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Respected sir , My self Kanishk Rawat. I am a BA 2nd-year student, I joined PT IAS academy Previous year in November and also join 100*100*100. I learn a lot of things from u, there are so many words for u and ur team sir. I diligently follow ur all sessions. Now my 1st aim is to become a credible person despite an officer. when I will become an officer then I will not enjoy that moment, I rapidly guide or spread all the information which I am learned from u, still, I am doing as much as I can. Bcz at that time no one can criticize me everybody knows that I am reliable for that. And also focus on ur goal sir, we shall have our own Google, FB, youtube, WhatsApp, etc give us some time we will do definitely. Sir, u r giving a water 2 ur plants. Just wait and watch, one day these plants became a tree and give a shadow+fruits+flower to u and whole India. we r ur children 1 day we will do ( krke dekhayengay ) . sir semester the is liye session attend ni Kiya sorry for late testimonial

Respected Sandeep Sir and the whole team of PT's IAS Academy, I want to share my experience with the whole course of academy. Courses you provide is amicable for me, thanks for your great seed of thought. Still not cleared UPSC Civil services but I know I will. Although your course specially the Mastercourse make me eminent in front of my family, friends and relatives. Through this I realised the power of knowledge and unbiased thought. My friends came to me for suggestions regarding preparation and business. Thank you so much the course is worth of appreciation. And yes I request you that 'Kindly spread this as Revolution not as Course (word limits the motive), this is CHOTA MU BADI BAAT in front of you. Mera pranam aapko. Lastly what i realised from you, these words will explain- {iti te jnanamakhyatam guhyadguhyataram maya, vimrishyaitadasheshena yathechchhasi tatha kuru.} -Chapter18, Verse63 (B G) And we will do. 'KAR KE DIKHAYENGE'

सब धरती कागद करूँ , लेखनी सब बनराय । सात समुद्र की मसि करूँ , गुरु गुण लिखा न जाय | नमस्ते सर , चरण स्पर्श....... First we want to give thanks of my respected 'sir' and whole pt teams.Sir with you a small journey of 2 year, I have achieved a small success. I have been selected in UP POLICE constable. ‘GEC’ and ‘PRABODHAN MASTER COURSE’ both are the mile stones of my success. One teach me how to crack a exam and another how to do a good job.Sir your learning always be a source of knowledge and motivation. It boosts my learning as well as confident. PMC totally changed my views and provide me a true intellectual knowledge.from session 1 to session 170, I learned a lot such as writing skill,reading skill,Understanding of issues. I pray to GOD that you always be healthy and our this beautiful journey will always be continue. ..’LOVE YOU SIR”.'Mr. Sandeep Sir'...long live !!!! Thanks PT’s IAS Academy

Namaste Sir, Feelings I took from Prabodhan can't be expressed in words. It has been pleasure to have been join in Prabodhan Mastercourse. the way you teaches is just incredible, literally influenced by 'Connecting the Dot' technique. I want share my story with you... I am suffering from Muscular Dystrophy. In Prabodhan Mastercourse, Session 130 topic 'Capable even if disabled' you mentioned that our Society's behaviour towards diasabled person. you are right. but slightly perception of the Society change, now people willing to help you, they talk to me and try to slove my problems. "Kar Ke Dikhayenge Sir" Jai Hind.

Sir Charansparsh Pranam I wish you speedy recovery. Get Well Soon.

Pranam Sir!! This is the 3rd time i'm writing this testimonial so perhaps it would be a cliche if i repeat the same things time and over again. The only thing i want to say about you is, you changed my life sir, the complete perception, the behaviour. Perhaps it sounds, risible but i swear, you are a God and more than that. And as per your saying, we all are almighty per se. Really don't know the inconnu people working around you,and to every pal who is studying alongside me, thank you for being a part of my life. I wish i could express more, being a schmaltz is a curse!! In the end, sir your eminent seven seconds, 14 - sutriya path. We all would love to hear that!! Pranam!!

Pranam Gurudev!! If i refer to quality there is no alternative to this (PT course + Prabodhan). Some of the salient features which i find unbeatable:- - your valuable experience; - you always motivate, (in each session of self-prep course); - backgrounder (i'm short of adjectives, as perhaps the level of understanding it entails); - exceedingly enhances one's stamina; and the better among them all - room for dissent, of course with plausible dialect. My brother as well as my sister also, at times watches this Prabodhan course, beside me. I just want to ask a question, concept behind 'folding hands,(doing namaste virgule Pranam)" in order to greet someone. Once again, Pranam!!

Pranam sir , I fall short of words in your praise sir....its my honor to get guidance from a GURU like you sir....i wish "aap life me school time pe mile hote to aaj life kuch alag hi hoti". Few months back i was really scared that how will I do my GS2 & GS3 part , but now after joining Prabodhan i am gaining confidence day by day. I had a dramatic change in my thinking process too (this was helped mainly due to the UPSC self prep course). Thank You sir for guiding me through the journey of my life and thanks to my elder brother (Satyam Joshi) who directed me to the ultimate GURU (i.e You sir) Thank You sir Pranam I wish your blessing to be with me forever. :)

Respected Sir, Really as per your saying, this course has boosted the stamina, plus combining it with your experience, and exceptional ability to lucidly explain any labyrinth concept. The one thing that standout about you would be, you yourself being astute yet show incessant attitude to learn from everyone, literally must confess to have blessed by your valuable words. Thank you sir!

After so many sessions now I truly realised why it is called 'mastercourse', specifically the concept part is beauty of this course.with your 25+ years experience we have been able to understand the most complex issues of today's time.i thank u from the depth of my heart.this course has brought the best out of all.we have been taken up to our limits of forced us to broad our addition to all these it made all of us better human beings,and the knowledge we gained from this course was truly 'prabodhan' for us.word are never enough to praise pt and sir.thank u for prabodhan , thank u for everything.

namaste sir, you are one of the greatest polymath Ive seen in my life,and after seeing your Hinduism lecture u became a "Krishana" to this "Arjuna" enlightening me with the knowledge you provide ..Your grasp over all the subjects is tremendous n i wish to attain the same soon with your fantastic teaching in Prabodhan mastercourse. Even though i have a good job in a PSU(thanks to your Govt Exams cracker course) and im not particularly preparing for any exam as of now,i still enroll to most of your courses because ive seen change in the way i see the world with knowledge your provide. Enrolling to prabodhan master course has been one of the best investments ive made and really looking forward to 2019-20 sessions .Your teachings really help both in professional as well as personal life(to impresses someone ;) ) ...i follow all your profiles on youtube,quora,Unacademy and etc i really hope id have a chance to meet you and seek your blessings in person.. PS. sir a request Please do a brief lecture on CK Raju's book 11 Pictures of time soon.. :)

A year ago I came across Sandeep Sir's session on the recommendation of my guru Pinakin Barot.I has been an awesome intellectual journey since then.In mid 2018 I also enrolled in PT's IAS self prep course. Prabodhan mastercourse completely changed the way I used to learn, I am more curious and research oriented now (have started going through minute nuances of articles as well as important government documents).My writing stamina has drastically gone up, my reading speed and comprehension ability has also improved drastically. not just that Sandeep Sir's energy and positivity throughout the session, has made me more positive and energetic.Sir is a true Jnana yogi.I hope that this beautiful journey with PT family will continue in the coming years. Kar ke dikhayenge

I am a big fan of Sandeep Sir, Ram Sir and PT education. I don't know if Ram sir is with PT now. We have always heard, the right mentor and the right knowledge takes you anywhere, Prabhodhan is that thing. Just One session boost your confidence, Imagine what 300+ session will bring in your life!!! My first experience with PT Nagpur was during 2011. Ram sir had a big influence on me in learning and the vibes given by Sandeep Sir. I did not crack CAT but made it today in 6 years to a place where I work directly at the same level with IIMs fellow. I have joined Prabhodhan today. I am sure the way knowledge is provided here is incredible. In my opinion, its very very important for your mind to be exercised with knowledge as you physically workout for body. Prabhodhan is one stop solution for me. I don't know if I will write UPSC CSE in 2019 but I am sure the way Sandeep sir delivers his lecture is something I can't miss out on. and Yes I am proud to be PT's student in 2011 and even today!! Kar ke dikhayenge!!

Prabodhan Mastercourse has been a very fruitful for my preparation. It largely covers a significant part of all GS main papers. The Hindu's editorial and Op-Ed page basically deals with India & World Polity & economy, Constitution of India, Governance and administration, agriculture and science & Technology, International Relations (PSIR Optional). Comment thread and forum questions are really helping a lot to improve answer writing. Thank You Sandeep Sir and PT team.

Dear Sir, Charan Sparsh ! Today We have completed 100th session for Prabodhan Master course ! A very proud moment for all of us. I am astonished to see such talented friends (now we all are friends in this learning community :-) enrolled in such a marvellous course. It is the best prime time you can watch on your Desktop/Mobile/Laptop & even participate :-). I am not preparing for any exam however I wish all my friends best of luck. You all are working very hard that is visible in comment threads. With Prabodhan master course You all will be successful become compassionate administrators. See you all many new friends in Prabodhan mastercourse Yatra 2019-20. Jai Hind!

It is a great journey with Prabodhan Master Course. The main things that we get from this course is it give us multiple views on every issue. after this course till date i feel more balanced person myself. Now i love to listen ideas which not belong to me. it is evolving me a free thinker. As a student now I am improving my writing skills. its fulfills our whole need of current affairs as well as most of part of syllabus. Thank u whole PT team Sandeep Sir.....

Namaste Sir I am a self-prep course student of PT IAS ACADEMY.I am very excited that I found a GURU like you.You changed my whole studying strategy .You do in hours what others[teachers] do in years. Your tactics are more beautiful and fragrant than this Valley of KASHMIR. God Bless You..
Sir, thanks to you and your team. The effort that you and your team are putting in are unparalleled. Thank you very much for the speed feature, it has helped me very very much in revision. Thank you for being proactive in categorizing the topics using TAGS. May God always bless you. Wish you a very happy and wonderful teachers' day! गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु र्गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः गुरु साक्षात परब्रह्मा तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः Thank you for being my teacher Sir....thanks for all the support and handholding that you do to us....

Dear Sir, I am a working professional and have enrolled in Prabodhan Master Course. I want to endorse your view point and instructions that without making hand written notes one can only benefit half of what one can actually achieve by watching these sessions. Please advise how working professionals can make their notes as I get to watch your sessions while travelling, in lunch hours or at night by cutting down sleeping hours. Reading The Hindu Editorials from newspaper help but what it can offer us is the text but what you offer us is the context in which the text gets its depth. Your method of teaching is imparting to us the techniques, the subtleties, the nuances of that particular subject. You are rare gem of our nation. Thank you so much.

Namaste Sir!....Agar thank you bolkar mera 1% bhi karz utarta hai to muje ye nhi kehna ......The journey of you and me inaugurated last year with your hinduism lecture. I run a coaching institute in south delhi and my teaching style is inspired from you. sir please do give some more tips of teaching like you do ..... i really wonder how beautifully you make us learn complex topics. I am a Hons. Graduate from Delhi University and I was surrounded by my friends and family who usually pursue CA,CS but I had no interest in it then you arrived in my life and I determined myself for IAS. Now I proudly say to myself KAR KE DIKHAYENGE. Hats of To You And Your Team keep Enlightening our life.

नमस्ते सर, चरन स्पर्श सर मैं बहुत खुश हूं कि "प्रबोधन मास्टर कोर्स" रूपी मंत्र का जप करने से ज्ञान रूपी प्रकाश से अज्ञान रूपी अंधकार के पर्दे धीरे धीरे समाप्त हो रहे है और ये ज्ञान निरन्तर बढ़ता ही जा रहा है । इस कोर्स से मेरी learning skill के साथ साथ writing skill में भी जबरदस्त तरीके से लगातारसुधार हो रहा है । सर आपको और अपकी पूरी PT team को मैं सह्रदय बहुत बहुत धन्यबाद देता हूँ जो 6-7 घंटे की कठिन मेहनत से प्रत्येक बिषय को कॉन्सेप्ट के साथ बहुत सरल तरीके से प्रस्तुत करते है । सर session के बीच बीच में आपकी ऊर्जादायिनी प्रेरणा जो हमको ऊर्जावान बना देती है, जिससे हमारी UPSC की तैयारी में चार चांद लग जाते है / 50 sessions के बाद English language में भी सुधार हो गया है जिससे मैं 70 से 80% context, LIVE के दौरान ही समझ लेता हू |कोशिश है कि धीरे धीरे ये पूरा 100 % हो जायेगा / सर हमे पूर्ण विश्वाश है कि "प्रबोधन मास्टर कोर्स" के ये 180 sessions हमारे ज्ञान को बडाने के लिये मील के पत्थर साबित होंगे /सर आपका आशीर्वाद बना रहे / .... " जय हिंद " .....

DEAR SIR, JAY JAGANNATH...!! May lord Jagannath bless you with good health and an ever smiling long life. You always say that our testimonials makes you cheery, so I am really sorry for writing the testimonial so late. I had watched many of your free videos available on Youtube but had not joined any courses formally. However watching these videos made me realize that with your all round abundance of knowledge and experience, "You" can be the right mentor for me in my preparation for UPSC exam. Your statement in the Prabodhan introductory video "You may join any coaching academy for UPSC CSE but you should join the Prabodhan Master course" in particular, generated the urgency in me. I understood very clearly that this is the best course to grab most benefit of your "experience-rich 25yr long journey" of guiding students. I joined and from the day one I was assured that this course would a jam-packed learning journey. I was more interested in your supporting inputs rather than just what is written by the author, to understand the edits comprehensively and demystify the depth. In your words, I am being able to "connect the dots..." now. I am extremely thankful that time and again you have tried your best to take our suggestions and have made improvements technically. I love humour and you make learning more lively and interesting with your humorous way of teaching. I request you to add little more of it every day. Though my experience of reality so far makes me disagree with you in some of your political views, I always appreciate you for promoting free thinking and respecting the opposite view as well. Your free videos in your personal Youtube channel (SM.ORG) are really meaningful and i request you to continue it. In the end, I would surely wish to meet you personally someday after clearing the exam and I will surely do it. Finally, Thank u for all your hard work. JAY JAGANNATH.

I am happy that I have invested in this Master course which is paying back highly. The way Manudhane Sir explains thing in the easiest and best way... He is indeed a great teacher. Thank you so much Sir, and thank you to the whole PT Team.

Sir I have joined this Prabodhan MASTER COURSE From starting so I have gained tremendous knowledge and unique dimension to see all current affairs of world and editorial of The Hindu I am a Hindi medium student but the way u simplify , it is blessings for me and often I had a strong vocabulary now . So I will call this course as" GYAN SAGAR" rather than master course I have no words to define your excellent explanation on all editorial thanks is very little against these contributions. I have left all whatsapp group after your view on hatred spreading by propaganda machine . for last 20-15 days I was not able to attend it but now with full speed I am attending it . After PROBODHAN I have turned 360 from 2 months earlier reading capacity. Now I read as many as scientific research paper and articles to be independent thinker . I believe that it was blue chip investment of my life . Again SAHARDAY PRANAM GURUJI ISHWAR APKO AUR PT PARIVAR KO HAHAMESHA KHUSH RAKHE Koi galti ho to maf Kare JAI HIND

Namaste Sir.,.,. I am very happy to join this course. This is my testimonial after 12 day of joining this course and now i am felling that i have build some confidence inside me, how to approach a news in exam perspective, how to make notes, how connect the dots regarding all issue and a 360 degree view. I also like you give us some important short question during session. It is very helpful to be stable in current affairs. sorry sir my English is not good....but i know you can manage it and lastly in the presentation slide you give us the SYLLABUS and PAPER related information on every Topic which make this course different form any other course and which also makes very helpful to memories the SYLLABUS and PAPER but today 22/08/2018 while i was watching the live session the SYLLABUS and PAPER Information TAB was missing.......... so sir.,.,... it is my humble request you to please don't remove the tab.....because for a new CSE aspirant the most difficult task for his/her is to memories the syllabus. YOU R My GURU, My Motivator(especially you'r words are magica),.,.I LUV YOU SIR,,,.,.,KAR K DIKAHYENGE

I wouldn't hesitate at all in saying that Prabodhan Mastercourse is the best course available, not only for the UPSC preparation point of view, but more so for gaining and acquiring knowledge in the true sense. Apart from learning how to read, summaries and understand newspaper articles, the best thing about this course is the perspective that I have developed towards looking at things happening around us and then connecting them. My very sincere thanks for Sandeep sir to whom I'm following since last three years and the whole PT team. Sir ko mera sadar pranaam.

Pranam sir, thanks to you aur pt team for this fantastic hindu editorial analysis. But bahut hi challenging aur lengthy hai aur ground zero par hun .Kabhi itna padhai nahi kiya toh bahut problem aa rahi hai .sir 15-20 sessions mein so bhi gaya par aap log ki mehnat dekh kar main promise karta hun ki 180 sessions kar ke hi dum lunga notes bane hai par bahut se sessions nahi likh paye. Aur likne ki itni habit bhi nahi hai lekin notes complete toh karna hi hai Thank u sir itna confidence dene ke liye aur sessions ko interesting banane ke liye.sir economics mein bahut problem hoti toh kya aap separate sessions bana sakte hain.bas is bar itna hi aab improvement hone ke bad phir se ek testimonial likhunga thank u again pt team

Pranam sir , Prabodhan mastercourse is well designed ,strategised and planned course . it offers huge participation well supervised(thankyou for team) concept analysis is added feature ,likewise many others all respect worthy sometimes i learn from your silence as well . intelligent learning community help each other . along with ca with pt ,it makes full current affairs package .Tapsya ofcouse great handholding service . i will only say, today when i listning to sri krishna updesh ,it was said supreme yajna is Gyana yajna and your image come to my mind . although trying to control senses via mind and arouse soul , when mind goes to learnered person like you it seams it is well directioned . sir always remain on righteous path ,we trust you.

prabhodhan mastercourse is indeed as name suggest an ultimate treasure of knowledge for every knowledge seeker. this 90 mins exercise is always an exhaustive one with a sense of satisfaction within us. On exams point of view such as CSE and other interviews this would help you build a broad opinion on topics of varying domains. As per my experience this master course would be very helpful for subjective exams such as of mains papers of CSE and many others. Thank you. KAR KE DIKHAYENGE

Respected Sir, I was in engineering 3rd year in 2015 when, I first saw your video on world war 2, that was the point of time in my life when i realized that i have interest in studying the world and after a few more of your videos it was completely clear what i wanted to be in my life.... Answer is both simple and complex... I.A.S. so i started my preparation in 2016 but i am not successful yet.... but i know now with your guidance and motivation and enthusiasm and the way you keep on motivating us i will clear the examination... just one problem sir why didn't you start the course earlier. I know i miss the quiz and forum discussion but i have been completely regular in making notes and revising them. I also want to tell you sir that you make us feel responsible, smart, intelligent and confident with every passing session.... THANK YOU so much for this wonderful course and thank you so much for the modification. I wish i could make you proud..PRANAM sir and Jai Hind

Sir....Sadar Pranam. No need to say that its a fantastic program rather a life changing activity. I have attended almost all sessions live from the day one and made my notes of analysis but due to lack of time and other responsibilities concepts are kept for revision sessions. I know, I am lacking on my part but you and your team had professional,so concerned,so involved ....commendable and hats off to you all.what you have told In the beginning was correct"just do it and you will see the results in weeks...." though i have not gave my 100 percent yet still can see the change in terms of confidence as well as in understanding. In return I can't pay you anything other than my best wishes to you and your team. Only one wish, that I want to be your student for my entire life.

this one is for the PT team for the hard work and the effort they are putting in, you guys are amazing. i loved the two updates specially the tags one as being from a technical seems simple but it isnt. last minute revision just got very easy now amazing keep up the good work
Dear Respected Manudhane Sir , Charansparsh ! The more I spend time with PTeducation the less I find word to write the testimonial. I have attended the Prabodhan Mastercourse regular from session 001 to the session 040. Made my notes sincerely. Feeling a great change in myself. Earlier, I was confused for my carrier. Whether I should become a teacher or a civil servant. But PTeducation made me release that I should gain more and more knowledge for both options. Now I'm trying to just flow with the flow with hard effort. In my view, PT Education has not only reshaped my intellect but also embolden my character. Long live Rammohan Sir ! Long live Manudhane Sir ! Long live PT Education !

Pranam sir , first of all i demanding an apology for once being bit harsh on comment thread due to not able to watch session on time due to technical reasons .Sir i consider Prabodhan as life changing event writing ,speaking ,listning ,attentive,interview and what not , all happens in planned manner and sir one secret i am revealing we are stealing your way of of planning , execution and applying same in personal life ,and i came to realise we have to go beyond certain level and then see the things . just like an aeroplane in sky everything down look so small and immaterial similarly our all pains become immaterial ,when a threshhold everytime is crossed with your hand holding , best part of prabodhan is that it aims to make independent and your approach avoid any kind of spoonfeeding i have experienced live examples of that with you . thank you sir keep enlighten humanity with your years long tapsya sir you are a determined Tapaswi. only one thing with i disagree very humbly ,kar ke dikhayenge tagline is bit arrogative ,to who we aim to show ,although it is well established i am in no where suggesting for removal ,everybody can mould according to him ,to show one self ,but a layman cathes it as superficial purpose ,i think khud ko kar ke dikhayenge or kar ke rahenge is more appropriate . because your all other names resembles solitude like tapasya ,prabodhan etc.
I Have Recently Started This Session From Sandeep Sir. I Would Love To Say That This Is The Best Session I Have Ever Devoted My Time.He Is A Great Mentor Thanks

I never expected that hindu editorials will be dealt in such a manner. It is very much crisp and easy to understand and easy to replicate in Gs mains answers. Since few days back I started answer writing to questions on regular basis, there is an improvement in quality of my answers. Its all because of your prabodhan lectures. I recommended this course to few of my friends, soon they are going to be enrolled. Thank u so much for your effort for our future.

I Am Working In Damodar Valley Corporation As A Engineer . Sir You Are Best Teacher For All Upsc Aspirants . Your Video Probodhan,Current Affairs Seems Like Present In Class Room This Is Fantastic Courses For Me. These Current Affairs Are Best To Understand Internationalaffairs, National, Economy, Polity, Environment. Kar Ke Dikhayenge Thanks Sir

Pranam Sandeep sir.first of all thank you and entire PT team for endeavouring towards changing the future of India.I found you among the best teachers I came across.Prabodhan Mastercourse is definitely a life changing course and I am improving very fast.I am preparing for CDS exam and failed twice in SSB interview because I didn't do well in my personal interviews, but now I am confident about it as you along with your team and prabodhan mastercourse are with me.Truely prabodhan mastercourse is one of its kind and I like concepts along with editorial which allow us to go in depth of the topic, please keep on taking the concepts and also provide PDF of these if possible . I request you please either keep on giving us some additional inputs other than knowledge part for PI and GD or make some additional videos on it because most of us have to face interviews. Once again I would like to thank you and PT team which spend several hours for making these sessions. Thank you sir God bless you

Sir you are one of the best teachers I have ever interacted with. You make me more liberal while reading or hearing another thinking which might conflict my current point of view and believe me sir on many topics there is 360° turn after it. Sir your decision to become a teacher might helped millions of people, at least for me a lot. Your teaching is one of the crucial phase of life and may be in future I will become a rationale person with good emotion and serve needy people

Namaste sir,again happy birthday pt education! Sir ye sirf pt education ka birthday nahi hai ye birthday hai us gyan-jyot ka Jo apne aur apki team ne 25 saal pahle jalai thi Jo aaj bhi prajwalit ho rahi hai.yah 25 saalo me apne Na Jane kitne baccho ko gyan ki satya ki raah dikhai aur Saath Saath hamne apne har chote prayas se ek din sunhara Bharat dekhne ka sapna dekha.sir mera ek suggestion hai ki please is special din pr ek special video banaye jisme aap apne sabdo me pt education ki apki aur un lakho baccho ki is adbhut yatra ke bare me kuch short apki ab tak ki journey.aur sir yeh bahut hi accha din hoga apki team se hame rubru karvane ka bhi.jara ham bhi to dekhe ye kon log hai Jo hamare liye 24*7 itni mehnat karte hai (ha..ha).aur sir ek sawal tha aap itni Sari numeric aur static data yaad kese kar lete hai ye god gifted hai ya barso ki tapasya.p prabodhan course ki to kya tarif Kru saruvaat mein thoda kasht hua phif laga agar Krishna Saath hai to arjun ko kya course ne mujhe apna 110% dene pe majboor kar diya.thank u for making this course.mein pt ki sabhi services follow karta hu to ab to gharwale,dost sab sochte hai k ise phone me bhagvan mil gaye hai kya ....!! Jay hind.
Dear Respected Manudhane Sir , Charansparsh ! It's my great fortune for being a part of Prabodhan Mastercourse. I have no word to justify with the positive gains I have made from the sessions. During sessions, I often feel that you're nurturing me with the unique extracts of the experience you owned after a hard tapasya. Depth in diverse issues and topics in such a balanced manner wouldn't have been possible without you. Most of the time I'm unable to access FORUM because of my busy schedule, but sooner I'll manage for it. Humorously, I commented on your favorite subjects. I'm extremely sorry for that. God bless you !

Great , But Include One Article From Indian Express Daily Because The Hindu's All Article Are Not Relevant . You May Skip Non-Useful The Hindu Article(W.R.T. Upsc Syllabus).