhra Pradesh (as it is very confusing) and cultural assimilation between north india and south india. please dont stop the as it is inspiring many of them. KRUTHAGNATHALU (in telugu thanks).

Again a great series started by the famous "guru". As there is a english saying 'Good things comes in small package', this package is really worthy and fruitful. I try my best to not to miss any series as all have good food for thought. Blessed to be a part of PT Family. Respected sir, a small request to you is it will be more helpful if you use a stylus pen to mark or point things on the screen. Thanking you

Thanks PT Education. All the videos uploaded by PT education are very helpful for us. Everyday me and My friends watching current affair Videos that boosts our knowledge. And especially your Vocab. video was too good. Sir, we are requesting to you kindly make more sessions on Vocab as well.

Sir, ur classes are awesome and u r dictating the topics in a very smart way. But I have a complain why don't u allow student chat programme so that our interaction could be more healthy.

First of all I would like to say thanks to whole PT team and Sandeep Sir Ji. According to the KISSS principle of sir i will say "The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires". Sandeep sir inspired me lot and now i am feeling very energetic because of He and whole PT team. Thanks a lot.

Respected sir, Charan sparsh, I have no words to explain what you have given me. yours obedient Rajan Kumar

Namaste Sir, I am an ardent follower of all your portals starting from civils tapasya, bodhi booster to etc. The stuffs you provide are priceless for students like me. The way you explain things are much more impactfull.Keep blessing us with this altruism. My best wishes to you and ofcourse PT team .Very much Grateful..Wese Ye vocabs sab aap hi k videos se sikha he . :) Thanks a Lot.

Namaste sir! .I would like to thanks Sandeep sir for such an amazing service which you and your team provides at free of cost. I am a class 11 student and these sessions are very helpful, as it helps me to discover new horizons for knowledge and to connect the dots which I had read in class 6, 7 and 8, where I was unable to understand many of the concepts. I am very much thankful to Sandeep Sir for this free education. Keep spreading this light of knowledge, as it helps to learn many of the new things which we young generation don't have an idea.

आदरणीय संदीप सर, चरण स्पर्श। सर प्राचीन काल से आधुनिक काल तक के अनेक विद्वानों के बारे में हमनें सुना और पुस्तकों में पढ़ा, परंतु उनको देखा नहीं। आज आपके ज्ञान भंडार को देखकर उन सब को देखने की लालसा पूरी हो गई। आपके ज्ञान समुद्र से हम सभी इतने लाभान्वित हो रहे हैं कि शब्दों में बयां करना मुश्किल है। आपकी प्रशंसा हम क्या कर सकते हैं हम तो आपके बदौलत प्रशंसा पाते हैं। भगवान आपको दीर्घायु बनाएं, ताकि हम सभी आपके ज्ञान सागर में ऐसे ही गोते लगाते रहें। सर मैं एक लेखक भी हूँ, मैंने "जातिनीति" नामक एक पुस्तक भी लिखा है जो जातिवाद, छुआछूत, और राजनीति पर आधारित है। आशीर्वाद का आकांक्षी, चरण स्पर्श

I am writing to thank you sincerely and wholeheartedly for the support, advice and general guidance you have given to me and all my friends. We watch all your session on current affairs that is absolutely mind blowing. Your way of teaching and how to explain its outstanding." jab bhi aapko dekhte hai to lgta h jaise knowledge ki rays nikal rahi ho charo taraf se" which makes us to encourage to go ahead in our career and we are also want to be like as you. Your are doing such a tremendous work which will make a bright India. It's great honour to all of us to become a student you.


It is mine immwmim pleasure to share my views for sandeeS manudhane sir and his team and their efforts. I saw his random video on YouTube on hinduisH ,from that day to today it is an eternal saga of knowledge transition and gain by specutular way of teaching and unique style with good mix of brilliant intonations during levtile or session. Good luck team . Paying my sincere regards to Sandeep manudhane sir ! Regards, Vivek Pratap Singh

Sir i am very very thankful to you, i am regular viewer of your GS videos since 3 years and your current affairs series since last 6 months. it is very fabulous and beneficial of any exam related to psc/upsc. you are very brilliant and very good teacher. my knowledge level and debating skills are far improved since i have come to your contact..god bless you and carryon enlighment of our country by your brilliant and fine knowledge that you are proving us free of cost ..thanking you
Like to watch your videos... Started with youtube...and now websites also.... I kindly want to clarify a doubt sir.... 'Why 2000k notes are released' and why not '1000k notes are just banned' demonetization.... I developed a mind watching your videos.... Would like to know a answer as a student..... Any intrusion be pardoned.... Sincerely yours,

सबसे पहले गुरुदेव मैं आपका और आपके pt परिवार का हृदय से अभिनंदन करता हूं। आप द्वारा आयोजित इस ज्ञान के कार्यक्रम में बहुत आनंद आ रहा है दिन प्रतिदिन अपने में सुधार और कुछ नया सीखने की ललक बढती जा रही है। आप द्वारा आयोजित की गई इस तरह की सभी योजनाओं से मुझे बहुत लाभ हो रहा है इसके लिए मैं आपका तहे दिल से शुक्रिया अदा करता हूं। इसी तरह आप हमें अपने जीवन में कुछ करने की प्रेरणा देतें रहें। आपके इनमें प्रयासों से हमारे जीवन में निरंतर ज्ञान की वृद्धि हो रही है। बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद।। चरण स्पर्श ।। जय हिंद जय भारत

Thanks so.much..sir....very fantastic explanation of ground level... One who doesn't know what's really happened in history, but you always presents juice of many books and total new and innovative views that we never know...cause we always read those book which are tells us by our educator and mentor to clear exam.but hearty thanks to share many views of differnt real manner you teach meaning of education..

once again a great initiative by sandeep sir and his team to spread the quantum of knowledge to enlighten the peoples and students to know about their motherland,.

प्रणाम गुरु जी .... guru ji , I'm following you and your team from 2 year. guru ji, your all lecture are interesting with high quality content and i tells my student to connect with you and your team. sir ji, one of my students wants to crack IAS exam and she is intelligent , but she is belong to poor family and her father's economically condition not good. plz sir ji request to you, give concession in fees. i have already talks to pt team fees structure was 54900 + GST = 64900 rupees ( for one year) sir ji, with help of you she can do something different. sorry sir for poor English (I'm Physics teacher you know sir science walo ki kitni krab english hoti h... hahhahahahha) sir, Her father can pay 50,000 rupees .....plz sir accept my request and I'm also given my laptop to her for study...... your's student .....Amit chaudhry

Namaste Guruji... I am sunny from jalandhar,I have just started your current affairs session and this is just great,the way of explaining the terms and issues in a very efficient and catchy manner with lots of humours and dubbing the sound of the president Donald Trump is very fantastic.I was not a regular reader of any news and articles,but after seeing some videos of your on The Hinduism,syrian crisis and PNB scam,i started seeing your all videos with full passion and the information are very useful. Aap jaisa guru ji ho toh vidyarthi kabhi gyan ke abhav mai nhi bhatakhsakta hai. गुरु ब्रम्हा गुरु विष्णू गुरुः देवो महेश्वरा गुरु शाक्षात परब्रम्हा तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः koti koti pranam...

You are beyond my world sir. Salute you and your entire PT group for doing such a great job. I am a guy who is always curious about what is happening in all over the world and what are major plans are going on in the universe. And I suddenly find you. Today I feel more confident, more self respect for myself, and most important I suddenly feel more responsible for my duties. (Aap jaishay log ko dekh kar Country ke liye respect aur badh jaati hai.) Salute you sir

संदीप मानुधने जिवंत शृंखला : उच्च कक्षा का जिवंत ज्ञान प्रसारण काफी ज्ञान एवं बुध्धि वर्द्धक है. तथागत एवं चाणक्य को सबने पढ़ा होगा, लेकिन इस शृंखला के सत्रों से नए आयाम एवं पुनरावर्तन हमारी प्रज्ञा को बलिष्ठ कर रहा है. यह प्रतीत होता है की आपने थान लिओया है की आप अपने शिष्यों की प्रज्ञा को तीक्षण बना कर ही छोड़ेंगे.. ठीक है --कर के दिखायेंगे..

Namaste sir. I am thoroughly enjoying your current affairs videos. My take on current affairs has completely changed after watching your video sessions. I have started reading and understanding the newspapers like Business Standard and The Hindu. I, not only understand the content but also have a bird's eye view on the same. The way you make these sessions interactive is thoroughly amazing. I really appreciate your efforts of providing the presentation slides to us. Thank you so much for everyday sessions. Please continue. And wishing you a happy women's day! Regards Sushant Raj Srivastava

Wizened by time’s antics, history may be fossilised yet it remains alive. With initiatives like this, magnificence is born anew. PT’s effort is as Pristine as the full-moon.

Sir, your this new series very helpful to beginner like me because i want to study history but not able to understand properly so that i would not able to remember it for longer time but lucky this new series help me alot to understand histroy. Very much thankfull to u for all your various series to make us positive thinker.
Devendra Pant, Jolly Grant, March 2018
सर्वप्रथम मेरा संदीप मनुधाने सर तथा पी.टी एजुकेशन टीम को सादर प्रणाम जो हम जैसे छात्रों के लिए इतनी खूबसूरत पड़ने योग्य सामग्री दिनप्रतिदिन उपलब्ध करती रहती है। SM.ORG में अभी तक के सारे सत्र मैंने अच्छी तरह देखें हैं और एक स्तर पर समझ भी बनती जा रही है। मैं, हाल ही में जॉब से ड्राप कर, सरकारी परीक्षा की तैयारी कर हूँ। तभी से मैंने यूट्यूब के माध्यम से आपके वीडियो से अध्यन करना शुरू किया था। जिसके अच्छे परिणाम भी आ रहे है। धन्यवाद" कर के दिखाएंगे।"

First of all thank you very much sir for your efforts to provide us these oceans of knowledge. Your lecture on Hinduism is totally changed my thinking about Hinduism.Now when ever I saw any idol of Hindu god first of all I tried to understand the symbolic meaning of it.

Respected sir, first of all I want to thank you for this wonderful journey of erudition. I have attended your so many lectures and these lectures not only gives us knowledge related to that topic but also provides vast and deep learning because of which i am able to connect different topics to our history, culture, nation and contemporary issues which is essential to understand a topic deeply and explicitly. I think, you are the only one in our country who have started these type of initiatives so that our youth can acquaint with the real history of Bharat Varsh. You have given us so many platforms like civil tapasya, bodhi booster, vartalap forum, youtube channels, GEC, Live Sandeep Manudhane(LSM), etc. to enhance your knowledge. Your LSM portal is really a great effort for us because your sessions are not only helpful for studies but these session also showing us right path and how to tackle any situation in our life. Now, whenever I saw someone teaching wrong, first i tries to correct him/her but if he/she denies then I just smile and go away. Sir, because of you, I am becoming independent thinker, enthusiastic reader, optimist, totally changed person and want to sever my nation with the core of my heart. Sometimes, amid of session i got goosebumps because as we know when we studies something with our heart and mind then we can feel that learning. At last, I just want to say that if whenever I got the chance to meet you then i want to touch your holy feet and there should be no word limit for your praise ☺️. So, once again thank you Sandeep sir and your team.
SIR, Thanks alot for the things you are are doing for the sake of us, I used to eagerly wait for your youtube videos to come for a long time and finally i came across this ..I could not believe this knowledge booster was all for free but its was and thank you so much for this this just continue it on and on..and also thanks for amazing current affairs sessions you do..that's very inspiring and boost up my all day and that's not just because of insight you give us about the news i'ts also because of the way you speak ..the way you enthuse us..thanks again ,,live long and don't stop connecting with us
Thanks, to pt education team especially Sandheep sir you are the Paragon for present matrix in education system and how to learn knowledge. i lv u sir...

first of all i would like to say thanks a lot to pt education and team and especially to SANDEEP SIR. for doing such a wonderful job for youth,learner ,students etc. i am a regular learner of pt education and whenever i missed the session i feel something empty in my life so howz importent your session a learner can understand. what is a service, enthusiasm, creativity, i learn it from you sir,last but not least sir will you please join politics as a education minister? beacuse we need a education minister like you. who knows about d education sir,,here is a limi of words so i can't explain may feelings. again hats off and thanks sir and i any kind of of help you need in education reformation , to make india worldguru we are always with you. ese e hamare margdarshk bne rhiyega.. god apko 1000 years de,

Sir, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I never really thought that seeking knowledge could be so much fun (thanks to your sarcastic comments). Unfortunately, I don't like to read. (I know that it is not good. I am trying really hard to like it) Therefore I don't read newspaper. In that case your current affairs video helps me a lot in increasing my knowledge and to be updated. A little problem I face while watching your video is that you speak in shudh Hindi which sometimes become difficult for me to understand. Though it is nice to hear and I also admire the fact that your Hindi is so good, but at the same time it becomes difficult for me to understand. At the end I want to thank you again and I hope you will keep motivating all the youngsters to make the country proud.

Nice that live lectures and provided by you and surely this will help in my ias exam (main), great effort from your side.But make these sessions available for one more day as we are working professionals. I completed only half of live lectures on sunday.Thanks for bringing such awesome lectures.

2 years ago, when I was searching for a vocabulary video on YouTube, I came across the vocab video of yours. The duration of that video was more than 2 hours, so initially i was a bit hesitant in watching, but when i started, I watched that complete session without any break. From that day I became a fan of yours and a regular follower of your YouTube channel and website. I have watched majority of your videos available on YouTube. I have also purchased your Course on Economic Survey, and that is also fantastic. Thank you so much Sir for providing such enriching content. As I said, words are not enough to thank you. You are doing a great work. India needs more teachers like you, May you live long and keep helping students, the way your doing now. I have a request also, please make a video course on Economics also.

Dear & Respected Sir, I am Jai Prakash Suman from Sitamadhi (Bihar) is working as a health care professional in Saudi Arabia. I am a regular viewer of current affairs by PT education & it keep me updated ( in aspects like socially, Geopoliticaly , ecologically, economically etc ) with nation as well as global information. This episode differentiate with other due to wonderful summarization of news as well as it's well manner. I appreciate for your unbeatable and tremendous efforts. Thank you